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Vault-Tec: Among the Stars terminal entries are entries found on terminals within Vault-Tec: Among the Stars in the Fallout 4 add-on Nuka-World.

Experiment 002 observation terminal[]


Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
R. Langston, Subliminal Suggestions Tech

Daily Observation 09HJ900[]


Tech ratcheted-up the frequency on the Subliminal Suggestion Emitters a few notches yesterday, and we're checking out the effect. Honestly, I can't see an appreciable difference. We're using the Blue Grade Holotape suggestions, simple stuff like "take off your hat," "you have an itch on your nose," "blink your eyes a few times..." stuff like that. The frequency boost was supposed to widen the spectrum and grab more people, but I'm counting the same numbers over the last six hours. I might try the Orange Grade Holotapes tomorrow.

Daily Observation 09HJ907[]


The Orange Grade Holotape suggestions really did the trick. The more apprehensive the subject is to the suggestion, the more susceptible they are to the emitted frequency. Doesn't make sense to me, but Dr. Bateman seems to think it has something to do with the subject's "fight or flight" tendencies. When a very low-grade suggestion is made, the fight or flight doesn't need to kick in, so no chemicals are released into the body like adrenaline. The tone we play with suggestions from the emitters causes endorphin release. Dr. Bateman thinks that releasing endorphins and adrenaline at the same time is having some sort of chemical effect that's making the subject unconsciously eager to "have more," almost like a drug addiction. It's fascinating stuff.

Daily Observation 09HJ910[]


Went a little too far with the Orange Grade stuff today. I'm pretty sure the "shove the visitor in front of you" suggestion got through to this lady and she did exactly that. Unfortunately, the other lady she shoved wasn't so forgiving and they started a fistfight. Had to hit the alarm and security pulled them out of the exhibit. Dr. Bateman told me to just go with Blue Grade for a while until things calm down-- maybe a few days at most. To tell you truthIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar, I'm glad to make the switch. The Orange Grade stuff kind of scares me. Come to think of it, what scares me more is that we have Red Grade Holotapes too. Never used them, and hope we never will.

Daily Observation 09HJ915[]


Been on Blue Grade for almost a week now, and frankly, it's getting boring again. I decided to throw in the Orange Grade Holotape for a little while and see what happens. Best hour of the week, for sure. Didn't have any fistfights this time, but got a guy to drink someone else's Nuka-Cola, made a lady pick a guy's pocket and keep his wallet, and actually had a guy just piss in his pants without a care in the world. This is premium stuff. I think I'll send this tape and the frequency we're using to headquarters so they can analyze it further.

Experiment 004 observation terminal[]


Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
C. Grunner, Theta Radiation Tech

Experiment 004 Observation Terminal

Daily Observation 07HJ902[]


Dr. Bateman suggested we try Theta Radiation in the Reactor Area and observe the results it had on the visitors. Unlike standard ionizing radiation, theta isn't supposed to leave any lasting physical effects and works almost instantly. It's been quite a chore keeping up with doctor's reports and aftercare sometimes months after the visitor left the park, so this will be a welcome change. I'll climb into the chamber tonight and change out the core dampener myself, just to make certain it's done to Dr. Bateman's specifications.

Daily Observation 07HJ903[]


It appears that at low levels, the Theta Radiation is having the exact effects that Dr. Bateman predicted. People are getting tired, getting a bit dizzy, looking momentarily lost and slurring their speech on occasion. The effect seems to last for maybe five minutes at the most, which is beyond our expectations. I will continue to observe and record the effect and send all of the data to Vault-Tec Headquarters first thing in the morning.

Daily Observation 07HJ907[]


I've been observing the effect of the Theta Radiation for almost four days now, and I'm not really generating any new data points. Frankly, it's getting boring in this control center, and with Dr. Bateman breathing down my neck, I can't do anything recreational. I am literally staring at the same readouts for hours at a time. I was okay with it at first, but now it's starting to get to me. I wish Dr. Bateman would allow me to dial up the Theta Radiation, but he said we need long-term observation at a constant level. I don't get why I can't mess with the settings. Hell, even Langston who sits right behind me gets to mess around with the holotapes and try out different things. Oh well.

Daily Observation 07HJ910[]


Dr. Bateman woke me up from a nap I was having at my console and yelled at me for falling asleep on the job. I couldn't even remember falling asleep. Then it sort of hit me. I mean, what if Dr. Bateman piped the Theta Radiation in here too? I'd be a perfect long-term subject, right? I spent the better part of an hour tearing open all of the maintenance panels in the place, but I can't find out how he's doing it. If he's doing it. Just the thought of it is really starting to piss me off.

Daily Observation 07HJ915[]


I've had enough of this crap. I don't know if Langston is messing with me, or Bateman is messing with me, or both of them are, but I feel like I'm one of the visitors to the exhibit and someone else is watching me. Well, guess what? I'm locking the doors to this place and nobody's going to come in here. If I have to spend the rest of October in here all by myself, then so be it! And if Bateman tries to use the override to open the doors, I've got a sweet 10mm pistol in my hand just waiting to be fired.

Daily Observation 07HJ920[]


I don't know if I'm paranoid, a victim of my own experimentation, or what the hell is going on. Langston ran in here today screaming something about bombs falling and to "seal the Vault." He kept yelling and screaming and the sound was making my head split. I couldn't take it anymore, so I shot him... I shot him dead. I tried to leave the Control Room, but we're locked in. Or are we locked in? I don't know what's real anymore and what isn't. My head hurts all of the time, I keep getting dizzy, I keep falling asleep. Is the world gone? Was Langston lying or telling the truth? I don't know what to do. Maybe it's time I put an end to this. I think I know what I have to do.

Operations terminal[]


Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
J. Hodgson, Operations Engineer

Journal Entry 011677[]


It's my first day on the job here at the Vault-Tec exhibit. Never thought they'd let me work in Nuka-World. I mean, you can hardly call this a job. All I have to do is make sure the exhibit doesn't fall apart, all the techs are happy and sometimes conduct a tour or two. Plus I'm getting paid double what I made at the Washington D.C. office.

One of the guys working at Nuka-Galaxy said they give rides to the employees after the park closes, so I'll probably head over there after work and check it out.

Journal Entry 021977[]


Had a scare when this old guy collapsed after walking through the exhibit. I thought he might have had a heart attack, but Dr. Bateman said that it was just heatstroke. I thought that was a weird excuse because we keep the exhibit at a constant 72 degrees. Maybe that's too hot for old folks? I'll bring it up at the next staff meeting.

Journal Entry 042077[]


Another really strange day. Dr. Bateman locked himself out of the Observation Room again. I told him to put a spare key in his locker so he wouldn't forget it next time. He brushed me off, and left the room. I don't know why, but the whole interaction made me really, really angry. A few minutes later I had a bad headache. Maybe something's wrong with the filtered air system in the exhibit?

Journal Entry 042377[]


The hell is going on around here? I don't know if someone is messing with my terminal or if I'm losing my mind. I don't remember making that last journal entry about getting angry or having a headache. I've felt perfectly fine for weeks.

Just a few minutes ago, Dr. Bateman came through, and out of nowhere, he said I should really stop drinking on the job. I do smell a little bit like whisky, but I don't remember drinking any.

Maybe I need a vacation. Or a doctor's appointment.

Journal Entry 0053077[]


All right, I've had enough of this. A lady just went nuts and ran out of the exhibit screaming. The day before that, some guy took off all his clothes for no reason and acted like he didn't have a care in the world until security dragged him away. To make matters worse, I keep getting sudden nosebleeds and headaches. I'm constantly forgetting things I've done and misplacing stuff I shouldn't be losing. Dr. Bateman said he thinks it has something to do with stress or new job anxiety, but come on. Nosebleeds and memory loss from job anxiety? Really?

Project lead terminal[]


Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
L. Bateman, Project Lead

Project Consumer Guidance
Authorized Personnel Only

Experiment 001[]


Experiment 001: Brainwave Disruption
Use of radiation scrubbers in the exhibit to emit an electromagnetic field that causes interference in the brainwave patterns of human subjects.

Expected Results:
Minor loss of motor control, temporary stupor and forgetfulness.

Experiment 002[]


Experiment 002: Subliminal Suggestions
Use of audio emitters to generate varying degrees of subliminal suggestions overlaid with a specific frequency.

Expected Results:
Acceptance of suggestions causing subjects to perform involuntary actions. Headaches, depression, or other phenomena resulting from neurochemical release.

Experiment 003[]


Experiment 003: Hypnotic Pheromones
Use of genetic modification on flora to release a pheromone-like airborne toxin which will be inhaled while passing by the emitters.

Expected Results:
Loss of independent thought, minor addiction, susceptibility to suggestion.

Experiment 004[]


Experiment 004: Theta Radiation
Use of reactor modification to emit theta-band radiation in low, short doses.

Expected Results:
Drowsiness, extreme fatigue, potential paranoia from sleep deprivation.

Experiment 005[]


Experiment 005: Long-Term Testing
Use of Experiments 001-004 on Hodgson, Grunner, Dallas, Bartlebee and Langston to assess long-term effects.

Expected Results:
Varies by experiment (see Experiments 001-004).

Vault-Tec sales terminal[]


Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
Vault-Tec Sales Desk 2

Sales Instructions[]


Hello, Vault-Tec Sales Associate! As people exit the Vault-Tec: Among the Stars exhibit, you'll be responsible for taking visitors aside and converting them to potential applicants. Even if they seem interested, remember that the applicant will have many questions but very little time on their hands. How can you ensure you're prepared to step them through our sales process in a quick and accurate manner? Simple! Remember the "The Three I's": Introduction, Initiation and Information.

Note: If any of the applicants appear to be ill or acting in a strange manner, be certain to report this to a sales supervisor immediately.

Step One: Introduction[]


First and foremost, greet the applicant with a hearty handshake and a warm smile. Perhaps tell a light (clean) joke to make them laugh or a pleasant compliment about their appearance. Ask them if they want something to drink or offer them a snack. Check how they're feeling and gauge their mood. Make them feel like they're already home and a part of the Vault-Tec family. Studies show beginning with this approach increases the chances of a sale by over 28%!

Step Two: Initiation[]


When you feel like you've gained their confidence, explain the benefits of life within a Vault using the information from our "Better Living Underground" packet. If they still appear hesitant, don't pester them or give them the "hard sell." Our studies show that this over-aggressive approach usually turns the applicants off, and they become unwilling to listen to anything you have to say. For the overly-skeptical applicant, or if you need something to tip the scales if you think the applicant is undecided, we suggest letting them glance through the "History Of Radiation Burns" or the "Mutations: It Could Happen To You" brochures.

Step Three: Integration[]


So, you've finally convinced the applicant to sign? Good job! Now it's time to step them through the quick and painless application process. Pull the following forms from the New Applicants file: GZ089 Health Form, TR17 Liability WavierIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar, LM222 Last Will and Testament Form, DB104 Vault-Tec Citizenship Agreement, XM003 Organ Donation Invoice, HW660 Psychological Evaluation Screening, KY269 Intimate Relations Conduct Agreement, PLK575 Rights Revocation Charter and the FQS010 Family History Form. Have the applicant fill these out in quintuplicate.

File the daffodil-colored copy in the Corporate Bin, file the lemon-colored copy in the Local Bin, place the canary-colored copy in the Medical Bin, place the gold-colored copy in the Insurance Bin and present the yellow copy to the applicant. Do NOT place the wrong copy in the wrong bins, or the process will need to be repeated!
