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The Tunnel of Love terminal entries are a series of terminal entries found on one terminal at the Tunnel of Love location in Fallout 76, introduced in the Nuka-World on Tour update.


Note: This desk terminal is located inside Mr. Lovely's booth at the interior entrance.


Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink

Sent Messages[]

October 28th[]



Morning dear, hope you and the boy are keeping well. Just checking in. Jack's letting me use the security room during breaks. Arrived last night at this Lewisburg place. Pretty run down if you ask me, but job's a job ain't it.

Been in the mine all morning. It's damp and dusty. Don't believe anyone ever been down here, so there's an abundance of them fancy lookin' crystals the boss wants us to collect. Seems alright for now. I'll message when I can.

Alfonso x

November 13th[]



Morning love. Found some old baseball bits in storage, I think Thomas would love 'em! Will keep them safe up in security till I'm home, don't want to risk losing them down in those dark old tunnels.

Thinking of you both. Can't wait to be back.

Alfonso x

November 29th[]



Evening dear. Sorry for such a delay between messages... it's been busy. Getting a bit old for this, I think. Days are long and it's bloody boiling down here. Place is a damn deathtrap too. Whole mineshaft is collapsing on itself. The more we mine, the more it falls apart. Seems to be some weird noises coming from around here too. Maybe it's a ghost!

Alfonso x

December 5th[]



Hey sweetheart. Coming to the end of a long day. Things don't seem to be improving much. The noises are just awful. Folks are spinning tales of some monster moving through the tunnels. The stories pass the time I suppose, but can't deny that it does make me a bit nervous. Think the place is just too old and fragile, bit like me nowadays ey?

Anyway, just an old man ranting to let you know I'm still kicking.

Alfonso x

December 17th[]



Think I'm a bit done with this. Sick of the job, and missing you both. Had a call from the boss earlier to say we've gotta stay till the end of the week. Tells us not to be such lazy asses - would love to see him last a week down here! Half the place has caved in, it's noisy, boiling and these noises... well I can't deny hearing them no more.

Things scratching at the walls, burrowing through them, hiding from us but always there. Feels like we're being watched all the time, it's bloody unnerving. Think we'll be packing up soon. Ain't no fancy crystals worth this crew's life, nor mine. I'll be home soon.

Alfonso x
