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Fallout Wiki

Tunnel Snakes rule![]

I did not write the above header, but as it was just a a header with no paragraph, I used it to ask this imprtant quest based on a members quote on the Tunnel Snakes page

" Quote " By 2277, the gang's numbers have fallen. Paul was badly injured during the radroach attack and eventually succumbed to his wounds, and Wally Mack left the group, leaving Butch as the only original member. Freddie Gomez is seen wearing the gang's jacket, but his official status as a Tunnel Snake is unknown. However, after completing Trouble on the Homefront, Butch may be found in Rivet City and will express his desire to start up the gang again. " End Qute "

When was Freddie Gomez was seen wearing the gang's jacket ?

SaintPain TinySaintPainThat was broke afore I got here." 07:48, June 8, 2013 (UTC)

Getting pally with the bullies![]

Before taking the G.O.A.T exam and siding with the Tunnel Snakes is there any ways to earn their respect earlier on in the game? ThePog 19:30, January 6, 2010 (UTC)

Nope.Leea 13:01, April 9, 2010 (UTC)

Not before the G.O.A.T You can beat the crap out of the 3 Snakes but they don't ever show respect until they need or want some thing later..

As in durning Escape! or even later.

SaintPain TinySaintPainThat was broke afore I got here." 07:58, June 8, 2013 (UTC)


Wasn't Freddie Gomez a fully member of the Tunnel Snakes too? Also, per the article Reilly's Rangers, should the Lone Wanderer's possible membership be noted in this? Kreivi Wolter 21:46, October 14, 2010 (UTC)

Not according to the game play

SaintPain TinySaintPainThat was broke afore I got here." 08:29, June 8, 2013 (UTC)

Freddie Gomez does seem to be a member in 2277, since he's wearing the jacket. James' medical notes on him also mention that he participates in bullying with his peers... although he wasn't wearing a jacket or harassing Amata before the G.O.A.T., so maybe he only joined later. And that's true, the Lone Wanderer could officially join the Tunnel Snakes if Butch's mother is saved. There's even a dialogue option with Butch that confirms his membership during Trouble on the Homefront. Darkness Squall (talk) 06:39, June 8, 2013 (UTC)

" Quote " Freddie Gomez does seem to be a member in 2277, since he's wearing the jacket. James' medical notes on him also mention that he participates in bullying with his peers... although he wasn't wearing a jacket or harassing Amata before the G.O.A.T., so maybe he only joined later. " End Quote "

No Freddie Gomez dose not wear a tunnel snake jacket or harras Amata before the Goat.

I'm sorry friend but you are mistaken. Freddie Gomez was the doumbounded young man at the back of the class. I never heard of him trying to join the tunnle snakes but I know I never saw him in with Butch, Wally & Paul that day.

Wally Mack & Butch are the only two white guys that harras Amata before the Goat.

Freddie is the last guy to finish the GOAT, if fact the game never shows if he ever did finish it properly. Freddie is the one in a Vault 101 jumpsuit who askes the Lone Wanderer for an answear. Even after the rest of the class have left the room.

This article needs a major rewrite. Please see a moderator

No offence but this is flawed.

SaintPain TinySaintPainThat was broke afore I got here." 07:36, June 8, 2013 (UTC)

Creation Club[]

I just removed the following from the article page:

In 2287, the fate of the remaining Tunnel Snakes is finally revealed as the Sole Survivor of Vault 111 discovers their remnants holed up in a subway tunnel. Most of them are now deceased. There's a terminal that documents the excitement of what seems to be a new member to the gang that joined the gang shortly after they entered the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The entries make mention that Wally had taken up refuge in the subway tunnels, but refused to dispose of some nuclear waste that had apparently been dumped within. He claimed he thought making habitation near these radioactive drums would give them all "super powers." This proves very quickly to be erroneous, as the members all begin succumbing to radiation poisoning. By the time the Sole Survivor encounters them, most of the members are now deceased and more notably are all ghouls. Wally survived, but is now a mindless feral Glowing one.

Although we agreed not to have CC and mainspace connect with each other, this does seem like it would have value on the Tunnel Snakes article, albeit with a non-canon tag. Thoughts? Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 10:02, January 27, 2018 (UTC)

I'd be in favor of that. Think CC should have more exposure, certainly the content involving quests. Should also have information on Subway station, that's the target location of the quest (found on YouTube) . Jspoel Speech Jspoel 17:33, January 27, 2018 (UTC)