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Fallout Wiki

Third Street Municipal Building terminal entries are a series of terminal entries in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Lonesome Road. The terminal can be found in the Third Street Municipal Building.

Office of the Treasurer terminal[]


Inlook Email System


Password "GUEST" Accepted

Welcome to the Mainframe

Treasurer's report[]


Somebody from the Political Office should keep an eye on those guys down at the water treatment plant. That's the third request for extra funds I've had to deny this month - do they think we're made of money? I swear, it's like they want the Communists to win....

Inter-Office E-Mail[]


Attention all Base Personnel:

DO NOT engage the protesters outside the construction zone. I know, I know, the presence of those freedom-loving no-goodniks fills my brain with the WHITE-HOT RAGE OF CAPITALIST JUSTICE, but the Political Office has something planned for them, and you mooks better not screw it up.

Commander Devlin

Memo from Commander Devlin[]


Attention all base personnel:

We will soon play host to one of the greatest American patriots of our day, General Wellesley himself. For those of you whose family trees don't fork, the General is chief liaison officer to the Big MT Research Facility. He and his team are paying us a visit to collect our "guests" and take them someplace where they can do some good for their country beyond stinking of patchouli and shooting the LSD.

Commander Devlin
