Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Drink vs Company[]

Most of what is found in the "Background" section has nothing to do with the drink but instead with the history of the company and should be moved to that article IMO. -- 22:09, June 6, 2016 (UTC)

Fun Fact[]

So it's noted that Vim is based on Moxie, and we of course know that Nuka Cola is based on Coca Cola (and potentially Pepsi Cola as well, at least per the inventor's name being a hybrid of Coke and Pepsi's creators, as well as there being no Pepsi analogue otherwise); in FO lore, Vim remained independent of Nuka Cola up until the end when the bombs dropped and the two companies had a rivalry over a flavor, keeping in mind that FO4 released in 2015. In 2018, Moxie was bought out by Coca Cola. Obviously FO lore isn't entirely a slave to real world events, but I figured it was worth mentioning given Vim's significance is that of a Nuka Cola competitor who refused to be bought out. Rather ironic that Bethesda "predicted" that Moxie would remain an independent local drink that wouldn't bow to the almighty Coke, and just a few years later Moxie did just that. At any rate, I figured it'd be worth noting the buyout in the Behind the Scenes, given the relevance. Hrimbjorn (talk) 08:17, October 20, 2019 (UTC)

Looking for specific character line[]

Hey folks, I'm looking for a specific line said to the character by an NPC for a reference. It's something along the lines of "Vim's got a kick you mainlanders aren't used to, but we prefer it here in Far Harbor."
I'm 99% sure that they specifically use the word "kick," as well as mentioning that it's more popular.
The character is not Mitch, Erickson, Allen Lee, The Mariner, Cassie Dalton, Old Longfellow, or Avery, and it is not a terminal entry.
If anyone knows who says a line like this, your assistance is appreciated <3
Katy Webb Icon vaulttec A better future, underground! 14:30, 4 October 2021 (UTC)

Update: managed to find something for the reference! What I was looking for was in a loading screen.
Katy Webb Icon vaulttec A better future, underground! 14:59, 4 October 2021 (UTC)