Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Okay, Americans are hungry. We get it. Well I've got news for you - things are tough all over, people. The President himself has been forced to substitute cube steak for his nightly prime rib, and the only wine available is a detestable Chateau Montrose 2043. But does he whine? Does he take to the streets like a rabid Red? So please, good people, please. Wait in line. Get your food. And then go home. We're Americans! We do not solve our problems with violence.— Warren Eccleston, Food Riots Rile Feds, Fallout 3

Warren Eccleston was a spokesman for the White House in 2077.


In response to food riots taking place across the United States, Eccleston made a public statement on behalf of the White House appealing for calm. He claimed that they understood people were angry about rationing, and made an attempt to relate to the American public by stating that even the President had had to make sacrifices, even if those sacrifices were cube steak with "detestable" vintage wine. An article on Eccleston's statement was then published in the January 11, 2077, edition of the Capitol Post newspaper.[1]


Warren Eccleston is mentioned only in Fallout 3.

