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This is a transcript for dialogue with Dontrelle Haines.


# Dialogue Topic Form ID Player Prompt Response Text Script Notes
1 0057E1D8 0057E1E1 GREETING Well, well, another visitor to the Responders graveyard. Somber, melancholy
2 You must be pretty good to have got past all those mutants out there. Come to pay your respects to the fallen?
3 00583D5C Back so soon? Well, I won't complain. A little company's nice from time to time.
4 00583D5D Well, now. Didn't think I'd be seeing you again.
5 00583D5E Back to walk among the dead? Well, I haven't joined them just yet.
6 00583D5F Yes, I'm still here. Still tending the garden of peace, as it were.
7 00583D26 00583D64 Idle Chatter It's peaceful here, and quiet, too. I like that. Before the war, the world was just too loud.
8 00583D65 Can't say I would have guessed some ruined old airport in West Virginia would be my final resting place, but here I am.
9 00583D66 Every day brings the end a little closer.
10 00583D67 To close these weary eyes and sleep one last time. Won't be long now.
11 00583D68 Got a chill in these old bones that I can't seem to shake.
12 00583D69 Sore back, sore feet, sore everything. This old body's had just about enough.
13 0057E1C8 0057E1DD Who are you? Name's Dontrelle. Dontrelle Haines.
14 00583D4A 00583D6A I got a brother around here somewhere. Or maybe somewhere else. All I know is he was one of these Responders. Sad, world-weary. Talk a little slow, draw it out. You don't get an audience very often.
15 Came to check on him. Was a few years too late, looks like. Now I'm just marking the time while the cancer eats me up from inside. Sad, world-weary. Talk a little slow, draw it out. You don't get an audience very often.
16 In the end, none of us can escape our fate. We'll all be food for the worms. Sad, world-weary. Talk a little slow, draw it out. You don't get an audience very often.
17 0057E1CA 0057E1D9 I don't really give a damn about the Responders. That so? They're long gone now, so I guess most folks don't.
18 Nowadays, it's everybody for themselves. Can't spare a helping hand for anyone else. Got to survive.
19 0057E1CC 0057E1DE That's not why I'm here. Same's true of most who come through here.
20 Me, I'm the watchman. Self-appointed. Keeper of the cemetery, as it were. I keep the dead company.
21 0057E1CE 0057E1DA Like you said, I'm here to pay my respects. That's good. It's important to honor the memories of those we lost. Sad, world-weary, slow
22 00583D31 00583D61 Thanks for your time. Time's all I've got left, but I don't mind sharing it. You be safe out there.
23 00583D33 00583D51 What do you know about this area? I know it's a ruined wasteland filled with a hundred things that want to eat you.
24 It's better this way. Less noise, less fuss. Just echoes. In time, nature takes it all back. One day, nobody will know there was ever a city here.
25 But in the short term, well, you've got the train station with the robot who can sell you supplies, and south of that, the train yard might be good for salvage.
26 And of course, Morgantown's just across the river. Probably lots of useful stuff over there, if you can survive.
27 00583D35 00583D6C This place is dangerous. Why do you stay here? Well, I don't figure it matters much how dangerous this place is. If one of those mutants doesn't get me, the cancer will.
28 But I guess what keeps me here is just knowing this is where my brother died.
29 Call me a superstitious old fool, but I don't want my spirit to have to walk too far to find his.
30 00583D37 00583D55 You mentioned a brother? Marcus. Five years younger than me, star running back in high school, and handsome, too. Had all the ladies chasing him.
31 He followed me into the army and became an MP, then got out and moved to Morgantown. Signed up with the police.
32 Back then, I was still living in Cincinnati. We'd talk on the radio. He tried to get me to come out here and join the Responders more than once.
33 I do miss him. Somber, sad.
34 00583D39 00583D62 I'll be on my way, then. You go on, then. Get out there and live your life. Enjoy it while you still can.
35 00583D3B 00583D52 [Charisma 4+] I'm deeply sorry, both for you and your brother. Is there anything I can do? Well, that's right kind of you to ask. Can't remember the last time I met someone with good manners.
36 Kindness like that deserves a reward.
37 00583D3D 00583D5B [Intelligence 4+] If you're on borrowed time, it seems only reasonable to give me your supplies. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. I believe that's first Timothy, chapter six, verse seven.
38 The good book has brought me comfort these past few years. Maybe I can give you something that'll do the same.
39 00583D30 00583D54 This is supposed to help with radiation. Won't do me much good now, so here, you take it.
40 00583D3F 00583D50 Could you answer some questions for me? What would you like to know?
41 00583D42 00583D4E You have cancer? Pretty sure. Can't exactly get a hospital visit to check, but I was a medic in the army once, so I know a thing or two about it.
42 Got to figure it's the radiation. Plenty of that still around.
43 It's just as well. My time is coming, and I've made peace with it.
44 00583D44 00583D58 Not me. I'm going to live forever! Is that so? Well then I feel a deep pity for you.
45 Day by day, this weary old world is dying. Don't have to look far to see that.
46 All the great institutions of man, all his worldly achievements and wondrous machines... they're all rust and dust now.
47 I can't think of a fate more tragic than to live forever and be forced to watch all that was once good and beautiful rot down to nothing.
48 00583D41 00583D5A Anyway, guess you've listened to me ramble on for long enough by now. What can this old man do for you?
49 00583D46 00583D6D Your attitude sucks, old man. Well, that's a natural way to feel. Most folks don't like to talk about their inevitable end. Makes 'em uncomfortable.
50 But some part of us, deep down, always hears that ticking clock. We try to bury it, but it's always there. Tick, tick, tick.
51 Me, I like the sound. It's soft, comforting. One day soon, that ticking clock will lull me to sleep, once and for all. Tick, tick, tick.
52 00583D41 00583D5A Anyway, guess you've listened to me ramble on for long enough by now. What can this old man do for you?
53 00583D48 00583D56 That's why we have to make our lives count for something. That's just the kind of thing Marcus would say.
54 Me, I just looked out for myself. Now I'm still alive, and he's long gone.
55 Did his life count for something? I don't really know. He and the other Responders saved a lot of folks, but they all died eventually.
56 Now they're all dust and memories, and even those will fade in time.
57 00583D41 00583D5A Anyway, guess you've listened to me ramble on for long enough by now. What can this old man do for you?
58 00583D4B 00583D53 No time to talk right now. Goodbye. Alright then.
59 0058FEBB 0058FEBD Tell me more about the Responders. They used to be cops, firefighters, medics. Marcus always made them sound like good folk. They looked after other people as best they could. Somber, sad
60 This was their base, far as I can tell. They got overrun by those things out in the halls. Found a few bodies in here and set up a little memorial.
61 There was a lady named Chavez. Got a holotape she made on that map table. Last words, by the sound of it.
62 I ain't been here that long, so that's about all I know.