Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Alright, basic page structure done. We'll need some of our weapons experts to add stuff, but they're probably too busy with the screw-up that is new perks. Nitpicker of the Wastes 15:02, 26 June 2009 (UTC)

It cannot be repaired with any other knife or vice-versa. John56Q 15:12, 26 June 2009 (UTC)

Hehe... Someone needs to kill a Behemoth with this one. That would be priceless. I'm Norwegian and Angry. 17:13, 26 June 2009 (UTC)

Here's the schtick. The knife does only 1 damage. But, if you have the Ghoul or Defender perks, it does... like, 20. So, someone needs to kill a Behemoth without the perks. You up to the task? Nitpicker of the Wastes 17:18, 26 June 2009 (UTC)

If i can kill one with the mesmetron then i can kill one with this toy knife...im playing on PC so ill remove the perks for the challenge Butter 17:20, 26 June 2009 (UTC)
I took one down with the suped-up BB gun. Fat Man Spoon 17:20, 26 June 2009 (UTC)

The toy knife has a lot more health than 10. If it had 10 it would break after you use it two times.

GECK says so. You lose. Nitpicker of the Wastes 21:49, 26 June 2009 (UTC)

Only 10 AP? Seriously?[]

So, with my 140 Action Points, I can swing this knife 14 times in VATS? ROFL! And still probably not kill anything.... I do think it's funny that this is found next to a Hockey Mask. ch-ch-ch.... ah-ah-ah... 07:16, 27 June 2009 (UTC)

hmmm... any better directions lol? ive spent about 45mins going around in circles near turtledove. Fast travel, go to yellow sign, go south to next yellow sign, turn west, jump over hedge, look right and repeat.

WHAT AM I DOING WRONG? lol -- 03:25, 12 August 2009 (UTC)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LY9ShAlUM_c Helped me out a ton. Found it in 3 mins once i watched it. Better directions should say: look at the back of the sign, then proceed.

And sorry for posting this in the wrong section... meant to edit the above talk one. -- 03:34, 12 August 2009 (UTC)

What is the point?[]

Why put this knife in the game? It doesn't seem to do much, just serve as a unique item and possibly the worst weapon in the game.Cheesytom 09:59, 28 June 2009 (UTC))

Yeah, they should only put really powerful weapons in the game, and not waste time screwing around with flavor items... for that matter, there's too much variety in the textures, NPCs, indoor / outdoor areas, and quests. I mean really, there should only be one weapon that does like a million damage per hit, and only one quest that gives you enough XP to go from level 1 - 30 when you complete it. I HATE all the detail and thought that went into the whole "game world." What's the point? I mean, look at Pong. Best. Game. EVER. 09:55, 30 June 2009 (UTC)

I think it has use when you find out how funny it is sneak attack criticaling some person with this weapon!--Bayonetta 22:17, 5 July 2009 (UTC)

Is it the weakest weapon in the game?[]

I always thought the mesmetron was the weakest. Comparing the stats listed it seems so too, but I don't have the geck and can't correctly verify it. Anyone else? Reflect 21:50, 30 June 2009 (UTC)

It's only the weakest until you realize that it's the most efficient way to summon the Mysterious Stranger. I'm fairly certain Grim Reaper's Sprint works with Mysterious Stranger, making this an incredibly cheesy way to destroy your enemies. Now, that being said, good luck getting anyone below 150 health using this weapon . ..

THIS WEAPON RULES!!!!! my toy knife does a damg of 16 0_0

Location is fucked up[]

The instructions are wrong. They told me to head west from the sign and shit. I could barely understand. Eventually, I found the knife. It was directly south of the prison. Why couldn't the instructions just say that? I'm gonna alter it so no one else has this problem.-- 02:20, October 24, 2009 (UTC)


Why would Bethesda even create this weapon? If they were going for a reference to Halloween, they could just implemented the Slasher's Knife, not this hunk of plastic (I'm assumming its plastic as it's a toy and can't be repaired with normal Knifes) junk.--KnightNapier 02:57, November 27, 2009 (UTC)

Variety is the spice of life. It's the ultra low AP cost that made it worth it. Mothership Zeta's Atomic Pulverizer ruined it. Nitty Tok. 03:06, November 27, 2009 (UTC)
I guess you're right. Otherwise why add in the BB Gun or the Rolling Pin right?--KnightNapier 03:09, November 27, 2009 (UTC)
The BB Gun is silenced, making it a better sneaky weapon for very early players, and the Rolling Pin is a gag weapon. Nitty Tok. 03:11, November 27, 2009 (UTC)
Do you know what would be funny? a perk that allows critical hits to instantly kill someone. That would lead to some very humorous defeats, like a Behemoth being killed by a BB Gun or the Toy Knife. I don't think the could do it as weapons like the assault rifles would be become too powerful. Shame.--KnightNapier 03:14, November 27, 2009 (UTC)

Reason for implementation in the game[]

Has nobody seriously thought of this? THERE IS A RECURRING HORROR CHARACTER IN FALLOUT 3, THE PINT-SIZED SLASHER. The knife and hockey mask might have been a reference to a child in pre-war acting like him on halloween. Obviously it's a PLASTIC toy knife, which is why it has a low ap cost, with similarily low damage. Kale Nekona 03:24, February 28, 2010 (UTC)

Umm.... The Pint-Sized Slasher wears a clown mask...Making it a reference to Halloween because as a child Micheal Myers kills his sister in a clown mask. It is next to a hockey mask! this making it more like a reference to Friday the 13. So more like someone being Jason for Halloween. God damn ghouls 22:35, April 12, 2010 (UTC)

Maybe they were on drugs


It's on a small wooden crate WNW of the second yellow sign you see coming from the camp, in between a row of bushes and a broken tree.

I have also noticed a few times if you hang about looking for it too long amongst the ghouls either Hidden or with the mask, the sentry bots oft roll down the road and unload un them with rocket launchers. The splash damage can knock the box about and make the knife just impossible to find and you don't get Dogmeat. I found the mask upside on the ground next to it and no knife a few times, I had to reload a recent one, luckily usually very recent. 17:20, October 1, 2014 (UTC)

Are you fucking kidding they were to lazy to make the toy knife a toy so it why call it a toy knife if it dose not look at all like a fucking toy just paint all blue or something why dose fallout 3 suck so much and why the fuck would they make a unique knife if the normal knife is better they put no work in to makeing any kind of joke with it so fallout 3 you can't sit with us go to the corner with fallout 4
