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Fallout Wiki


All Vaults were issued a GECK unless the presence of one was explicitly denied as a part of Project Safehouse, right? Is it possible that, since Mitchell seems to have gotten out of Vault 21 with no hassle, that Vault 21 was a control Vault and its GECK was used inside the ruins of Las Vegas? They say it is still "under construction". Nitty Tok. 18:29, February 14, 2010 (UTC)

Well, a lot of things are possible ;) Not all vaults got GECKs though; in FO3, out of 6 vaults only Vault 87 got one. -- Porter21 (talk) 18:37, February 14, 2010 (UTC)
Could be possible, maybe vault 21 became something like Vault City, or broke off into separate small towns? Shadowrunner56 18:46, February 14, 2010 (UTC)
Seems doubtful. Wouldn't a GECK have changed the landscape and destroyed the strip? 22:26, August 14, 2010 (UTC)
Vault 21 wasn't a control vault, anyway; it was just a relatively benign experiment, and one of the few that people walked away from with their minds and bodies intact. Kris mailbox 22:44, August 14, 2010 (UTC)
If if was a Fallout 2 style GECK that was simply a set of resources for setting up life on the irradiated surface then it may well have been distributed by House to reclaim areas around New Vegas and areas around (like what's now the NCR Farms) Without being used in conjunction with the Vault itself its usefulness and thus effects would have been limited. --BellerophonM 09:37, November 10, 2010 (UTC)

Vault 21: Sideplot[]

My theory is that Vault 21 is a completely ruined vault, and that you can discover what happened to it and then confront the one doctor dude about it. Outcast Mephisto 18:27, March 16, 2010 (UTC)

Vault 21[]

Well i hope that you can go into the vaults i liked the vaults cause i mean hey its underground and i liked them. Vaults 1-300 01:16, April 9, 2010 (UTC)

why is this page different from the other ones?

possible reference[]

Is the number a possible reference to the game of blackjack. Warriors004 23:15, May 12, 2010 (UTC)

Actually, no. Vault-Tec designed it that way, so its an in-universe reference, not a cultural reference. Nitty Tok. 23:19, May 12, 2010 (UTC)
Ok...guess I should've read the vault pages more carefully.Warriors004 23:24, May 12, 2010 (UTC)
does anyone know if you could win the vault in a game of poker against house?
Vault 21 is a reference to blackjack, as that was the game that house beat them at, and won the vault, cast out its inhabitants and filled it up with concrete

Vault Type[]

Has any information come out about wether Vault 21 will be like a Fallout 3 vault, or a classic fallout vault? I know it is unimportant, but I am curious all the same. The Emporer 17:43, May 14, 2010 (UTC)

It will be like the ones in Fallout 3. If you look at the cog shaped door on the sign, its the same type as in F3 and the Forest Vault has the same entrance as a F3 vault.--Chipgambino 23:58, June 19, 2010 (UTC)

I swear if we don't get any vaults with a west coast style of door... TestECull

Bethesda Game Studios redesigned the vault door to match their logo. I think Obsidian just used it rather than recreate the West Coast-style door. Now, I don't know much about the West coast Fallouts, but isn't the door at Raven Rock similar? Kris mailbox 14:45, August 10, 2010 (UTC)


I have done my best to restore the image, so I think we should keep it until a better image or official image comes along. Zachary8222 23:19, May 23, 2010 (UTC)


The interior of the place looks amazing... more places to make player housing. Nukey (talk) 23:56, October 4, 2010 (UTC)

I noticed that in Sarah's room there is a photo of the Lone Wanderer's parents. The photo next to the dresser on the right. Obviously there isn't a connection between the two, but rather just reusing objects, however I found it interesting. 19:25, October 31, 2010 (UTC)

How do you know it's the Lone Wanderer's parents? Space Butler 03:03, November 7, 2010 (UTC)


Anyone else think that maybe House wanted it so that he could be safe if NCR or Caesar’s Legion took the strip? I know he is very decrepit, but can anyone confirm that it is impossible for him to be moved if he felt his survival demanded it? The Emporer 17:49, October 20, 2010 (UTC)

No, its not possible as his chamber could not moved, and insult to injury, the vault has lacks the tech needed.--Artemis128 17:47, October 24, 2010 (UTC)

I think it was a cut quest with the lower levels of V21 being used for something else, (why does Benny have access to it through an elevator? I'm sure House mentions he was grooming Benny). There is the control room with the consoles you can interact with, but can't affect anything. The vaults may have lacked the tech when they were built, but no reason they couldn't have been refitted. If they wanted it to happen in the game, House's life support system could have been moved. They would have introduced some silly mechanism like Yes Man or whatever. It wouldn't have surprised me if Mr House was originally intended to be housed here, and there would have been a quest to find House's location if you wanted to kill him, since all of his communications were via remote control. We are given to believe Mr House thinks of everything - it would be stupid to have House physically at his headquarters, since that is the first place any enemy would look. Ideally his real self would be hidden, and his robots and a few key personnel would do everything for him, better yet if no-one knew where he really was. As it is it's fairly obvious something was meant to happen here, since we have the NPCs telling us V21 was concreted up for no reason, or unknown reasons Not a matter of space, since House was able to annex the Strip, so obviously a matter of security.

How is being in the middle of an ancient fortress protected by an army of heavy robots with a security system under your full control stupid? Personal_Sig_Image.gif Tagaziel (call!) 09:45, December 18, 2010 (UTC)
Since we see that Vault 21 was also connected to the Tops, it's not hard to speculate that it was possibly connected to other buildings and facilities around the Strip and perhaps even to the Lucky 38's underground installations(or at least dangerously close). So I was under the impression that this was the reason for House pouring in the concrete.Dr. Lobotomy 05:03, January 21, 2011 (UTC)

==Filled with Concrete?==So most of this Vault is inaccessable because House filled it with concrete, I hope this is explained in the game or House's Obituary about himself is really over-rated. Who fills a Vault with concrete? Adam James Walker 20:18, October 21, 2010 (UTC)It's not explained at all, you can't even ask Mr. House about it. Hopefully a DLC will fill in the missing details. I don't know about you, but the fact he ruined a good vault actually pissed me off.... So I killed him. =3 --ThePlasmaCaster 22:35, January 17, 2011 (UTC) (Aisha101 I don't understand how filling it with Concrete helps him because if you think the way he supposedly thinks of everything wouldn't leaving the whole vault accessible mean Sarah could have more guest there and make more money.Aisha101)

With the base game as it is right now, it makes a bit of sense to concrete up a Vault. This prevents others (those House wants to control) from having a nearby, well-defended sanctuary. Think Vault 3 Fiends and how difficult it is for the NCR to oust them. I think that it makes tactical sense to make the Vault useless, especially when, as is the case at the moment, he has no obvious control over the facility. Would be cool to see some greater use for V21 though, like if the Vault only had a few feet of concrete blocking upper from lower. Flagcaptured 21:23, April 17, 2011 (UTC)


On some of the terminals in Vault 21 you can read about their history. I believe it says that after House took the Vault he gutted it and used that to aid in the rebuilding of Vegas. What do you do with a husk of a vault? It'd be an eyesore, so just fill it with concrete and turn the rest into a hotel. Although,I must say, I did get the feeling there was some cut content there.

light switch[]

should it be noted that there is an actual light switch in vault 21 that actually interacts with the lights? this is the first instance of this I have seen in the fallout games (other than the pipboy light but that is different)

There's one in the sign shop on the strip as well.- The Capulet 06:22, October 24, 2010 (UTC)

Also one in The Thorn in Red Lucy's room. Munin088 21:36, October 31, 2010 (UTC)

That switch does more than just turn on that emergency light, illuminating the bed. It also turns on music and sets the mood. KaisarDragon 01:33, December 25, 2010 (UTC)

wont let me rent room[]

on the xbox and ps3 i cant rent romes can anyone tell me why the stupid owner lets everyone exept me stay in it

I hear voices...[]

...and there's no one there! Anyone know what the story is with the ghostly chatter in the Vault 21 gaming room? Thecrystalcrow 06:43, October 24, 2010 (UTC)

Fallout new vegas has a lot of glitches, its probably the audio of people talking but no people

It is just background sounds. Gomorrah is one example that comes to mind with a lot of this kind of background noise. I wouldn't call it a glitch. KaisarDragon 13:50, January 1, 2011 (UTC)


i see there is talk on the page editing my edits saying the characters are not agoraphobic. firstly, talk should not be done on the actual page and secondly it is not my personal opinion that the two siblings are agoraphobic: the player can pass a speech check (medicine i think) that actually says that they are agoraphobic. please stop making idiotic edits. Eydryan 20:06, October 24, 2010 (UTC) I've attached the discussion from the page below:

(Not true agorophobia is the fear of having a panic attack in a place one cannot escape from, like crowded open spaces. Not wanting to go outside is not indicative of agoraphobia. Also the characters do not seem to suffer from Panic Disorder

(Actually it is true. Agoraphobics will avoid the situations that give them panic attacks, i.e. going outside to public places. In severe cases, the sufferer may become confined to his or her home, experiencing difficulty traveling from this safe place. They don't have the panic disorder because they are in their safe place. Michael Angelo starts to panic when you suggest taking him out to the wasteland to see the sights.))

you would think this was a common disorder among vault dwellers, considering being born, growing up, and living in one place your entire life would sort of institute the fear in most people, i suppose agoraphobia, ocd, and conditions like that were not commonly recognized by the general public until more recent years with shows like Monk glamorizing them.


Whether or not a couple of the Vault occupants have agoraphobia doesn't matter. Save that for their character pages. The clinical definition of a word and common understanding/usage of a word are two different things. Like depression and psychopath and many others words. Clinical definitions are more specific. Not to mention the fact that clinical definitions change over time in order to keep up with new information about various conditions.

Vault Door[]

The door on the sign cannot be the actual door, as both sides are the outer side, both sides are the external sign with the number, and how could those tiny posts hold up a vault door anyway? The Emporer 15:11, October 25, 2010 (UTC)

This is what I was thinking. It has been said in-game that the doors weigh "like...16 tons", even if it were only a few tons I don't see how they could have possibly gotten it up there and held up by those posts. --Pongsifu 12:34, November 7, 2010 (UTC)

Exactly. And the other thing is that if you look at it you will see that both sodes are the same. Both sides are the exterior side, with the number. One will notice that the doors actually seen in vaults have a side llike that and an interior side with a mount for the opening arm. The Emporer 22:35, November 9, 2010 (UTC)

Doc Mitchell[]

"Mitchell but he doesn't seem to leave his house either (doesn't go to fight the Powder Gangers and the Courier is brought to him by Victor)."

He went to fight the powder gangers armed with a laser pistol for me.

The Courier is brought to him by Victor because it was Victor who found him! Whoever came up with this nonsense about Agoraphobia needs to play the game, aside from Mitchell (who wasn't so agoraphobic when he left the Vault) there are two other Vault Dwellers mentioned, Sarah and Sheldon; why? Because everyone else left! Two people having agoraphobia does not make the Vault agoraphobic, every Vault is underground and no other Vaults have problems with agoraphobia. Adam James Walker 19:41, October 29, 2010 (UTC)


in the bugs section, it mentions an elevator. i have looked in vault 21, and i cant find an elevator anywhere...

am i just missing it, or should we remove it from the bugs section?

I saw that as well. It looks to be a word for ward copy of a Vault 22 bug. There may be a way to open that inaccessible door though. The Emporer 20:38, October 27, 2010 (UTC)

I believe its the one that's behind the inaccessible door, that would lead to Benny's suite in The Tops. Apparently the elevator door in his secret tunnel can only be opened with the console (i only have it on xbox so i cannot confirm) Teh leecherer 21:34, October 30, 2010 (UTC)

I checked with the console, and there are only a coubple empty hallways and stairs to nowhere behind it. No elevators. - Redmess (talk) 21:55, August 4, 2012 (UTC)


In the layout section, it mentions that Mr. House could have been the overseer, however (I recall) Mr. house is quite old (pre-war), as well vault 21 would not have been given an overseer as part of the intended experiment. If all decisions are made from gambling there would be no need for a decision making Overseer. This would also eliminate the need for an overseer office. Hsad 21:26, November 4, 2010 (UTC)

This is bogus, Mr House is the pre-war CEO of RobCo, and not an overseer of any vault, seeing as he sealed himself inside his casino shortly before the Great War. - Redmess (talk) 21:57, August 4, 2012 (UTC)


I stumbled across a youtube video showing the locked level from the tops. It is not mine, I have a 360, but it does show what is down there. I don't know if I can place videos I didn;t make on the wiki, so I'll wait for some confirmation it should be in the article. The Emporer 18:07, November 11, 2010 (UTC)

Put it in. I've seen videos that are way more stupid on pages, and they always justify putting them in the article. This is very relevant. - Freakshow

No, don't. We're trying to remove all the unnecessary videos from articles. --Kris User Hola 12:15, November 18, 2010 (UTC)

Strip Notes[]

Under "Notes" there is a bullet for Strip Letter #1. Why? There are actually three strip letters (1-3) in Vault 21. It just seems odd to list that one, if any. KaisarDragon 01:32, December 25, 2010 (UTC)


Havent found a single working gambling thing, nor any seller of chips. Is this really a casino in gameplay terms or more in terms of "filler"? --Radnus 16:04, December 29, 2010 (UTC)

Vault 21 is a hotel. KaisarDragon 16:16, December 29, 2010 (UTC)

Lone Wanderer's Parents[]

In Sarah's room there is a picture of the Lone wanderer's parents (James and Catherine). Did anyone else notice this? Why would Sarah have a picture of them in her room? DLC material anyone?

It's been confirmed several times that it's just an accidentally placed doodad. Personal_Sig_Image.gif Tagaziel (call!) 09:34, January 4, 2011 (UTC)

Cheers mate

Is this the vault that the courier lived in at one time? You start the game wearing a Vault 21 jumpsuit, or was I not paying attention when that was explained in the game? Erusun 21:55, January 13, 2011 (UTC)

Doc Mitch used to live in the vault. He gave you the jumpsuit (his jumpsuit) so you wouldn't be running around naked. KaisarDragon 22:38, January 13, 2011 (UTC)

Benny's Elevator[]

This is kinda a modding question, not for a full mod but just a hobby plugin. My Q pertains to the existence of Vault 21 tho, so here: Since I'm playing NV on the PC, I had to see what was down Benny's elevator to Vault 21.

Using the console this is a simple 'unlock' on the [INACCESSIBLE] elevator door in the secret back hallway of The Top's 13th floor(near Yes Man).

Once I got down there, there is a lot of very empty vault hallway space- so I'm tempted to use the FNV GECK to turn it into a super cool hideout stash room. Problem is, I can't find the f-er on the GECK. It's not a part of Vault 21 in the GECK, yet using tcl no clipping console command, you can easily air-walk from benny's corridor over to vault 21, accurately distant per the pip-boy map. So WHY and HOW are they connected in the game (not actually connected, just hung in the same no-where-limbo space) but not in the G.E.C.K.??!? I don't care about why, really, just where the heck do I find it in the geck? (wow, rhymes)

Anybody found Benny's area of Vault 21 in the GECK or know how I can determine the cell ID so I can just pick it out of the GECK cell window?

BTW- you need the FNV specific GECK to mess with FNV. The FO3 version of the GECK, while seemingly exactly the same, won't work.

Anybody feel free to relocate this to a more appropriate talk page, just let me know if you do.

Pu239AndYou 22:38, January 25, 2011 (UTC)

It is there in Vault 21. It takes some traveling but it is in the same cell ID. I checked my map in game, then followed the same direction in the render window. The long hallway didn't appear until I ran right into it, though. Also, if you fall out one of the doors to nowhere, the game will spawn you at the entrance to Vault 21. I thought this was handy until I realized I left all my guns at The Tops. KaisarDragon 21:52, January 27, 2011 (UTC)

Ok, it was a GECK problem. All sorts of kit pieces, items and actors weren't being rendered in the GECK due to a setting in the GECKCustom.config file. busemultibounds value is originally 1, changing this to a 0 fixes this problem. I am now well on my way to a full mod in this area. Thanks for the confirm, KaisarDragon. BTW, the GECKCustom.config file would revert that changed value back to a 1 everytime the GECK.exe was opened. No idea why. Happened dozens of times until I handled both .config and .exe as an administrator, and backed up GECKCustom to another location and substituted a second edited copy. Then the saved value stayed saved.

Savory Iguana Sausages.[]

Has anyone read the Guest terminals scattered around the vault? Some of them have menus, and one of the items are "Savory Iguana Sausages". The description of the meal is, "No, we only use female iguanas!"


See Through Right Wall Before Sarah's Toilet - On PS3 Too[]

This bug works on PS3 as well... "If you walk into the right wall, before the toilet, of Sarah's bathroom you can see other parts of the vault." ...and I have now added the PS3 icon to it.

-- 18:12, July 23, 2011 (UTC)

Cemented Theory[]

The NPC Carlitos Wayne makes a comment about "ending up adding to the bodies in the cement walls" when asked about The Strip, Possibly hinting to the residents refusing to leave the vault and as a result Mr House simply began cementing them in there, it seems logical that both Sarah Weintraub and Sheldon made an agreement to work for Mr House in exchange for sparing the remaining residents upon seeing Mr Houses resolve, It's also possible that this is more specifically what Doc Mitchell refers to with the statement "I too know what it's like to have something taken from you" This also goes somewhat to explain the missing residents since if they were kicked out, there would likely be more than three residents remaining at The Strip. It is also said that Mr House stripped the Vault of what is of use, but little to no Vault-Tech exists on The Strip (which appears to be built out of the ruins of Vegas more than anything else) so this is likely a cover for what really happened, finally Sarah Weintraub states she has never left the Vault but then flips that around when asked "you have never left this place?" and says she has in fact left the Vault, it's possible that both Sheldon and Sarah have been forbidden from leaving the places in which they have been sent to work. This is possibly why they still wear Vault 21 jumpsuits as they will be the only clothing either of them have.

--Rob593 (talk) 12:25, April 26, 2013 (UTC)
