Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

WoW Reference[]

The behind the scenes info is complete nonsense. Fallout 2 was released in 1998. World of Warcraft wasn't released until 2004. How can a game be referencing something that wouldn't be released for another six years?-- 05:12, May 16, 2012 (UTC)PunchBeaf

The MMO World of Warcraft is indeed from 2004, but the Warcraft universe is a lot older, as the first game was released in 1994. Hugs MadeMan2 "Say 'ello to my little friend!"

I've commented out both of these lines, and the behind the scenes header:

  • When clicking on Torr, he may sometimes say "Zugzug". This is a small reference to Warcraft, as "Zugzug" is a word in the Orcish language.
  • Correction: Actually, Zugzug is a word from 'Caveman' and means sex.

Can anyone confirm the validity of either of these? Caveman is a 1980's movie, whereas the early warcrafts were published by Interplay (leading me to beleive this is the more likely link.

Do not readd either unles we can either confirm one as bogus, or confirm which the dev's had in mind (its unlikely anyone would remember at this point) Agent c (talk) 19:50, February 24, 2013 (UTC)
