Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Does the Point Lookout tribal cult have a proper name aside from just "tribals"? Ausir 23:06, 23 June 2009 (UTC)

Not really. They never refer to themselves as anything but the tribe/tribals. We should probably just call them Point Lookout tribals (similar to the Pitt raider (character) and Pitt slaves). -- Porter21 (talk) 23:28, 24 June 2009 (UTC)

Point Lookout health[]

I have only anecdotal evidence, but I am sure they have more health than raiders, they are absorbing a lot of hits (3 VATS headshots with my A3-21 plasma rifle, compared to raiders usually going down in 1) Can anyone confirm this? (Supernova36 16:07, 24 June 2009 (UTC))

On very hard Most of them dont go down after 3 shots from a fully repaired Backwater rifle with the fucked up damage....i think it's because of the armor thing they wear or they must be "Blessed" Butter 16:08, 24 June 2009 (UTC)
I forgot to say, this is playing on normal, but either way I'm sure they have more health than raiders. (Supernova36 16:12, 24 June 2009 (UTC))
For the sake of your sanity....do NOT fight these mother's on very hard......unless your chuck noriss...then they run from you Butter 16:13, 24 June 2009 (UTC)

hostile after quests?[]

i left some things at the ark and dove cathedral, and when i went back after the quests, all of the tribals who were not named were hostile. The Tribals with names only became hostile after i attacked a hostile tribal. Is this a glitch, or is it supposed to work that way?


Since Treeminders are listed under the East Coast tribes, the Fallout 3 game logo should be added to the games list, right? And would it be in addition to Poin Lookout or instead of it?--TheBearPaw 00:53, February 8, 2010 (UTC)

Great Khans[]

Don't the Khans count as tribals?- Anonymous140.209.179.147 22:00, December 1, 2010 (UTC)

That's a rather tough question. While many other factions in the Mojave consider them as raiders, they seem to live in a more tribal style rather than the Fiends, the Jackals, the Vipers etc. -Anonymous 2

They pretty much are tribals. They haven't actually done any raiding since Bitter Springs.

How are the Boomers tribals? I think i might delete that because im not so sure about them being tribal.

the Boomers are tribals because they refer to themselves as a tribe --Fezgod 23:12, August 4, 2011 (UTC)

Graham's Definition[]

According to Graham tribes are any "family of families", IE the Boomers, New Canaanites, Khans, etc count, that have a cultural identity that's distinct from the sort of "just places" where urbanites live. I futzed around with the article a bit, but not really happy with it. Someone with more care should do a substantial rewrite since this is most likely meant as a clarification of the nature of tribals. 01:38, May 28, 2011 (UTC)

Kings tribals?[]

What about them seems tribal? They don't even call themselves one, they're a gang, there's no rituals outside of an Elvis hard on. Nobody describes them as tribals, they don't have any form of elder except The King, who's the gang leader not a tribal leader. I mean, you COULD argue that he's the tribal, but then we're getting into semantics and there's no reason claim Enseyor/NCR as a tribe too and just say Kimball's tribe leader.
