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Fallout Wiki

The Presidential Bunker, also known as the Rapidan Camp Bunker Complex, is a mentioned location and cut interior within Rapidan Camp in the Skyline Valley region of Appalachia.

The bunker was briefly accessible through exploits during the first version of the Skyline Valley Public Test Server, but was made inaccessible in later patches.


The reinforced bunker facility beneath Rapidan Camp was added in the 21st century,[citation needed] with strict admission protocols to anyone intended to access it. By 2105, access to the bunker was cut off, with any remote access also disabled.[1]


FO76SV Presidential Bunker Top View

Top view of the bunker

FO76SV Presidential Bunker Iso

Isometric shot of the bunker

The bunker was originally a seamless part of The Brown House interior, but was separated into its own interior between the PTS and the release of the update. The door in the basement of the House would lead directly into the entry room, with a processing area for anyone entering the facility and a bust of a president on the opposite side, with an information plaque next to it.

Through the door lies the situation room, with a map and DEFCON counter on the wall, and archival terminals beneath it. Opposite it was the conference room for the President and select members of their Cabinet, and situation clocks linked to Raven Rock, Poseidon Oil Rig, and the Norfolk Naval Base.

The remaining part of the bunker contains numerous inaccessible doors, an office area, a cafeteria, and a medical wing, with a storage room, infirmary, and a large operating theater with a viewing gallery allowing observers to observe any procedures being carried out.

There are no living quarters in the accessible area, suggesting it was not a permanent shelter, but a reinforced command center.


The Presidential Bunker is mentioned only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Skyline Valley update.

Behind the scenes[]

  • The bunker would have been involved in a cut quest that was part of the Skyline Valley quest line (prefix Storm_MQ10), following Double-Crossed Wires. It would have involved Marcs, whose appearance was also cut.
  • Once players on the Public Test Server discovered the Presidential Bunker and asked about it on the official Discord server, Carl McKevitt, one of the developers, stated that the bunker was not intended for the launch of Skyline Valley, though it might be implemented in future content.[Non-game 1]



  1. ↑ bgs_carl on Fallout 76 PTS Discord: "Hate to burst your bubble, but that won't be accessible at launch! Thanks for catching it, though. We'll need to mark that space as non-playable That's for potential future content, I'm afraid"