Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

No alcohol addiction?[]

Shadowgate100 reports that this perk may be "Possibly bugged. Became addicted to alcohol while drinking whiskey with Whiskey Rose activated. (PS3)"

Also, does anyone else find it amusing that in F:NV, drinking Whiskey (and other alcohols) would ironically result in better ranged-weapon accuracy, because the +1 STR bonus supposedly allows you to hold a firearm more steadily? --Theicla 14:57, November 7, 2010 (UTC)

It is incorrect to say that this perk keeps you from becoming addicted. It just eliminates the negative side effects. So I think the 'Possibly bugged ....' should be removed and clarified. Unless someone disagrees? 09:40, November 10, 2010 (UTC)

I strongly agree!It clearly brings down the quality of the article.Ragedaoneanlonely 12:22, November 10, 2010 (UTC)

I disagree. The only bug is that the HUD tells you that you have become addicted when you, in truth, have not. You do not suffer any negative side effects, the pip-boy status page does not list the addiction and both of these indicators of addiction continue to be absent if Rose of Sharon Cassidy is dismissed as a follower. The perk outright prevents all aspects of addiction with the exception of the one time HUD message. Tested on Xbox 360. Need confirmation for PC and PS3. 19:20, November 11, 2010 (UTC)

DT bonus[]

I noticed that, DT bonuses from consuming Whiskey, Large Wasteland Tequila and Wasteland Tequila are additive. With a Survival skill of 100 this perk will raise DT by 21 points (+6 from Whiskey, +6 from Large Wasteland Tequila, +9 from Wasteland Tequila). Rzeźnik 08:49, July 14, 2011 (UTC)


Does this also stop Whisky from dehydrating you? -- 19:26, July 8, 2012 (UTC)
