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Hostile Securitrons.[]

I'm reluctant to do this quest yet since it looks like i'll have to fight off some Securitrons after hacking the terminal. Is there a way around this? Can they lose their hostility after you talk with Mr. House or something? I was gonna plant C4 near all of them, but one is close to the terminal, so that may well kill me.-- 14:29, October 27, 2010 (UTC)

I think their hostility is unavoidable, but like all robots a single pulse grenade can kill multiples of them whilst causing minimal damage to the player. There are around six securitrons to fight off upon hacking the terminal, four of which will seek out and attack the player and a further two in the room unlocked by hacking the terminal. Because of the cramped area around the terminal (what with the stairs and all) two manually thrown pulse grenades should suffice for the first four securitrons and another thrown at the far securitron in the other room should take out the remaining two. To my knowledge, this is the only resistance you should meet on the way to killing Mr. House. Atomotron 14:57, October 27, 2010 (UTC)

Heh, I had almost forgot they are actually robots. They just seem like a whole new entity. I'll use my Pulse Gun and some grenades then, thanks.-- 15:11, October 27, 2010 (UTC)

Another thing you could do is plant a few pulse mines between the terminal and the furthest robots so that they'll get taken out when they come to attack you. That way you'll just have to worry about the ones nearest to the terminal.

Fixed :)

Don't need to fight any of 'em. Just access the terminal, run to the elevator terminal, access that, and head down the elevator to where House is. They aren't hostile when you get back up, and I only killed one (the one nearest the first terminal) before making a break for it. --Kris User Hola 18:45, October 28, 2010 (UTC)

Events happening out of order[]

K, weir thing here. For one, I never had to hack a terminal, they were all unlocked. Two, the Securitrons aren't hostile to me. Three, after completing wild card side bets, I got don't tread on the bear. However, I've never been able to tell yes man where to go, he's stayed in that hole in the wall in Benny's place. Somehow or another I got the change in management quest, but no one gave it to me, I just got it. Any explanation, is this a total wacked out bug or what?AryeonosWhat!? 09:57, October 29, 2010 (UTC)


Are we sure about being able to come back to yes man? Personally, I started Things that go Boom, and then failed Don't tread on the Bear with a incident with a terminal (just after I killed Caeser) . When I go to yes man (my only completion option) my only dialogue option is goodbye. --Grupa 'Zamamee 11:44, October 30, 2010 (UTC)

Lucky 38 VIP card?[]

I have killed House. I now have a quest note that says I have to "Obtain a Lucky 38 VIP Keycard." in addition to the one that says I need to go talk with Yes Man again. When I get off the elevator on the Casino floor, there are 2 quest markers to the north that are outside the walls of the Casino and one on the Casino door which I assume is leading me to Yes Man. Has anyone else seen this and know how to get the keycard? Servius 02:30, October 31, 2010 (UTC)

Getting This Quest Out of My Log?[]

I picked up this quest and have to kill Mr. House. The problem is, I am working for Mr. House and want to unlock his ending on my first playthrough. I'm a bit of a completionist though, and it bothers me when I have a quest in my log that I can't get rid of. Is there any way I can fail this quest or something to clear it from my log without actually killing Mr. House? 16:44, November 5, 2010 (UTC)

Possible Glitch[]

I had done some side quests before deciding to kill Mr. House. I got the Platinum Chip, upgraded the Securitrons, and freed Benny all before killing Mr. House. So I went to the Penthouse sweet, hacked the terminals, killed the securitrons, then killed Mr. House. Now I'm stuck inside the Penthouse. Unless I'm missing another way out, I'm stuck. Also, Vick became hostile when I hacked the computers, was that supposed to happen?


So i went along doing Render Unto Caesar, destroying the bunker filled with the Securitons, and then i went with this quest, killing Mr. House and then uploading Yes Man, go through the shindig of seeing the upgraded bots and such. then i exit out, and when i speak to him again, He says that Destroying the Robots is going to make things...Challenging. Just an FYI for anyone who cares. Nosferus 04:03, November 25, 2010 (UTC)

You are not supposed to use Yes Man for the Caesar quest.--Kingclyde 05:24, November 25, 2010 (UTC)
Yes, but i still have the quest from when i initiated it. So when i was curious to see what would happen when the bunker was destroyed and going through the Yes man, he just said something, and i found it funny. That's all. Nosferus 05:51, November 26, 2010 (UTC)

Have go back 3 levels[]

So I'm at the end of this quest when yes man tells you to go to the basement. So any way it freezes and I'm like "oh it's ok it just autosaved" but then when I reset my Xbox and load to auto save it says somthing about downloadable content even though i don't have dead money and my earliest save was 3 lvls before this happand and i was a lvl 16 very good karma and it's very hard to lvl up when your a high lvl.(DeAdLy 1mPaCt 02:37, January 8, 2011 (UTC))

About the science check[]

The information about needing 75 science for interacting with the terminal and/or needing the Lucky 38 VIP card is accurate? I did a lot of playthroughs in wich I didn't had the VIP card or 75 science and was able to manipulate the terminal without problem. I'm on PC. Brfritos 12:48, March 6, 2011 (UTC)

360.The terminal is locked hard.The only way to avoid hacking the terminal is to have one of 3 Lucky 38 VIP Keycards which contain the password there is no hacking to do.--1000HrsFallout3 (talk) 14:09, February 5, 2013 (UTC)

Third Person inaccessible[]

Anybody else find that the third person view is no longer available following completion of this mission / approaching the final battle with Yes Man's ending? 19:44, May 1, 2011 (UTC)


Is there a way to disable this quest in the console? Even if i finish it i keep getting "Return to Yes Man" message about every 10 seconds.

Yes Man not offering to be installed into the Lucky 38[]

According to this wiki page, once I kill or disable Mister House, then report back to Yes Man, he'll offer to be installed into the Lucky 38 mainframe. However all he does is congratulate me for disabling him, and then again a second time if I killed him, but that's it. If I go ahead and tell him who to wipeout or ignore, he's all "WOW REALLY? THAT'S GREAT YOU'RE AWESOME!" but no offer to be installed. There doesn't seem to be any option to install Yes Man into the Lucky 38's systems. Inside the "antechamber" there's only 2 terminals, one to open the elevator to House, one that says "Security Override" which says "overriding security..." and does nothing. And that's after experimenting with every combination of killing or not killing House, and finishing Side Bets or not.

Did I do something wrong? Do I have to start from the beginning again?

Noobyorkcity (talk) 05:58, December 18, 2012 (UTC)

360.Noobyorkcity- Did you take the Chip from Benny ? - I went back to an earlier save Lv 9 and before I had been to the Strip. My science level was too low to hack the two terminals of the Lucky 38 so I started off at the H & H.Tool factory with Anthony House`s Lucky 38 VIP Card on his desk. Take the card. Hack Anthony Houses`s desk terminal and choose Lucky 38 Executive Override.

Go to the Lucky 38. Victor opened the doors. Go to the Penthouse, and straight to Terminal 1 on the wall. If you did not bring your VIP card with you the termimal is locked. With the VIP card the terminal enters the password and says Welcome Mr.House. but will identify you as an Unauthorised user. Open Antechamber. Yes. The alarm goes off. Ignore Securitrons. Go to second terminal. Same sequence. Go down the elevator to the control room. Unseal LS chamber and kill Mr. House.Alarm stops.

Leave the Lucky 38 and go to the Tops Casino. Meet Benny on the stairs. Talk him to going back to his Presidential suite without his guards. Kill Benny with a Pool Cue or the Power Fist from his wall safe. Take all keys,and the Platinum Chip. Go to his private room and tell Yes Man that you have the chip,and, - Mr House is dead - and you are ready to join Yes Man at the Lucky 38. - Wonderful Let`s Go-

Exit the Tops and Yes Man is waiting inside the Lucky 38 to intall into the main frame. All appears to be OK. Nothing else done. --1000HrsFallout3 (talk) 10:01, February 5, 2013 (UTC)

Chip Location - Quest Target Error[]

I just noticed a funny problem. If you get the chip off Benny's corpse and then enter Fortification Hill, they confiscate your chip.

If you then leave the hill, they keep the chip. If you go to Yes Man and start this quest, he'll act like you never got the chip from Benny's Corpse.

The Quest Target will tell you to get the chip off of Benny's corpse, which you've already emptied.

Further, if you hurt your Legion reputation, there is no longer a quest telling you to go to Caesar.

No quest target tells you to go to where you'd get the chip back!

-- 06:56, July 11, 2014 (UTC)

can't progress.[]

So i just killed Mr house but the quest wont progress. Its all blurred out and i dont get a "Return to Yes Man" quest objective. If i go the the lucky 38 mainframe it just says "Mr.House" even though hes dead. Help please Cairnschaos (talk) 20:36, June 18, 2015 (UTC)
