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Fallout Wiki

The Principal is a mentioned-only character in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Honest Hearts.


Nothing is known about the Principal other than that the 24 children who escaped a place called the School and fled to Zion Canyon in 2123 would consider him a boogeyman-like figure, telling their youngest that if they did not behave, he would come to "get" them. Randall Clark, overhearing these stories, bitterly remarked that he would "blow [the Principal's] goddamn head off" if he were to show up looking for the escaped children.[1]


The Principal is mentioned only in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Honest Hearts.

Behind the scenes[]

After the release of Old World Blues in July 2011, a fan theory arose that the Principal was Doctor Borous and the School the children escaped from was the X-8 research center. This theory was debunked by Chris Avellone on social media a month later, though he also admitted that it "would have been cool."[2]


  1. ↑ Year: 2123
  2. ↑ Chris Avellone: "@GenecoInheritor X-8: School. Borous: Principal: Honest Hearts: No, although that would have been cool."