Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

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See, the world's a dangerous and unbalanced place. So I realized, the only way to bring peace was to make sure that everyone could be dangerous!My hero

Hello, I am The Milkman. I am a huge fan of the Fallout franchise.


Kenneth the Vault Dweller[]


I'm saving an entire people from destruction!— Kenneth the Vault Dweller

Kenneth was born in Vault 13. After 19 years of life underground, Ken was forced topside when his vault's water chip broke. Thus, he was thrust into the cruel wasteland, where his actions would become legend.

Warren the Wasteland Warrior[]

I've lost all respect for you.— Boone

Warren was born in the Jefferson Memorial in the Capital Wasteland. As a baby, his father James took him to Vault 101, where the boy was raised. At the age of nineteen, his father left the Vault, leaving it in chaos and forcing Warren to go after him. Stepping out into the wastes, he stuck out like a sore thumb with his clean shaven and short hair. He wandered into Megaton, where he took up residence. Over time, his beard grew in and his hair long, and he swapped out his jumpsuit for leather armour. With his leather armour and sawed-off shotty in hand, he ventured into the wastes, with his faithful companion Dogmeat always at his side.

The two went on many adventures together, ultimately freeing the Pitt, restoring pure water to the wastes, eradicating the Enclave, and even leaving Earth's atmosphere. After restoring Project Purity, he headed west, into the Mojave Wasteland, where he eventually got a job as a Courier. He inadvertently destroyed the Divide when he brought a package there. After catching up with the Great Khans in Boulder City. There, he assisted the NCR in retrieving some hostages. He also found one of the Khans who helped Benny, Jessup. He promptly returned the favour for shooting him in the head, and found his new best friend: a Sawed-off shotgun. Jessup's double barrel was always at Warren's side wherever he went, holstered at the hip of his leather armour.

Along the way, he happened upon the town of Novac, where he met a former NCR 1st Recon Sniper, Boone. After helping him kill the woman who sold out his wife, the two went many adventures together, and formed a close relationship with him. He accompanied him on his journey to New Vegas, where he caught up to Benny and shot him in the head.

Along the way, they made sure to kill every Caesar's Legion soldier they found, and they found a lot. They cleared out entire camps, and Warren was genuinely shocked with the tenacity Boone displayed. Eventually, they came upon a small encampment holding Powder Gangers prisoner. After freeing them, Boone came clean with Warren about his past, and shared his touching tale.

In addition to his adventures in the Mojave, Warren also visited the Sierra Madre, where he killed Elijah in an intense shootout. He also aided the Burned Man in evacuating Zion, at the behest of Daniel. In the Big Empty, he befriended a group of intelligent (and insane) robots. After having his brain removed, Warren rampaged through Big Mountain, eventually reuniting with his mind. In the end, he was able to convince his own brain to rejoin him for more wild adventures in the Mojave. Unfortunately, he was not able to reason with the Think Tank, and was forced to kill them. As "Begin Again" played in the background, he reluctantly slew them all with his Holorifle. After those adventures were finished, he faced the final piece of the puzzle: Ulysses.

Warren braved the harsh and lonesome road of The Divide, and eventually reached Ulysses in his temple. There they spoke at length about his deeds, and history. Warren however, managed to talk him down, and instead of fighting each other, they fought together, as "Begin Again" played in the background. In the end, they survived the onslaught of Marked Men. Sadly, ED-E was forced to sacrifice itself in order to prevent another nuclear holocaust.

As the conflict over Hoover Dam escalated, Warren eventually sided with Yes-Man, eventually killing Mr. House. In order to shift blame away from the Mojave Wasteland, Warren needed to keep the president of the NCR alive. In order to do that, he needed to get the NCR to trust him implicitly. In order to do that, he had to do some work for the New California Republic. After helping out around McCarran Airport and dividing power between Freeside and the NCR, they trusted Warren enough to allow him to protect the president. And so, he did.

Before setting out for the battle at Hoover Dam, Boone had some unfinished business. Gathering up all the weapons, ammo, and supplies they've gathered from their previous journeys, Warren, Boone, and ED-E headed back to Cottonwood Cove, and travelled to The Fort. There, they cut a bloody swath through the Legion, massacring any who tried to stop them with heavy machine gun fire, lasers, explosives, tomahawks, and bullets. Warren even made sure to get a kill in with Old Glory, to honour his friend back at the Divide. Entering the tent at the centre of the encampment, Warren went in guns blazing with Old Glory, loaded up with incendiary rockets. Quickly switching to his Holorifle, he bought back to back with Boone, holding off the enemy. Finally, after a long and bloody battle, Boone managed to blow Caesar's head off with his scoped hunting rifle. Though they agreed it wouldn't change much, they had a hell of a fun time doing it.

After that bonding moment, Boone and Warren talked at length about Bitter Springs. Though he dismissed it at first, Boone came around and decided it was best to return, and try to make peace with his memories. After discussing the events that unfolded there, they spent the night at Coyote Tail Ridge. Warren awoke to find Boone ready with his sniper rifle, saying that a large number of Legion troops were headed towards Bitter Springs, to gather up slaves. Warren stuck by his friend, and the two prepared for one more stand against the Legion.

Finally, the fight for Hoover Dam broke out. Warren and Boone made it there just in time for the action, but Boone was unaware that the former was working towards an independent New Vegas. On the way, Warren had to kill some NCR troops, something he never had to do before. Boone, disgusted, walked away. As they parted ways, his last words to Warren were "I've lost all respect for you". Heartbroken at the loss of such a dear friend, he pressed on and finished his mission, single-handedly slaying Lanius, the "Monster of the East". Afterwards, he confronted General Oliver, who was flanked by Yes Man and his Securitron army. Oliver refused to go without a fight, however. In the crossfire, Warren managed to blow Oliver's head off just before a missile bombardment wounded him and broke his shotty. After the dust settled, Yes-Man informed him that he would take a more assertive personality. Sure he would become just another dictator, Warren headed back on the road, alone.

Gamma the Ghoul[]


Gamma is a ghoul living in The Capital Wasteland. He was raised in Vault 101 with his ghoul father, James. Despite being a ghoul, he was never picked on, and was actually good friends with Butch DeLoria. On his way out of the Vault, he made sure to take great pleasure in blowing the Overseer's head off. Once he left the Vault, his adventures truly began.
