Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Deadlykris Deadlykris 19 August 2011

New Wikia profile change

Ok, so when I logged on yesterday afternoon (US Central time) I saw a notification about the new profiles. So I took a look and immediately didn't like it. But then I took a closer look, and one change alone made me warm up to it. Next to the user's name, is their group. For example, next to my name, it says "Admin", next to Scar's name it says Chat moderator, etc. So I filled out all the stuff they asked for, even my Twitter thing which I rarely Tweet, and even put a real picture of me. An old one, but I don't look much different these days.

So how do you guys like the new profile? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Deadlykris Deadlykris 15 July 2011

Real-life Pip-boy style device in the works

I'll let the article speak for itself.

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Deadlykris Deadlykris 12 July 2011

from my phone

I have nothing of consequence to say and I'm saying it from my BlackBerry smartphone.

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Deadlykris Deadlykris 27 June 2011

Supreme Court blocks violent video game ban bill

The Supreme Court on Monday refused to let California regulate the sale or rental of violent video games to children, saying governments do not have the power to "restrict the ideas to which children may be exposed" despite complaints about graphic violence.

On a 7-2 vote, the high court upheld a federal appeals court decision to throw out the state's ban on the sale or rental of violent video games to minors. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Sacramento had ruled that the law violated minors' rights under the First Amendment, and the high court agreed.

see more

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Deadlykris Deadlykris 10 November 2010

I give up...

I give up...while Monobook is fine for normal use, it doesn't support a lot of the new features such as block comment replies. So I must reluctantly switch to Oasis, or not use those features.

Thanks a lot Wikia. :(

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