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The University Point Deathclaws were an anti-Synth lynch gang in the Commonwealth.


As a youth, Deacon was a member of the University Point Deathclaws, a gang that harassed accused synths. Their antagonism escalated to the lynching of a man suspected of being a Gen-3 synth. Shaken by his part in the murder, Deacon left the gang to settle down as a farmer.[1]

Sometime later he married a woman named Barbara. They intended to start a family, but the University Point Deathclaws reemerged and attacked the farm. The gang had learned - to both Deacon's and Barbara's surprise - that Barbara was a synth. Enraged by her execution, Deacon butchered the gang in a bloodthirsty haze.[2]


The University Point Deathclaws are mentioned only in Fallout 4.


  1. Sole Survivor: "We all make mistakes when we're young."
    Deacon: "A mistake or two, yeah. But what I did. I ran with a gang in University Point. We called ourselves the UP Deathclaws. For kicks we'd terrorize anyone that we thought was a synth. We kept egging each other on. Started with some property damage graduated to some beat downs. Then, inevitably, a lynching. The Claw's leader was convinced we'd finally found and killed a synth. Looking back, I'm not so sure."
    (Deacon's dialogue)
  2. Sole Survivor: "I'll withhold judgment until you finish."
    Deacon: "Thanks. So I turned my back on my "brothers" - broke all contact. Time passed, I became a farmer, if you can believe that. Then one day I found someone. She saw something in me I didn't know was there. Barbara, well, she was... She just was."
    Sole Survivor: "Leaving the Deathclaws took a lot of courage."
    Deacon: "Leaving wasn't free - they took it out on my sad hide. But by the time I met Barbara, they'd moved on. We were trying for kids, ekeing out a living. Then one day... It turns out my Barbara... She was a synth. She didn't know that. I certainly didn't. I don't know how the Deathclaws found out. But... there was blood. I don't remember much clearly after that. I know I killed most of the Claws. I must've made a big impression."
    (Deacon's dialogue)