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Fallout Wiki

Fight a Civil War battle reenactment with your friends.

Event: The Battle that Never Was (Versus) is a cut PvP-enabled event in Fallout 76.

Quick walkthrough[]


Quest stages[]

Quest stages
DescriptionLog Entry
Talk to the CuratorPrickett's Fort is running a battle re-enactment with live ammo. I should go talk to the curator.
Nearby players meet at Prickett's Fort
[2:00] Union defenders in the fortPrickett's fort is running a battle re-enactment with live ammo. The more soldiers I kill, the more points I get. Whichever side gets the most points gets the best rewards.
[2:00] Confederate attackers in the parking lot
Score: Union 0, Confederates 0
Optional: Union Defenders arriving latePrickett's fort is running a battle re-enactment with live ammo. The battle has begun. Late arrivals need to talk to the guides to join.
Optional: Confederate attackers arriving late
No players joined the battle.


This event is no longer implemented in the game and cannot be activated. It still exists within the game but is disabled. It was playable for a short time after the launch of the game.
