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General Thomas Gage is a character vocalized by the Tour bot near Swan's Pond in Fallout 4.


Thomas Gage was a general in the British Army before and during the Revolutionary War.[1] On the night of April 17, 1775, the general readied his soldiers and officers to march on Concord in an attempt to disarm the rebelling colonists.[1][2] He instructed the officers, including Colonel Smith, not to "plunder the inhabitants, or hurt private property" but that they "can and must defang" the colonists.[3] The force left to face the colonists near midnight, the action sparking the Revolutionary War.[4]


An NPC exists for Gage in the game's files, though it is only used to speak the lines during the Tour bot's dialogue. The Tour bot switches from its voice to that of Gage and Colonel Smith when explaining the history of the Boston Common.


General Thomas Gage is mentioned only in Fallout 4.

Behind the scenes[]

Thomas Gage was a real-world British general, known his role as military commander in the early stages of the American Revolution.


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 Voice via Tour bot: "Let us go back hundreds of years. It is the year 1775. For seven years, thousands of British soldiers have camped on this very soil in their orderly rows of tents. Led by General Thomas Gage, they seek to quell the growing tide of Revolution."
    (Tour bot dialogue)
  2. ↑ Voice via Tour bot: "The night of April 17th..."
    (Tour bot dialogue)
  3. ↑ Voice via Tour bot: "The officers are assembled, General Gage."
    Gage's voice via Tour bot: "Take care that the soldiers do not plunder the inhabitants, or hurt private property. But we can and must defang them."
    (Tour bot dialogue)
  4. ↑ Voice via Tour bot: "So near midnight, Colonel Smith marched with 700 Redcoats to face brave American patriots in the Battle of Lexington and Concord. And thus the Revolutionary War began. Continue on the trail to walk through more of our great city's history."
    (Tour bot dialogue)