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Fallout Wiki

"We all make choices. But in the end, our choices make us."— Andrew Ryan, BioShock

Sasori261 is a Paladin that has given a helping hand to those in need. Though he is secret about his missions, he has helped many factions and wastelanders such as the Lone Wanderer when he escaped Raven Rock. Only because of Sasori261 hacking President Eden's complex ZAX system, was the Lone Wanderer able to escape his cell and exit Raven Rock. Another would be the Courier, if he had not have given an anonymous tip to the people of Goodsprings, the Courier would have been left for dead.


Sasori261 was born in 1909. His mother died of cardiac arrest after child birth, while his father had abandoned him once he knew that his mom was pregnant with him. The local doctor took him in as his adopted son.

At age 14, his adopted father died after a stroke. His father was an inspiration for him, so he became a doctor just like his father.

After 18 years of being a doctor, he was drafted into the military to fight the Tojos in the Pacific. He was a field medic, and a pretty damn good one too.

Two years after the war, he was invited to Rapture, which he immediately accepted. He worked for Andrew Ryan, helping with the transformation of Little Sisters. He felt that transforming little girls into Little Sisters was wrong, but he didn't do anything about it.

During the Civil War between Ryan and Fontaine, he stole the blueprints of the Vita-Chambers. After some customizations, he was able to create a Vita-Chamber that copied his DNA and stored it in its database. After his death in 2001, at age 92, he was reborn in his Vita-Chamber that he had built in 1964, and he was 32 years old again, but now, he never aged, he always stayed 32.

Skipping ahead some 66 years, Sasori261 was a billionaire, he had robbed banks and did a bunch of illegal activity, storing his money in the bank under the name Gordon Freeman. Whenever he was caught, he would commit suicide, ending back up at his Vita-Chamber. He went and got facial surgery and killed the guy who had helped him, so no one knew who he was. He went to Vault-Tec and bought himself his own personal vault. He also paid for some "escorts" so he wouldn't be lonely. He also invited some other people in so the vault would be full of life for hundreds of years to come. He had locked the lower levels and posted security bots around to protect his Vita-Chambers. Ten years later, the bombs fell.

Skipping ahead another 180 years, Sasori261 finally opened the vault to find a wasteland of dust and radiation to greet him. Throughout the time he had spent in the vault, he had pondered his previous actions, and decided that he needed to make some adjustments to his lifestyle. For the next 31 years, he lent a hand to those who were in dire need. Helping those who were dying of thirst, those who were addicted to alcohol and/or chems, those who were desperate need of protection from raiders, and many others. Most notably the Lone Wanderer and the Courier.
