Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Page Edits about Selling Options[]

I'm not really one for messing around with pages, but it should be noted that the Drinking Buddy can also be sold to Rufus Ribins in the Hotel Rexford for 100 caps (Charisma checks can raise it even more and net you some beers too).

User:Fredgiblet That's the entire point of the quest, so it's not necessary to spell it out.

Quest Not Completing After Keeping Him a Bug?[] anyone else thinking that the fact that the quest doesn't ever end until you actually send Buddy to Rufus a bug? I hope it is a bug, because I'm having loads of fun grabbing one of each model of robot I can and walking it home to Sanctuary to be installed in a "museum" I have set up, and having a walking brewery makes a hell of a decoration!

Sadly it's not a bug, more of an oversight in my opinion. I have not checked what will happen if you use console commands to "finish" the quest, but I will soon - it's been stinking up my log for along time and I'm not giving him up lol... Ulithium Dragon (talk) 06:05, December 4, 2015 (UTC)

Let us know results of that ulithium!

Finally got around to trying. Decided the safest bet was to use the "completequest" command (as in Skyrim that often caused NPC's to not act as if the quest had been completed properly), and it worked! Had to look up the stupid quest's name using FO4Edit, though - it's very illogically named (cuz Bethesda).
Anyways, use the console command "completequest DialogueGoodneighborRufus" and you can keep him with no ill side effects - he stays where you put him, and you can even send him to another settlement if you wish. I did not test what would happen if you told him the "I sold you" dialogue, though, and I would recommend you don't try lol... Ulithium Dragon (talk) 12:32, December 16, 2015 (UTC)

  • Using the console command completes the quest. If you select the dialogue about being sold to Rufus Buddy will start making his way to the hotel as it indicates that is his home location. So best just to leave it. --Lunamoonraker (talk) 23:26, December 22, 2015 (UTC)

Adding new recipes[]

Can someone extend the article with some info on how to add the recipes the player finds? if it's just storing, then the section with what stuff you can store in the bot should be extended -- 12:26, December 5, 2015 (UTC)

When you have a new recipe in your inventory, talk to him and you will get a dialog option that goes something like "I have a new recipe for you, Buddy." Ulithium Dragon (talk) 12:33, December 16, 2015 (UTC)

can't immortalize Buddy[]

making Buddy "essential" does not work.

the baseID is correct, but it says that ID is invalid for setting to essential, and sure enough, it does not change him to essential.

likewise, using the refID provided in the notes does nothing.

might have changed in the patch, but you can't set buddy to be essential.

Just tested, it works fine for me. The ID listed in the infobox was incorrect. I fixed that (even though it's the quest ID, not buddy's. However, the setessential command is used on buddy's base id, not the ref id. --Xernoc (talk) 09:08, December 25, 2015 (UTC)

I thought it did not work for me either because after I typed in the code isessential still returned a value of 0. However after a quick save and attempt to kill it, I found it was quite immortal. Dragonalumni (talk)

Bug when activating Buddy[]

I'm on a PC and when I went to the basement one of the mole rats escaped into the main building. I did not kill it. When I activated "Buddy", he immediately went into defensive mode and hunted down the mole rat. After that he never gave me any dialog options. I was not able to tell him to go to the hotel or to my settlement. I had to reload. I killed the mole rat this time and he worked fine.
