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Fallout Wiki

Is it confirmed that even after giving beggars purified water, then giving them aqua pura, kills them?

More or less, is this information even correct? Do we have enough trials? Has someone gave the beggar aqua pura and then gave purified water? Did he still die? We need more info...--Extremofire 15:20, 7 May 2009 (UTC)

All i can say is that i gave Carlos some Aqua Pura and it killed him. He was my primary source of good karma as i gave him tons of purified water, but now i guess i'll only have willy to turn to as Micky died as well... DON'T GIVE BEGGARS AQUA PURA. I still don't think that giving them purified water after you gave them aqua pura will make any difference but its worth a try. In short, if you give them Aqua Pura AFTER you give them purified water, they will die. But we need someone to try out giving them aqua THEN purified to see if that makes a difference...

It doesn't. They die anyway, which gave me a surprise to find him dead. Fat Man Spoon 21:19, 23 June 2009 (UTC)

Water given last is what matters?[]

Should mention karma can easily be maxed by giving/pickpocketing back, since karma gain > karma loss by pickpocket

Pickpocketing water is version-dependent[]

I'm playing the PS3 GOTY edition. Water given to the beggars immediately disappears from the game. Neither can it be pickpocketed nor looted from their corpses. Is this specific to the aforementioned version of the game or can anyone else confirm this for a different version? Forgetful 22:05, April 1, 2011 (UTC)

I can confirm that all water I gave them didn't showed on their inventory and simply disappeared. I'm playing on PC GOTY edition 02:21, March 16, 2012 (UTC)

Aqua Pura kills[]

xbox360 GOTY version

Water beggars -life or death. Example: Megaton.
  • The moment you engage them in conversation their life is in your hands.
  • Do you have any more water?.....No find your own water....Just leave me to die in peace..! (1. Walk 10 yds though Megaton gate.Walk back out.The gate engages the Auto save.Game time 6 minutes) Micky is dead..
  • Give Purified water. Gain Karma. (Rpt 1). Micky is alive.
  • Give Aqua Pura. Gain Karma. (Rpt 1) Micky is dead
  • Give Aqua Pura. Gain Karma. Give Purified water .Gain Karma.(Rpt 1) Micky is dead.
  • Give Aqua Pura. Gain Karma.. Pickpocket and remove Aqua Pura from inventory.( Rpt 1) Micky is alive.
  • In avery case where Purified Water is given it is immediately removed from the inventory
  • In every case where Aqua Pura is given it stays in the inventory unless removed.
  • Death occurs during the period of auto save if a Water Beggar has Aqua Pura in his inventory. Or leaving the cell with or without a save will have the same effect--1000HrsFallout3 (talk) 17:28, July 11, 2013 (UTC)