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Fallout Wiki

Commander Devlin was an officer in the U.S. Army at the Hopeville Missile Base before the Great War.


Stationed in the area which became known as the Divide, Devlin oversaw municipal and domestic operations of military personnel throughout the region, including funding management.[2] A highly jingoistic man, he viewed the "freedom-loving no-goodniks" active in the region as affronts to American ideals, reluctantly instructing his men not to engage them only so General Wellesley could collect them as test subjects for Big MT to make them "do some good for their country."[3][4]

Devlin viewed criticism about operations in the region as "defeatist," refusing to allocate funding to the wastewater treatment plant on the grounds that it would divert funding crucial to the war effort against China, even referring to the plant's manager Alan Rothchild as a "pinko Commie-eyed puke."[2] He also attempted to greatly downplay the severity of the earthquakes which plagued the area.[5]


Commander Devlin is mentioned only in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Lonesome Road.

