Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Trevor Moorman was a man investigating alien technology in Appalachia before the Great War, working closely with Mike Greene.


Trevor was associated with Mike's company, Greene Custom Defense Systems, which leased TNT dome #2 at Black Mountain Ordnance Works.[1] There, he conducted tests on alien artifacts that had been discovered, including an alien blaster.[2] After Mike suspected that someone was close to discovering their work, he asked Trevor to reset his access code to a terminal if he lost the associated holotape.[3]

A resident of a suite on the top floor of Shadowbreeze Apartments, Trevor was also very wealthy, doing business with a company that provided housekeeping services. He requested that his former housekeeper, Leyna Stark, be terminated and reported to the authorities. She was later replaced by Arnold Butterwood.[4] Behind the scenes, Leyna was uncovering Trevor's work into alien technology. She stole a terminal passcode, used at the Pleasant Valley cabins, and gave it to an unknown group.[5]


Trevor Moorman is mentioned only in Fallout 76.

