Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Sure it's a glitch?[]

There is a known glitch on Xbox 360 platform; that even when you have entered the correct number for all 3 terminals, you do not recieve the password for the safe, and thus the rifle is forever out of your grasp**. Prime never appears in the diner as a random event either, only if you download a soon to be patch for the game over Xbox Live can you fix the problem (Unconfirmed date of patch release)

I play on the PC version, and the first time I did this quest it didn't occur to me that the terminal in the lobby contained both #000 and #001, since they're not shown together and I didn't pay much attention as I exited the terminal. After I found the other two terminals, and didn't get anything, and couldn't open any safes or gun lockers, I thought there was a bug, too, but it's just that the quest design (having those two steps on the same terminal) is easy to miss. Maybe X360 players are just missing it like I was? -- 11:27, 31 December 2008 (UTC)

No glitch on Xbox 360[]

Just did it on xbox 360 -- unlock all three terminals, go to the security terminal next to the 'requires key' safe, use it and there will be a new option, 'unlock safe'.

Loot the safe, hit up the jury st. metro. The diner there has the body splayed in the kitchen area, on a table, missing a whole lot of limbs.

I play on the xbox 360 and my first playthrough I didn't know about the gun and I put the sequence in wrong and didn't think much about it. I went back later and the sequence was permanently locked, preventing me from ever finding the body. My second playthrough I did exactly as the article says as it relates to the terminals and the safe then I went to the diner and found the body when I targeted the floor (there wasn't much of the body left and it was in the floor so to speak) and got the gun.--Thq95 10:10, 9 January 2009 (UTC)

Works just fine on the X360[]

Just a few minutes ago I got that quest by being a cheat and checking out the prerequisites for the xuanlong. After 2 playthroughs on the PC still missed that one so I had to resort to lowly means. :) Seems to work just fine on the X360. 20:10, 9 January 2009 (UTC)


Upon closer observation, the user "", who added the "glitch" is a rampant vandal. The "information" has been removed. I know from firsthand experience in the first two weeks of the game that there really wasn't much of a problem. I retrieved the rifle several times (3+). Google search about a patch turned up only results that Beth is "planning" a patch, but no details. Searching about the glitch, turns up references to this page. Finally, Prime is a triggered event, not a random one. All these reasons lead me to believe that this edit was vandalism.Fiddlesoup 01:44, 11 January 2009 (UTC)

Nice title[]

The "Mysterious Dragon" title would certainly fit the Xuanlong as it's incredibly hard to find if you don't know about the Prime puzzles. Also, it's totally unexpected when you loot Prime's body, as there are no hints that he has the rifle in his possession. - Echo11

I think "Xuanlong" can also be translated as "Black Dragon." -RNovember

Yes, the word "玄" ("Xuan")can also means "Black" or "Sky". So why is it must be "Mysterious"? Additionally, there are hundreds of word can be pronounced "Xuan", So why is it must be "玄"?By Dr.Xen 10:04, November 17, 2009 (UTC)

Well, if you feel a better translation is in order, feel free to edit.--Kingclyde 10:29, November 17, 2009 (UTC)
I mean that there actually are no reliable answers for the gun's name, so the "Mysterious" should be deleted or provide some confirmed evidence. By Dr.Xen 11:30, November 17, 2009 (UTC)
By the by, anyone knows who named this gun? By Dr.Xen 11:38, November 17, 2009 (UTC)
I have no idea. There is no true way to see which dev named it. Probably just pick a cool name. I'm not sure. --Kingclyde 05:11, November 18, 2009 (UTC)

Expanding The Article[]

If nobody minds, I'm going to expand this article with some Tactics and Characteristics elaboration, and generally fine tune the organization.--Brian ranzoni 21:21, 29 April 2009 (UTC)

Tactics Moved[]

This really needs to be minimized. This makes the article ridiculously long. In my opinon, tactics should not be in the article but moved to the discussion page such as here. We do that with armor combos as well.Kingclyde 00:26, 30 April 2009 (UTC)kingclyde

Okay. I can tweak it here to my lil' tactical heart's content.--Brian ranzoni 22:22, 3 May 2009 (UTC)

Game Tactics[]

Xuanlong is a suitable Small Gun for high-level characters, due to the high DAM and the increased availability of spare chinese assault rifles (CAR). Obviously, lower-level characters may use it, but they probably won't have the skill or spare parts to maximize effect.


As with other assault rifles, Xuanlong is most suitable for short to medium range combat--where the spread effect in Free Aim is minimal, and values are acceptable in V.A.T.S. Long range kills are possible but wasteful. However, the higher ammo cap makes Xuanlong more useful than other rifles in close quarters battle--such as in dungeons or building interiors. It makes short work of feral ghoul and Trogs when they bunch around the player.


  • Up to 6 bursts may be queued when wearing Ranger battle armor and Ledoux's hockey mask in combination with the Action Boy perk. Use tribal power armor, Jet, and Ultrajet to boost the queue to 7 or 8 bursts. See Action Points.
  • With a full magazine, at least 18 cartridges should remain after a full VATS round of 6 bursts. R91 Assault Rifle, Infiltrator and CAR may only have 6 rounds left over. This impacts the ability to perform follow-up shots before reloading.
  • As the Xuanlong is 100 points more durable than most assault rifles, it can be used in VATS more often before impacting efficiency.


  • This is probably the best assault rifle for Rambo-style Small Gunners, since the damage, durability, rate of fire, and ammo capacity permits frequent "spray and pray" tactics.
  • More efficiently, it can be used to put down super mutant masters or yao guai with a single aimed magazine. Deathclaws and sentry bots may also be destroyed with one mag if critical hits are scored.
  • Like the CAR, Xuanlong has the same 1.5 spread, but appears a bit more inaccurate in practice than the R91 or Infiltrator.
  • Don't forget to reload whenever you have a break in shooting, and don't forget to take cover while reloading when enemies are still present. This weapon will not make you invincible at any level!
  • Pair the Xuanlong with the Perforator special purpose rifle. Both use the same ammo. Perform sneak attacks with the latter; if the survivors detect you, break out the former for heavy response. As Stealthy Small Gunners tend to wear lighter armor to minimize skill penalty, it could be important to have a hard hitting back-up once detected. In turn, Rambo Small Gunners may want to thin out larger gangs with a sneak attack weapon, since their lower stealth ability otherwise attracts immediate attention.
  • Xuanlong is an excellent weapon for Charon, Star Paladin Cross, or Jericho. They will equip it over their defaults. Don't forget to load up your followers with 5.56mm ammo. This is a combat solution for players who don't use Xuanlong, yet don't wish to miss out on its unique capabilities.


If you have the ghoul ecology perk and the superior defender perk, Bloody Mess and 100 small guns this gun deals well over 100 damage!

However, the Blackhawk has a much higher Critical Multiplier, not to mention a tighter spread and a scope. So don't consider Xuanlong to be a one-stop solution.

Originally authored by others, and revised by yours truly--Brian ranzoni 22:24, 3 May 2009 (UTC)

duplicate vids moved here[]

Related Videos[]

--Kingclyde 16:38, 10 June 2009 (UTC)


On Charon's page it says that he can be quite deadly with a Chinese Assault Rifle, is there a reason the Xuanlong is not mentioned? I am going to add it, if there is a reason (for example, he won't equip it or something) just post that here. Danpascooch 20:42, 29 June 2009 (UTC)

I tried it with Charon and he is awesome with it.--Дикий Человек Вампира 23:40, 12 July 2009 (UTC)

I confirm that. He pwns ass with Xuanlong. BOSPalidan 's ROFLCopter goes soi soi soi soi soi 09:15, July 4, 2010 (UTC)

Fixed DMG error[]

I just fixed the error in the DMG rating on the main article, it read 48 and the gun does 64. (Maverick21 19:05, 14 July 2009 (UTC))

The GECK show 48. I don't know where you are getting your numbers but that is what we go by.--Kingclyde 19:27, 14 July 2009 (UTC)

There can be no damage for a weapon in these articles other than the GECK listed damage. That damage is calculated by the attack rate, multiplied by the damage per shot. That GECK damage assumes 100 in the skill, no perks, and a perfect condition weapon. So no numbers should come from anywhere except the GECK, I was surprised it wasn't changed by now. --MeanOlBob 02:26, 15 July 2009 (UTC)

Pipboy xualong rifle

  • That is a pic of my current damage on the rifle. It is going to be different on anyone's game due to perks, skill and condition.--Kingclyde 06:30, 15 July 2009 (UTC)

So your saying it deals less damage then the regular chinese assault rifle. The GECK is obviously F*** if its saying the Xuanlong Assault Rifle deals only 48 damage, which is below the listed damage for the regular Chinese assault rifle. Your obviously using the DPS which was long removed because it was admitted to be a messed up calculation. FACT: With 100 small guns and no damage boosting perks the Xuanlong is listed as dealing 64 damage IN-GAME at full condition. THAT is the only damage that should be listed. --LordVukodlak 00:50, 24 July 2009

The GECK shows damage at 100% condition with 100 skill small guns. NO PERKS. If you notice the picture above it shows it real high because of my various perks. Please read prior posts before going off. I don't like repeating myself. Any damage after perks and what not will cause differant readings in the pip-boy. This site uses the GECK's rating. Period!--Kingclyde 00:52, 24 July 2009 (UTC)

I take it you don't know how to READ MY POST could you try it before repeating yourself?, I SAID "With 100 small guns and no damage boosting perks the Xuanlong is listed as dealing 64 damage IN-GAME at full condition." How can the article list the damage of the Xaunlong at 48, three points of damage below the regular Chinese Assault Rifle and say its more damaging? If you list the damage off some editor and not something everyone with the game can see in the pip-boy. Everyone will look at this website and say its on crack. Why would people come here if the stats don't match up whats displayed in the game? So at the very least the GECK damage and in-game damage should both be listed together, its not that hard to have 100 in all weapon skills and no damage boosting perks. Especially on the PC version. --LordVukodlak 01:15, 24 July 2009 (UTC)

retards like this make me feel like crying i have the ps3 version and the dam stat is unreliable the geck is the best place to get the real info now info and take your fail with you.

Really because sometime ago the removed the DPS stat because it was believed the GECK calculations were inaccurate. Taken from the Fallout 3 weapons article "DPS: This stands for damage per second. Note: the G.E.C.K.'s DPS calculations are misleading" So why the heck are they putting them back in?

For some reason on my 360 the DMG is over 100! I know for sure that this gun doesn't do 100+ damage. Also I don't have 100 small guns. Does it actually boost the damage or is this just a data error?

I have had this "glitch" happen to me. I put in all three terminals correctly and I don't have the passcode(X360), while my friend did get the passcode, and I was telling him which terminals to activate.

Duplicate Xuanlong[]

I gave it to Clover and she seemed to do fine for most of the game, until somewhere on Penn Ave she suddenly stopped using it despite carrying 1000+ 5,56 rounds. Upon opening her inventory I found out that all 5,56 ammo had disappeared, and instead there were TWO Xuanlongs, the new one in near-perfect (97+) condition. Moreover, when I gave her more 5,56 rounds, they immediately disappeared as well. When I came across an enemy a few moments later, she used Xuanlong like usually. Still no 5,56 rounds were visible in her inventory. Haven't seen that happen to any other companion/weapon.-- 20:18, 14 July 2009 (UTC)

It seems to happen alot. This happens with Charon and the Reservist's Rifle as well.--Kingclyde 20:43, 14 July 2009 (UTC)

I had this happen with the Xuanlong on all my followers. I don't know what causes it but the last time it happened I took the one that was fully repaired (When i gave it to Charon it was less than half) and it went into my inventory fully repaired. If anyone can tell us how this works, that'd be great, cause I want to exploit the s*** out of it.Exeter17 13:16, April 23, 2010 (UTC)

Value difference from Chinese Assault Rifle worth noting[]

Noticed something, both in-game and on the wiki - the Xuanlong Assault Rifle has a value of 400, whereas a Chinese Assault Rifle has a value of 500. Normally, with most unique variants on weapons, the unique variant on the weapon is worth more than the commonly found one. This weapon seems to be the odd one out, being worth LESS than it's common variant for whatever reason. The only other instance I found of this happening with the value of a weapon was with the Miss Launcher, but that seems to be for obvious reasons, with the Miss Launcher actually working differently than it's common counterpart.

With the Xuanlong, there doesn't seem to be a legitimate or apparent reason why it's worth less than the Chinese Assault Rifle, even though it's unique and has a higher base damage. -- 21:08, 26 July 2009 (UTC)


I restored the shorter video because 1)it is shorter and 2)the quality is far superior. Please don't revert it unless it is replaced with a superior video. I know the original was there for awhile but the new vid is an improvement--Kingclyde 23:35, 11 August 2009 (UTC)

Xuanlong Disappearing Xbox360?[]

Has anyone ever had the problem of Xuanlong assault rifle disappearing from your inventory on the Xbox360 version? I've never had it, but the xuanlong article says it does. Please clarify, thanks.  :)

I believe I've only ever had this problem ONCE, and that was on an unpatched version of the game. ( or .35 I think, I forget exact build number.) I haven't had this happen on the current patch downloaded from Xbox Live (, or on the Game of The Year version, which includes by default. (Or so it would seem.) I see no mention of the bug on the article like you say (I DO however remember it was a big problem at one time.), so I can only assume it happens to people who do not have the GOTY version, and have not patched their standard game via Xbox Live. OR, another possible scenario is the player engages in the quest with patch, obtains the rifle, saves, goes back to the Xbox dashboard and clears the system cache (Thus clearing the patch and downgrading it back to unpatched state.) causing the bug to crop up. In general though, I've had and kept the Xuanlong on a 125-hour long game with the latest patch, and it has never disappeared from my inventory. Best thing to do, don't grab this weapon while the game is unpatched, as it will likely bug out of the game, one way or another. -- 19:29, October 31, 2009 (UTC)

damage value[]

the base damage value in the list of fallout 3 unique weapons was 64 . but it was 48 in the page. so i changed it to 64

I say we leave it. We don't do that for other weapons like it, like the Perforator, or Sydney's 10mm "Ultra" SMG. Nitty 22:33, September 27, 2009 (UTC)

oh ok. imm really sorry for my mistake. after i read all the talk page. you're right .

Nonono, it SHOULD say 64. Nitty 22:58, September 27, 2009 (UTC) SIGN YOUR POSTS!--Kingclyde 23:08, September 27, 2009 (UTC)

f***ed up RoF stat[]

What is the unit for the RoF stat? It can't be shots/sec b/c 12 dmg/shot * 8 shots/sec = 96 dmg/sec, but the page lists it (and in game does too) as 64. So what gives? 18:00, October 12, 2009 (UTC)

Please read the entire talk page before asking redundant questions. Thanks.--Kingclyde 18:02, October 12, 2009 (UTC)
I understand that the damage varies from player to player based on skill, perks, CND, etc, but that still does not answer my question... 01:51, October 14, 2009 (UTC)

Xuanlong not Chinese?[]

The China page's sourse states that the Xuanlong is "an aftermarket modification" and that it's "not of Chinese origin", any proof?-- 12:43, June 4, 2014 (UTC)
