Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

The following story was recovered from The Gunny's sandbox pages and is kept here for archival purposes.

Let's say your average 13 year old just got Fallout 3 on the most recent Steam sale. His name is Jose. He lives in a lovely little hamlet in the south of Spain. His mother, let's call her Gisele, makes him eat his vegetables and only allows him to play his XBox on weekends after his homework is done. She's a good mom. Jose has never played a Fallout game before and he has never used a wiki to learn more about a game. Jose picks up the 10mm pistol in Vault 101. He yearns to learn more about this pistol. Is it good? Should I keep it? Are there better weapons I'll soon see? How much is it worth? Should I sell it for caps? His friend, Albert, who, completely coincidentally, happens to be corpulent, tells him about this wiki. Jose's world is much brighter as unicorns and rainbows and other foofoo shit hover around his room.

Jose googles "Fallout wiki". For the love of all Wikia, we are the first 10,000 suggested links. He clicks the link to our wiki and sees the search function. See, Jose is computer literate, so he knows what a search function does. He has no idea that there is more than one 10mm pistol though, so he searches for 10mm pistol. What he wants, what he needs, you gotcha, you gotcha, is to find the page for 10mm pistol (Fallout 3). He is impatient, though, as he's cramping a bit from all the sweets his mother allows him in an attempt to overcompensate for her strict home work rule, so he ignores the fact that 10mm pistol (Fallout 3) pops up in search suggest. He sees the list of articles that the search engine returns and clicks the 10mm pistol page. It's OK. Jose is not stupid, he is just ignorant of the fact there is more than one. This link takes him to a properly formatted disambiguation page that has, in a pithy list, all of the pages titled 10mm pistol (something). "Ay," he says in his inner-head voice (he speaks Spanish, what did you expect?), "hay más de uno de estos. Voy a escoger el uno para el juego que deseo." Jose is now content. He is loved and full of wonderful 10mm pistol goodness.

But it doesn't stop there. Jose is now a voracious gamer. He realized that there are other Fallout games and now has saved his pesos/euros/whateverthecurrencyinSpainis and has purchased more of them. As often happens, he now is interested in the lore of the Fallout Universe®. His appetite is whetted for more 10mm pistol goodness. So he navigates to the metaphorically dog-eared 10mm pistol (Fallout 3) page and finally takes the plunge. He dares click the For:See hatnote template at the top of the page teasing him with other, undiscovered 10mm pistols. He finds himself on the 10mm pistols page with an overview of all similar pistols in all of the Fallout Universe®. It has all the lore he ever wished for, and marshmallows. And not those crappy little ones, we're talking the real deal here. Jose's life is now complete. His bucket list bucketed. His fondest dreams fondly dreamed. He can now die a happy boy. He had cancer. Did I forget to mention that? Yeah. It sucks, but I'm only the messenger, shoot someone else.

So ends the sordid tale of Jose and the 10mm pistol. And also Jose. Morbid, huh?
