Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Who the Hell is the Final BOSS?[]

Is it Sigma Leader? Master Mold 05:02, 6 May 2009 (UTC)

I heard something about an "Enclave Crawler" a few times, but I have no clue what that could be. I'm going to sit in a corner and cry if they didn't add a Boss.. 12:48, 6 May 2009 (UTC)

Looks like the Crawler is their Mobile Bawe... I still believe that instead of a boss fight (or at least an antagonist character) they just made that Sigma Leader who is slightly stronger than other Enclave soldiers and will be identified only after killed... Though, I hope that I'm wrong about it. Master Mold 16:00, 6 May 2009 (UTC)

Might be teh Armory Dude, since he is the only one with a Unique Weapon, Gataling Lazer; Percison Lazer or something, Fails in the light of Vengence, i used it to repair, it saw plenty of action in this mission XD 08:55, 12 May 2009 (UTC)

PC: The armory guy got killed by the enclave sentry bot when I hacked into the mainframe and set the sentry bots onto the enclave forces... not so tough. :-D Leeho730 15:14, 30 July 2009 (UTC)

Where is the fuse?[]

cant find it :(

Main fuse location/getting through the crawler?[]

So, first of all, to answer the last question--the main fuse is on the corpses of the last sentry bot you encounter. Just loot him and you should see it. When I killed him, he was right next to the fusebox.

Now, question! I can't find ANYTHING online (and I've Googled quite extensively) on what to do once inside the crawler. As near as I can tell, the only way to get to the launchpad is through a door with a Very Hard lockpick level. Playing an Energy Weapons/Big Guns character, I can't get through. I already have the High Clearance Keycard, but it doesn't seem to do anything--I still get the "required Lockpick skill" message when I hit the door. Any suggestions?

You should be able to get to the security mainframe and unlock every thing with that card its on the second floor i was able to get thier without unlock any doors my main issue was i walked right by it cause it looks like the same type of computer set up as the satlite uplink in the death from above mission. ( 18:32, 6 May 2009 (UTC))

If its Very hard, i suggest you grind levels out in the wasteland, by lvl 30 i had all but hand to hand maxed out (lol, steel knuckles or Vengence, not a hard choice really :P) my fav. grinding stomping grounds is the various Enclave out posts since they give 50+ exp a pop (normal), the mall (FILLED with Super Mutants), Fort Brennister (Talons give 50+), Beth Ruins (7-8 raiders), and kill anything starting with the word, Albino... lol, There is plenty of exp and the 10 more levels allows any player to make their character a God of War in all forms of combat. 09:20, 12 May 2009 (UTC)


what happens when you destroy megaton or rived city? no consequences?Halfgod 13:48, 8 May 2009 (UTC)

You can't destroy them, it has an error message if you try to target anything other than the mobile base or the citadel.Cavesloth 18:46, 8 May 2009 (UTC)Cavesloth

The error message is that the satellite is not on the correct orbit and as such, it can't bomb them. But if it is on a AAFB/Citadel orbit, then that means that the Enclave was about to blow the BoS to hell. Like Fallout 2, it looks like you saved the good guys at the last moment...--Amitakartok 15:19, 23 July 2009 (UTC)

Death to the holyer then thou ppls! The citidal burned much like Megaton, Republic of Dave (experimental fat man), Tennpenny tower (well raided by ghouls), Big Town (well enslaved mostly), and wish i could make Rivet City sink instead of smearing the wallz with the brains of the reseidents. Clearly i have some rage issues but in my defence, it is finals season. But I digress, every meal in a can (Super Mutant name for the brotherhood) will attack on sight if u target the citadel, dont bother picking up the tags unless u want to decorate your house with the fallen. [THE END] ; ; 09:04, 12 May 2009 (UTC)

URGENT!!**Someone really needs to add a warning to the main page about not being able to complete/start some side quest if you destroy the citadel

Eh. It's noted clearly at the end of the walkthrough section where it describes the consequences of choosing to destroy either Adams AFB or the Citadel.--Gothemasticator 23:11, December 31, 2009 (UTC)
Besides, its somewhat stating the obvious. - Redmess 11:10, January 1, 2010 (UTC)


If you don't have 50 lockpicking to open the average-difficulty doors at the top of the satellite tower at the end of the mission, am I correct to believe you can't complete the game? >_< --Solbur 20:23, 9 May 2009 (UTC)

They were only 50 for you? The last lock I had to pick was a lvl 100 Very Hard lock...It wasn't bad for me, I already had lockpicking maxed out. I didn't see a key anywhere, so I figured you had to pick it, although there may be a terminal or key on some Enclave Officer or soldier. --Esscex 03:03, 11 May 2009 (UTC)

Pop some mentals, level up and throw your 18+ points into lockpicking. Honestly, idk how u got so far without lockpicking, its the bread and butter of most players since all the best stuff is locked away. If you still fail, well then... find the lockpicking bobblehead 09:09, 12 May 2009 (UTC)

One of the computer terminals is still active, and doesn't need to be hacked. It will unlock the doors. It's on the same floor as the satellite uplink, in the row of broken terminals.

Usually questline locks are leveled aren't they? (Munsterd Oslam 17:30, 19 June 2009 (UTC))

GNR news[]

I cant believe it! I single-handedly destroyed citadel and Three Dog keeps blabbering about how I found that damn violin instead of telling everyone to shoot me on sight! Is there really no changes in news after you completed this quest?Rist 22:13, 12 May 2009 (UTC)

Yes, that annoyed me as well. I finished the quest, went to megaton to see Moira and he was still blabbering on his 'news' that the enclave had taken over project purity at the memorial and we'd all run away. Seeing as there are BOS at GNR, who are in contact with the Citadel, Im sure it wouldnt take that long for the news to reach him. Sloppy/lazy programming.

Assisted assault?[]

I played this just this evening on 360 and saw no BoS in this level until I met S Lyons and got into the vertibird. I saw the no power armour glitch on BoS mentioned... so did I miss out on a climactic battle sequence? 05:09, 20 May 2009 (UTC)

PC Version: I've seen TWO BoS guys on the airway North of Raio Tower and Enclave Crawler. Nothing dramatic, I still had to fight all the way to the base killing majority if not most enclave forces myself! Leeho730 14:51, 30 July 2009 (UTC)

Someone needs to fill in all of the million gaps in this guide[]

this guide is terribly vague, missing big chunks of in-between information, and a lot of things are in the wrong order.

someone please re-write this garbage 21:09, 29 May 2009 (UTC)k

Does this mission even need a guide? It's pretty straight forward, just follow the arrow. I didn't bother killing most of the enclave at the air base directly. I also don't know about destroying vertibirds with one shot from the tesla cannon. I hit one with three shots and all it did was burn.

Well, I tried to 'just follow the arrow' and it confused me, because it kept pointing to doors I didnt need to go through. EG, in the crawler, just after I entered it, the arrow was telling me to go through the door I'd just come through. So I did and wasted time walking round the crawler. I then decided to ignore the arrow and just follow my nose through the crawler and it worked fine. Also , the guide says that to get to the mainframe, you need a key card to go through some doors, and explicity states you cant get through without one. I never found a card, but didn't need one anyway, the only locked door I found was a hard locked one, which I picked(it didn't even need turning, the upright position worked). 15:11, December 10, 2009 (UTC)

Enclave are idiots[]

ummm,ok yea, if you could rain orbital death onto the citadel at any time,why haven't you all ready? so then you could get rid of your worst enemy the brotherhood and then go fix up the pentagon as"the last remnant of the U.S goverment" The power armor must be sucking away their brains--JoeHanSon 02:49, 12 June 2009 (UTC)

  • Satellites are in an orbit. That means they MOVE and take a finite period of time before they are over top of a given target. If you attempt to fire missiles at Rivet City or Megaton, you find that the satellite must change it's course, which it is unable to do. That means that the satellite is CURRENTLY locked on a course that takes it over the Citadel and Adams AFB. You are supposed to assume that the bombing of the Citadel is imminent. dusty_duster 00:13, October 20, 2009 (UTC)

Maybe because the blast would have pretty much decimated the pentagon and the Enclave didn't want to do that? Did you destroy the citadel? Notice the CRATER? 09:16, 24 July 2009 (UTC)

I believe they've lost capacity or technology (probably both) to reload orbit weapons, so once fired, that's it. You cannot re-use them. So the Enclave must've thought blasting Citadel wasn't worth wasting single-use weapon at that stage. Leeho730 14:57, 30 July 2009 (UTC)


Enclave Commander: Excellent EXCELLENT! Now we can take over the Citadel and start a new GOVERNMENT!

(Walks to the Citadel that is now a crater.)

Enclave Commander: What the hell happened? All I see is a crater!

Enclave Soldier: Sir I think they escaped and took the Citadel with them!

Enclave Commander: Good idea! Quickly everybody search for them!

Yes they are stupid....--Kirby888 02:44, 10 August 2009 (UTC)

Maybe it the satellite finally reached the point where it could target the citadel after Death From Above? Given the error messages about Megaton and the other locations, it seems doubtful that it is in a geosynchronous orbit. --Xbomber 22:00, September 14, 2009 (UTC)

Useful Bug in the Metro[]

I was playing on the Xbox 360. I was wearing the ghoul mask and had made the robots in the metro friendly. I had Charon and Dogmeat as companions. On two occasions I entered the area with the security breach for the first time (reload) and the fight started. In the first run through Charon and Dogmeat started to attack a robot while I did nothing. All the robots remained friendly and did not attack me or my companions. In the second run through they attacked a ghoul reaver. The ghouls remained friendly and passive while Charon and Dogmeat killed the reaver. This was a useful bug during the second play through, as it eliminated a high level monster that I had to kill to complete the mission.

Right Joy Stick[]

For my 360 i was playing Fallout when in the crawler i took a side path and it was awesome because it took me to the landing plot but when i went through the door my right joy stick wasnt working i changed controllers and reloaded and still no go then i reverted back all the way in the middle of the assult and it worked. whats up?

This has happened to me, only it was in the shack in Greyditch. No idea how to fix it except reverting to a previous - Confessions 00:45, 1 September 2009 (UTC)

Disappointing "Fireworks" ??[]

Am I alone in my disappointment with the scene where the crawler goes boom? I read the terminal, the satellite had 4 remaining tubes - but about a dozen missiles rain down. Ok, so Im thinking nothing wrong with a little overkill on a final scene.... then the thing falls apart in a dust cloud. Compared to Megaton, whos destruction was beautifully rendered, it was like a frag grenade in a dust devil. Maybe my medium video settings prevented seeing it look better? IMHO, kind of a let down at the end of an otherwise great game. 16:04, 6 July 2009 (UTC)

It was a bit insipid wasn't it. I thought the average car explosion looked a lot better.
I certainly enjoyed one of the first missiles smashing a piece out of the satellite dish. 06:12, December 2, 2009 (UTC)


do you still get to rome around after you blow one of the things up?

Yes Explosive InstaMash 15:52, 21 July 2009 (UTC)

Wearing your stolen toga no doubt.

Three Dog, GNR, all you need to know[]

Okay, for obvious reasons, i blew up the citadel. However, it took three dog about a month or two (In-Game) to actually comment on the destruction of the citadel. After the first time, i never heard that bit of news again. Is this a common problem?--Master of cheeZ 15:41, 23 July 2009 (UTC)

HELP! Cannot start game![]

HELP! I have a start up problem! Im on a PC Window's XP. I met all the recomended settings, and whenever i try to start the game all it does is make the screen turn black, and returns me to the place with all the icons(called explorer on my computer)

If any one know how to fix this, please comment below

--Crazybobo 15:50, 23 July 2009 (UTC)

Try turning off and then on your computer.--Kirby888 02:49, 10 August 2009 (UTC)

Second Alien Blaster[]

Does anyone think they can give me a little heads up of where the alien blaster on the base is. I do not want to miss it because i have the firelance and the original Alien Blaster i need to repair the original.

It's in the Armory inside Enclave Crawler Base. Alien Blaster is in the locked (HARD) gun container . There are ammo boxes containing alien power cells as well. Leeho730 15:02, 30 July 2009 (UTC)


Well, it was my own fault, but when Sentinel Lyons was unconscious at the Citadel I blew the shit out of her with some Nuka Grenades until she was off her bed and lying on the floor. Anyway, played through the entirety of Broken Steel, and when it came to the end and the captured Vertibird touches down... She walks out like normal and then suddenly collapses. Totally paralyzed. Can't talk to her, shoot her, nothing. So annoying/hilarious. Had to backtrack 5 hours of gameplay, way back to when I activated the purifier. I laughed pretty hard, though. Made sure to blow up the Citadel after that. By the way, I'm totally new here, so hello to you all. --Picnic In The Wasteland 21:05, 1 August 2009 (UTC)

I get stuck when i get off the vertibird in the citadel and elder Lyons and the other guys are just walking away.

unconfirmed bugs[]

Please verify these by using more than 2 occurrences before adding to article. Also note which platform this occurred on.

  • Arriving back at the Citadel Courtyard with the Vertibird, after destroying the Mobile Base Crawler, may result in being unable to actually finish the quest; you will be stuck standing beside the vertibird without your controls working and no Elder Owyn Lyons showing up for the finishing speech. This can be fixed by usage of the console command "enableplayercontrols" (and if necessary the "tcl"), and initiate conversation with Elder Owyn Lyons manually. (Normally located in the Citadel laboratory). (Bug confirmed for PC twice)
  • During this quest, if you return to the Satellite relay station the goal marker on the HUD will point to the tunnel. On the map, the tunnel will just be a point on the path to the goal. The path will extend from you, to the tunnel, to far off the southwestern corner of the map (not just off the area's map boundaries but off the entire map). It will then return to the map from somewhere to the south and head to a point almost on the path leading from the tunnel. Finally, from there it will lead to a goal marker right by the southern most satellite dish. Apparently the Mobile Base Crawler can tunnel underground wherever it wants to.
  • While having this quest active, but with no objectives completed and playing through the Anchorage Reclamation sim, entering the US headquarters after completing The Guns Of Anchorage caused the "Enter the Presidential Metro" objective to be completed.
  • Sometimes after clearing out the ghouls in the metro, the sentinel robot with the fuse will not fix the tram. The solution is simple. Kill the robot and take the fuse yourself. (Note: if you stopped the robots from attacking you at the computer, killing it will make them hostile) (Confirmed for PC)
  • During the assault on the Mobile Base Crawler the Brotherhood of Steel and Enclave soldiers participating in the battle can appear without their armor, but still keeping their weapons. Clad in only underwear they are quickly dispatched by the opposing team.

--Kingclyde 04:19, September 15, 2009 (UTC)

the explosion is pretty sweet[]

if you wait till its daytime right after you exit the building, first of all the bombs fall prematurely, but dont do anything, then when you go to watch the place explode because its daytime you can see all the black dust and explosions more clearly, makingToolazytomakeaaccount 20:35, October 20, 2009 (UTC) it kindve a okay explosion

Enclave Allies?[]

What happens if you decide to blow up those BoS jackasses... I know you get a nice .44 Magnum, but is that it? A nice handgun, a BIG crater, and all the remaining BoS hostile to you?! Do you at least get the Enclave as allies now, or are they trying to still kill you too, 'cause I don't want EVERY faction mad at me in my game: slavers are dead, raiders... duh, Megaton went boom, Tenpenny Tower is empty ^_^, slaves are pissed at me, the Republic of Dave met a deathclaw and he didn't like them, Big Town is enslaved, Arefu dropped dead, GNR... I killed the lot of 'em, Oasis got burned to the ground, Girdershade ironically fell to a WELL placed nuka grenade, Vault 101 is extinct, and Rivet City should've put up a better fight when i was being chased by a bunch of muties... Who decides to spawn 6 overlords at the Jefferson Memorial... WHO!?... So ya... As you can see, my evil character is at the top of everyone's hit list, and both Regulators and Talon Corp. are ambushing me at the same time, every time i fast travel! So can I at LEAST count on "My Countries' Government" to be friendly to me if I blow the BoS all the way back to California? Hell, even Little Lamplight is hostile to me, and I didn't even do anything to them! Geomexis 16:28, October 27, 2009 (UTC)

You know how hard it will be to get supplies on your account? and yes the Enclave are your allies after you make the citadel go boom, unfortunately if you blew up their base there are very small amounts of them left, like random tiny spawn locations, and I'm pretty sure if you kill 1 enclave soldier every single soldier will want to rip out your throat, then you're on everyone's hit listToolazytomakeaaccount 16:45, October 27, 2009 (UTC)

^^ Spelling corrected and insulting personal attack removed. ^^

actually, i pissed everything off on my evil character to see how hard the game is without npc supplies... it's pretty easy actually, though on very hard with both the regulators and talon guys, it gets pretty annoying, so i don't fast travel unless i have to, although with the near infinite amount of enclave controlled deathclaws it's funny, even more so after i somehow glitched the game when i fast traveled once so now i have a my own permanent deathclaw mind slave that fast travels with me. but supply wise, i simply find the closest hostile, use my handy-dandy nuka-grenades (quantum chemist) and see how many of said hostiles can figure out how to move them legs. as far as repairs go, i use alien epoxy for my weapons, and for armor, any moron dumb enough to walk around with some merc clothes gets a savage beating as i make them clean up their own blood... wait, i had a point in there somewhere... oh! finally, my character will have the support of the guys who's skins i've saved more times than they care to count. Geomexis 22:06, November 6, 2009 (UTC)

Optional - clear breach[]

All the ghouls are dead, but this quest is still active. Does it depend on the answers you gave to Margot? If so , I'll add it here. 16:57, November 8, 2009 (UTC)

it auto updates once u enter the base.
Ok, thx. 17:05, November 8, 2009 (UTC)
I'm having this same issue actually -- I most certainly have killed all the ghouls in the area. According to the guide, the presidential security drone is supposed to replace the fuse... but he just wanders back and forth uselessly warning me not to interfere. It looks like I'm going to have to kill him... 07:03, December 10, 2009 (UTC)
Make sure to check all the dead end tunnels, I found a glowing one hidden in one of them. - Redmess 11:37, December 26, 2009 (UTC)

I had the same problem, there weren't any more ghouls to kill. I entered the room at the end of the tunnel and there were two more ghouls attacking robots. I killed them and then I got the objective completed.Nutso 22:35, February 26, 2010 (UTC)

JFK homage?[]

When you first head into the utility tunnel there is a car at the crossroads, where there is a ramp on either side of the car. I don't know what the ramps are all about, though there is a motorcycle further up the tunnel (maybe some sort of "jumping the shark type reference?") The first thing I thought, when I saw the skeleton leaning over the back of the car, was that it looked an awful lot like Jackie O reaching back after JFK's assassination. I realize that didn't happen in DC, but what else could this be? LVTDUDE 21:35, November 23, 2009 (UTC)

maybe they just wanted to have a motorcycle jump spot? and some guy was sitting next to the car because he was waiting for the guy to jump, not everything in a game is a reference to something in real life.Toolazytomakeaaccount 19:46, November 24, 2009 (UTC)

Contain the breach details[]

I think the "contain the breach" quest requires some clarification. I checked the toolset, here's how it works:

21 ghouls must be killed overall to contain the breach. Of these 21 ghouls, at least 3 must be killed by the player, otherwise the robots will become hostile towards the player, because he didn't help them. The game monitors the overall number of ghouls killed and the number of ghouls killed by the player, as soon as 21 ghouls are dead, the game checks how many the player has killed, if less than 3, all bots are turned hostile. So use the chinese stealth armor, ghoul mask and either the perforator or the infiltrator silenced weapons and sneak shoot either feral ghouls or roamers or injured glowing ghouls. Do not touch the ghoul reavers! The turret will destroy them eventually. You only need to kill 3, so fulfill the requirement, then stay away from the bots and ghouls and just watch from a safe distance. Don't get too close, because there are mass damaging effects all over the place (reaver grenades, bot missile launchers, glowing ghoul radiation bursts), so don't get caught in them!

There are 2 ghouls in a cut off potion of the tunnels you cannot access. These 2 ghoul do NOT count towards the required number of ghouls that must be killed to contain the breach, NOR do they count towards the number of ghouls the player must kill to "help" the bots. So you can leave these two ghouls alive, nothing is gained by killing them, unless you still need XP (or maybe you just hate ghouls? lol).

As soon as the fight is over and the breach contained, go to the sentinel unit, when you get close, it will immediately fix the main fuse and you are good to go. If you have the robotic expert perk, make sure you do not deactivate the sentinel unit. If you do, you have to destroy it to get the fuse, since bots cannot be pickpocketed and if you destroy it, all bots will go hostile. This may be however an interesting alternative for players that have the robotic expert perk, but do not have the ghoul mask. Simply sneak past all the bots and ghouls, deactivate the sentinel unit, kill it, take the fuse, deactivate any other bot units that are nearby.

There is a bug on this quest that may turn some bots hostile towards the player for no apparent reason. I finally tracked the problem to the bots' aggression setting. For some reason, their aggression may unexpectedly rise from 2 to 3, which makes them attack pretty much everything, including the player and other bots. To fix, you need to edit 2 scripts through the GECK:



Find the line

if (DLC03NQlvl.botsFriendly == 1)

and add right after it in both scripts:

if getav aggression>2
setav aggression 2

Note that if ALL bots become hostile, it may be for a VALID reason, not due to a bug. There are 3 reasons why the bots may become hostile:

If you didn't get the highest clearance from MARGOT

If you attack a friendly bot

If you kill less than 3 of the 21 ghouls in the presidential metro

To check the current mission parameters through the console, use the following:

showquestvars DLC03NqLVL


prid xx0064b7 (where xx is the mod index of brokensteel.esm plugin, usually 03)
show ghoulplayerkilled
show ghoulskilled

ghoulsplayerkilled must reach 3 before ghoulskilled reaches a value of 21! WRFan 20:41, December 19, 2009 (UTC)

Launch Platform Base bugs[]

Noticed two bugs on the Launch Platform Base:

1) If you control both the robots/turrets and the deathclaw, both will be friendly towards the player, but they will still be hostile towards each other! So the deathclaw will still attack robots and vice versa, they should only be hostile towards the enclave NPCs.

2) If robots or turrets accidentally shoot each other while shooting enemies, they will become hostile towards each other. In addition, their aggression setting may rise to 3, which will turn them hostile towards absolutely everybody and everything including the player.

I fixed both errors through the GECK, if you are interested, here's what you have to change:

DLC03EnclaveBase quest, quest stage 32->update the script like this:

set DLC03EnclaveBase.RobotControl to 2
setally playerFaction DLC03EnclaveBaseRobotFaction

;add the following code:
if GetPCEnemyOfFaction DLC03EnclaveBaseDClawFaction==0
setally DLC03EnclaveBaseDClawFaction DLC03EnclaveBaseRobotFaction

setenemy enclaveFaction DLC03EnclaveBaseRobotFaction
setstage dlc03enclavebase 51

DLC03EnclaveBase quest, quest stage 40->update the script like this:

if DLC03EnclaveBase.DeathclawFollow == 0 && player.getItemCount DLC03SignalScrambler >= 1
setally playerFaction DLC03EnclaveBaseDClawFaction

;add the following code:
if GetPCEnemyOfFaction DLC03EnclaveBaseRobotFaction==0
setally DLC03EnclaveBaseDClawFaction DLC03EnclaveBaseRobotFaction

setenemy enclaveFaction DLC03EnclaveBaseDClawFaction
set DLC03EnclaveBase.DeathclawFollow to 1
DLC03EMBScientistDClaw02REF.say DLC03EMBDClawUnresponsive

script DLC03EnclaveBaseRobotControlSCRIPT:

add following code:

ref targetcurrent ;add this

begin GameMode

;add the following code:
if getav aggression>2
setav aggression 2

if DLC03EnclaveBase.robotControl == 2
set targetcurrent to GetCombatTarget
if targetcurrent.GetInFaction DLC03EnclaveBaseRobotFaction
;code below is unchanged

WRFan 03:04, December 21, 2009 (UTC)

Cannot unlock the door to escape.[]

OK. I activated the satellite missiles and need to open the door to escape. I found the other console (there are two tables, each with 4 consoles. Only 1 works) but when I open that console, I have a Transfer request (a note to the guys downstairs), a Satellite tracking message and another note about a Mentats addict (two more notes). That's it. No option to unlock door/disengage lock. What do I do? How do I finish the quest if I can't open the door? FYI, I looked at this computer before activating the satellite then came back to it afterward.LepricahnsGold 01:12, December 24, 2009 (UTC)

Stuck in Vertibird at the end[]

Whenever I choose the good ending, it always goes to the loading screen for a quick second, then I am stuck in the Vertibird and it doesn't land. Any help?

I am also having problems with this part. Sometimes when I come outside and the vertibird lands, the passengers exit but then start acting as if on standby. Im still stuck in cinematic view and have to reload there. It is a repeatable bug and seems to happen about half of the time. - Redmess 11:33, December 26, 2009 (UTC)

Aqua Pura Barrel?[]

Ok, so I'm going through the satalite on top of the crawler... and I notice a BoS Aqua Pura barrel. Does this mean anything? Or is it just something that happened to get placed there? (ps3)

location: far north, just south of stairs (inside satallite control tower) just below the floor with all the terminals. Conspiracy? Enclave stealing from the BoS? Lazy design flaw? 03:56, February 9, 2010 (UTC)


On my last playthrough, I left Fawkes, Charon, and Dogmeat's Puppy at my megaton house when I was doing this quest. On my current playhtrough, I would like to bring along Fawkes for combat help and someone to help me carry all the loot. Does anyone know what will happen to him, like any glitches that might make him disappear? I'm too scared to try until someone says anything. Thanks in advance

I took Fawkes and Dogmeat with me. They weren't with me watching the AF Base blow up nor in the helicopter thing, but they showed up at the Citadel at the end of the mission.Nutso 22:12, February 26, 2010 (UTC)

Deathclaw "Companion."[]

Is there anyway to stop this thing from re-spawning? I would guess it's 3 days between death and rebirth. I've killed the damn thing 3 times before it could destroy any NPC, except for Deputy Weld. I never guess where it will re-spawn. Whether I fast travel or walk to a location, it will suddenly appear and start killing Rivet City Water Security, or the Brotherhood by the Purifier or the NPC's outside Megaton. It shows up and attacks everyone but my companions and I.Nutso 16:23, March 15, 2010 (UTC)

Nevermind. I just reloaded from before the mission began.Nutso 16:23, March 15, 2010 (UTC)

2 Things[]

1) I left Charon in my house at megaton before going to the base, blew up the citadel an when i landed he appeared next to me. Because he only had his default equipment on the BOS soldiers killed him in the little skirmish. Why did that happen?

2) Does anyone know if when you blow up the citadel can you find bodies of people like Rotchild and Elder Lyons? 16:03, February 27, 2010 (UTC)

Citadel Destruction Disappointment. Anyone Else?[]

OK, this is REALLY nitpicking I think, but I just want to know is anyone else just a little disappointed with some results or lack of results with destroying the Citadel? Putting Callahan's Magnum and the armory aside, I found the BOS reaction pretty dry. Some Paladin just says your a traitor and that's it. They just start attacking. Sarah Lyons says nothing to you about killing her father. No dialogue comes up to say why the Lone Wanderer could have done it. Also to answer the 2nd question above, you don't even trully find out if Rothchild or Elder Lyons died (not me at least). No bodies. Just a dead knight in the Armory. Hell. Even that vertibird flys off and by what I've expirienced, it cannot be destroyed. Where would it go? The least they could have done was make Sarah Lyons say what the paladin said instead of him.


The article states that by blowing up the Adams AB Platform you'll gain 1000 karma, which would turn a 'very evil' character to a neutral one. This playthrough I decided to do just that, and I don't know how much karma I got but now I'm simply 'evil'. PS3 12:46, July 16, 2010 (UTC)

I looked through the GECK to find the answer for you, but I couldn't find where the Karma was awarded for this choice. Kris (talk) 16:11, July 16, 2010 (UTC)

Neutralizing the enemies in the Presidential Metro[]

It seems like, no matter what I do, I can not neutralize this "enemy threat" within the presidential metro. I've gone all the way to the Presidential sentry bot, killing any ghoul I see, and yet he won't replace the fuse. Anyone have any ideas?

If the robots kill a ghoul, it doesn't count towards the total. The only solution is to kill the sentry bot that has the fuse, and install it yourself. This will make all other units hostile, and will spawn two additional sentry bots once you replace the fuse (they'll come out of a couple blast doors that are powered by the fuse). Kris (talk) 19:02, July 16, 2010 (UTC)

Destroying the Citadel[]

If you destroy the Citadel AND Used the Modified FEV Virus, will the Enclave stop attacking you, and consider you an ally, since you assisted them? Or will they still senselessly attack you on sight?

As far as i know since the Enclave soldiers see you as nothing more than another impure wastelander destroying the Citadel or not, they will probably continue to attack you.-bleep196- 00:00, August 13, 2010 (UTC)
Alright thanks, i'll do it and post what happens. Wish meh luck o_e,...Oh btw, it's really ticking me off even at level 1 before I even START The main quest I get attacked by Enclave camps, but they are like level 10 enclave,..They hand me my rear end on Very Easy Mode,...

Call down airstrike[]

Is it worth mentioning that on a roof overlooking the first area with a lot of enclave emplacements, there's a note with instructions and switch for calling down an airstrike which takes out the emplacements? Bwilderbeast 10:45, February 20, 2011 (UTC)


I didn't enter the armory building until after finishing the quest and returning. When I left the building, there were a few robots and Enclave soldiers that suddenly appeared on the base and I assisted the Brotherhood in destroying them. Isn't that a trigger that should be changed if you bombed the base already? Just seems like a bug to me. Gary 42 01:17, May 23, 2011 (UTC)

what the what?[]

i do this thing and i bomb the crawler then vertibird comes sarah plops on the ground and lyes there ALIVE i reload savees i go in and out finally i wait and she gets fixed i shot her in the citadel and she stood up unconshus dose that cause it anyways this should be put in bugs

...what? Pat:3Macybraa se 03:14, August 11, 2011 (UTC)

long story but just read it slowly you will understand it was on ps3 anyways this should be in bugs sh just went all ragdoll

Tesla bug help[]

When I first get to the resuply crate and equip the tesla it doesnt do anything. Ill shoot at people and turrets and the beam will go right through them. PS I am playing on xbox-- 02:18, January 19, 2013 (UTC)


I understand that the BS sent the robot to the base. It was he who brought the box for the main character. A parachute like him, right? --ExplorerSmaily (talk) 09:24, February 22, 2018 (UTC)
