Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
USA Flag Pre-WarThis user is an American.
Gametitle-FO4This user is knowledgeable about Fallout 4.
Gametitle-FO3This user is knowledgeable about Fallout 3.
FO76 BoS spray logo whiteThis user is a member of the Brotherhood of Steel.
Apple LogoThis user uses a Mac.
Playstation 4 iconThis user plays on a Playstation 4.
36 Ambassador of PeaceThis user just might be your Savior.
Dlc03watercrateThis user chose the Brotherhood of Steel ending.

Quick Links[]

My Contributions[]

Super mutant (Fallout 4)
The Institute (location)
Mutant hound
Brian Virgil
Fallout 4 consumables
Institute bottled water
Institute food packet
Frederick (Fallout 4)
Elliott (Fallout 4)
Wild razorgrain
Automated turret (Fallout 4)
Fallout 4 creatures
Fallout 4 robots and computers
ArcJet Systems
Grey Tortoise
Hacking module
Lockpick module
Sensor array

My Fallout 4 Character statistics[]


  • Locations Discovered: 436
  • Locations Cleared: 247
  • Days Passed: 540
  • Hours Slept: 584
  • Hours Waiting: 251
  • Caps Found: 95,294
  • Most Caps Carried: 38,222
  • Junk Collected: 62,329
  • Chests Looted: 3,127
  • Magazines Found: 103


  • Quests Completed: 212
  • Misc Objectives Completed: 150
  • Main Quests Completed: 14
  • Side Quests Completed: 96
  • Brotherhood of Steel Quests Completed: 31
  • Institute Quests Completed: 4
  • Minutemen Quests Completed: 24
  • Railroad Quests Completed: 1


  • People Killed: 2,470
  • Animals Killed: 742
  • Creatures Killed: 3,790
  • Robots Killed: 457
  • Synths Killed: 394
  • Turrets Killed: 457
  • Legendary Enemies Killed: 400
  • Critical Strikes: 1,097
  • Sneak Attacks: 627
  • Backstabs: 23


  • Weapon Mods Crafted: 187
  • Armor Mods Crafted: 80
  • Plants Harvested: 803
  • Chems Crafted: 157
  • Food Cooked: 34
  • Workshops Unlocked: 36
  • Items Scrapped: 9,185
  • Objects Built: 12,867
  • Supply Lines Created: 39


  • Locks Picked: 825
  • Computers Hacked: 160
  • Pockets Picked: 92
  • Items Stolen: 2,149
  • Assaults: 30
  • Murders: 70
  • Trespasses: 6

My Nukapedia statistics[]

There should have been a list of this user's edit counts here, but the edit counts feature is no longer available.

