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Fallout Wiki

What's your rush? The boys and I here want to get to know you better.

The Primm thugs are wastelanders encountered in Primm's Vikki and Vance Casino.


The Courier may encounter a group of NCR deserters led by Layla, who have come to Primm as they heard it was "ripe for the picking."[1] When pressed, Layla will admit the group absconded from the NCR due to fear of the Legion's approach from the east.[2] The Courier can choose to deal with the deserters in several ways, resulting in their deaths or the group leaving Primm, headed for New Canaan.[3]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Merc outfits Frag grenade and
9mm submachine gun or
Police baton or
Single shotgun
Various ammo and consumables



The Primm thugs appear only in Fallout: New Vegas.


  1. Courier: "Your turf? I guess the news hasn't reached you yet, Primm has law again."
    Layla: "Fuck, we lose again. We heard Primm was ripe for the picking, so figured we could come here and shakedown some of the suckers. We weren't expecting a sheriff here."
    (Layla's dialogue)
  2. Courier: "Are you deserters?"
    Layla: "I like to think that we are Prisoners Of War that managed to escape before capture. I don't know how long it'll be before the Legion crosses the river, but sure as fuck I don't want to be wearing a NCR uniform when they get here."
    (Layla's dialogue)
  3. Courier: "So that's it? You've resorted to robbing and raiding to solve your problems?"
    Layla: "Our luck has gone south since we lost all of our money gambling in Vegas. We didn't go AWOL from duty to become raiders. But we've seen what the Legion does to people that survive their battles. We wanted to be gone before the fighting starts. And we heard there may be some safety up in New Canaan."
    (Layla's dialogue)