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This is a transcript for dialogue with Darrow.

{100}{}{You see a Citizen in a bright blue jumpsuit. It looks like the Vault Dweller's suit, but there is no number on the back.}
{101}{}{You see Sub-Amenities Officer Darrow.}
{102}{}{You see a Citizen in a bright blue jumpsuit. It looks like the Vault Dweller's suit, but there is no number on the back.}
{104}{}{It's the hero! Look!}
{105}{}{My word! It's the hero, here, in Vault City!}
{106}{}{Good day, Captain.}
{107}{}{Vault City prevails, Captain.}
{108}{}{Good day, Citizen.}
{109}{}{Vault City prevails, Citizen.}
{110}{}{A mutant! Guards! Guards!}
{111}{}{A ghoul! Guards! Guards!}
{112}{}{Need to see about ordering some more tools from Redding.}
{113}{}{Kind of slow today.}
{114}{}{I wonder if Randal has finished that shipping list yet.}
{115}{}{Seems like I just gave Randal a stock list yesterday.}
{116}{}{At least this job beats working in the List Office.}
{117}{}{Servants keep wearing out most of the tools. I wish they'd take better care of them...}
{118}{}{Sure could use a vacation.}
{119}{}{The Sub-Amenities Office is closed for the night... come back in the morning. }
{120}{}{Right now I'm taking stock. Come back when we open in the morning.}
{121}{}{We're closed. You might try the general store outside if you really need something.}
{122}{}{Anything I can help you with, Captain?}
{123}{}{Anything I could help you with, Citizen?}
{124}{}{I'm sorry, can I help you with something?}
{125}{}{Sumfin? Doodle-doodle doooooo}
{126}{}{Shamble off}
{127}{}{What is this place?}
{128}{}{Can I see what you have in stock?}
{129}{}{Nothing today, thanks.}
{130}{}{Wait here for a moment, all right? I'll bring someone to show you out.}
{131}{}{NO ME NO GO}
{132}{}{Okeee-dokeeee }
{133}{}{Say, just so you know, there's a general store in the Courtyard outside. You might want to try shopping there... I hear his selection is almost as good as ours.}
{134}{}{Uh, thanks.}
{135}{}{I'll shop where I want to, got it?}
{136}{}{Thanks for stopping by. Vault City prevails, Citizen.}
{137}{}{Thanks for stopping by. Vault City prevails, Captain.}
{138}{}{Vault City prevails, Citizen.}
{139}{}{Good day, Citizen.}
{140}{}{Sub-Amenities Office A. I'm in charge of general supply needs, like tools and repair equipment. The name's Darrow... Sub-Amenities Officer Darrow. See anything you need? }
{141}{}{This is the Sub-Amenities Office A... we handle tools and repair equipment for the city. You sure this was the place you were looking for?}
{142}{}{Can I see what you have in stock?}
{143}{}{Yes, this is the place. Can I see what you have in stock?}
{144}{}{Nothing today, thanks.}
{145}{}{I don't think so. Goodbye.}
{146}{}{Hey! Stay away from there!}
{147}{}{That's it! You're out of here!}

