Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Alfonso x was a miner who worked outside Lewisburg.


Alfonso x and other members of his crew were hired to extract Ultracite crystals from a mine located outside Lewisburg. His boss, Jack, allowed him to take his breaks in the security room. He also began writing several letters to his wife, Abigail.[1] He found some baseball equipment in the mine, and decided to take it and leave it in the security room for safe keeping, until he could give it to his son, Thomas.[2] After about a month of mining the crystals, the mineshaft began to collapse in areas, and strange noises were being heard. Initially, Alfonso attributed these noises to a possible ghost.[3] A few weeks later, more of the mine collapsed and the weird noises increased, so Alfonso claimed that he and the other miners were going to pack up and leave soon, as there "ain't no fancy crystals worth this crew's life."[4]


Alfonso x is mentioned only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Nuka-World on Tour update.

