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This is a transcript for dialogue with Union saboteur.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
16 00648D5F 00648E85 *hacking cough* Ah, sorry about that.
86 006337CC 006472B0 Not now.
87 006472B1 Who're you? You don't look like a Fanatic.
248 006472A9 006472AC Uh, right...
249 006472AA 006472AE Funny, I've never met a friendly Wastelander before.
205 006544CE 006544D2 Not now.
206 006544D3 Did Hex send you? Doesn't look like Hex sent you.
207 006544D5 That's one down. Onto the next.
208 006544D6 Bomb planted. Let's keep going.
209 006544D7 Alright, done here. Let's get the next one.
210 006544D8 Another day, another bomb.
211 006544DA That's all of them! Get to a safe distance before they blow. I'm out of here.
250 006472AB 006472AD Oh yeah? What's the code word? I don't talk to anybody without a code word.
281 00652B5D 00652B6A I'll give you a second to think about it. Just one second, though.
282 00652B5E 00652B67 Uh-uh. Nope. I'll give you another shot. But just the one!
283 00652B5F 00652B68 So Hex really did send you... No one else would think to use TWO words as a code word.
284 Alright, the Fanatics have loads of munitions sitting in those shipping containers.
285 I can't steal it all myself, but I can sure as hell make sure it's never used against us.
286 It will take a while to rig my explosives. Keep me up until I can get everything done and we'll watch some pretty fireworks at the end.
287 Let's boogie.
288 00652B60 00652B69 That was last week's password, but you know that much... Try again.