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Fallout Wiki

Thomas Harkin was the chief engineer of the Robotics Technology Facility RB-2851 prior to the Great War.


Responsible for the advancement of the robobrain, Thomas noted a series of setbacks and failures in the development on their design, one of which was the using of a sulfuric acid dome polishing compound which resulted in the loss of the brain CPU.[1] Another issue was the attempt to maintain cohesion between the neural interface and the spinal column nerve endings in the latest prototype. This failed due to the nerves rejecting the connections faster than they could rebind them, noting that they were unable to keep the spinal columns intact for the robobrains, and would have to revert to the original plan - the old brain in a jar prototype.[2]

After getting the original batch back from field deployment testing, Thomas was surprised at the robobrains' unexplained malfunctions. Although there was nothing physically wrong with the units, the brains of the cyborgs would continually overthink their instructions and "decide" to rewrite them for efficiency purposes. Most of the time, this resulted in property damage or even a few civilian fatalities.[3]

When one of the robobrains rolled off the assembly line with a "faulty" voice module, speaking in reverse, Thomas had them shut down the line for almost eight hours while he checked the software for issues and then gave the audio output assembler a thorough diagnostic. He could not find a reason for such a malfunction and officially wrote off the incident as a glitch. However, Thomas believed that it was more likely someone upstairs in production that thought it would be funny.[4]

Harkin was at his desk in RB-2851 when the Great War struck, leading to his death. His skeleton remains sitting at his former desk in 2287, still clutching a bottle of Nuka-Cola Quantum.


Thomas Harkin's skeleton appears only in the Fallout 4 add-on Automatron.

