Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Its come to our attention that long time Wiki user SaintPain passed in Late July.

We don't have a lot of details on exactly what happened. We do know that he was a veteran, that he'd had numerous medical issues following his discharge several years ago, but understand that his admittance to a VA hospital was quite sudden and unexpected.

We understand his earthly remains left the hospital with an honour guard, as befits a veteran.

Saint described himself as living in a "Special state of mind", and I can't think of anyone who this described better. Saint had a strange way of communicating that could often confuse newcomers but once you got beyond that, was one of the most genuine people out there

Although this did lead to Saint being banned from our chatroom for life, Saintpain did not let that get him down. He contributed to the main wiki so much that we changed the rules to allow him to petition for this ban to be removed after a long period of good behaviour... To this date the rule allowing people to have their ban reviewed after 12 months is still known as "The SaintPain Rule".

He contributed to the Wiki through his participation in the Fallout Apprentice project, and a LOT of image uploads.

His final score was 3477 Article edits, and 845 Files.

As is our tradition, his talk page has been left as a living memorial/condolence book.

Given his obsession with David Bowie, I'll close this by saying that I hope somewhere up there you can hear us "Major Tom", and know we're all thinking of you. Agent c (talk) 23:55, July 31, 2017 (UTC)
