Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


I have put this (Fire Ant Nest Protectors may attack each other when injured simultaneously by grenade thrown in stealth attack.) as a bug because it is strange that those ants are attacking each other, which ofc could be caused by injured antennae (thus confusing them) but it's not known if this is intended. RDGST 13:59, 18 November 2008 (UTC)

EDIT: OK I see that several people had the same but when intentionally shooting ants' antennae so I assume it's not a bug

Duplication of information/Notes[]

Think with care about what you may want to add to the Notes section. I've seen it grow big and bigger than what it really is suppose to be. Quest details that affect Karma or the End Reward shouldn't go in there. Those should be in the Walkthrough under the proper Objective. I'm even thinking of reducing it by removing the "Bryan says there seven people...", which is becoming somewhat useless. Any thoughts? Vokiel 17:11, 18 November 2008 (UTC)

It seems to happen on lots of pages... I suppose you can clear up and restructure at will. ;) Mirar 17:15, 18 November 2008 (UTC)
I agree-- clean this article up! I'd do it myself, but I don't have the energy today. Maybe later. :) --Shizaara 00:01, 27 November 2008 (UTC)

Dumping that note that was referring to the package mini quest, no need to duplicate this across all pages with Marigold Station in them

  • Closer to the entrance in Marigold station is a small side room with a fire hose box in it. It contains Lesko's Safe Key. The key belongs to Lesko's safe which is located if you continue going through the tunnels, after where you meet Lesko, in a locked door. The door has an Easy lock on it. Alternately there is a monitor that you can hack with an Easy science skill. Inside the Safe is "Naughty Nightware". If you take it, a man named Lug-nut will come bursting through the door and try to take it from you. You can either kill him, or give him the "Naughty Nightware". Vokiel 19:49, 5 December 2008 (UTC)


"Sometimes you will not have the option of talking about Bryan with Vera Weatherly. Upon first confronting her, the option is available. However, after attempting to use your speech skill to start the rumor-mill, the option disappears. Even after reloading from previous saves the option about Bryan can be missing."

I just did this quest yesterday, and I think this bug has been fixed on the PC version. Either that, or I got lucky. I went through all the rumor-mill options before I told her about Bryan and the option was still there. I wonder if the bug is caused by ending conversation with her after going through the rumor-mill but before telling her about Bryan. I would test it, but this quest is a pain in the backside to run through just to test a little problem. --MadDawg2552 15:48, 3 January 2009 (UTC)

I can confirm this. I went through all 'other' dialogue options before speaking with Vera about Bryan. Bryan needing a home was the last dialogue option I chose and was available regardless. As MadDawg states, I did not exit the conversation and then try and speak about Bryan later, so that might be representative of the bug (similar to the Ant Might/Sight perk which I'm now S.o.l. for). This is also on PC. -- 18:38, 6 January 2009 (UTC)
i have successfully gotten all 3 rumors out of vera and was able to get her to take bryan in a while later. version 1.5. removing that bug from the list.
I have the GOTY edition on Steam on PC, I did the rumor-mill, and I can't get her to discuss about Bryan... I don't want to send him in the kid's anarchy underground "city", is there a way to manually re-enable this dialogue option? -- Mateos81 18:50, 26 June 2012 (GMT+1)
Solved it with the following console command before talking to Vera: set "14e97".Adoption to 0 -- 19:42, January 3, 2016 (UTC)

I can confirm the bug where Bryan comes to you in strange places. I was in Canterbury Commons about to watch the fight between the AntAganizer and the Mechanist when Bryan popped up and started the dialog sequence. Also after the fight between the two superheroes I followed the AntAganizer back towards her layer when Vera stops me and starts talking to me about The Replicated Man quest, as I had already had that quest started. It was the dialog where she gives you the circuit board to take back to Dr Zimmer. I am unsure why this happened because I had already obtained the piece from her. This was very strange to happen back to back within 5 min of each other. On another note it was roughly 4am game time when this all took place. RedOne6969 20:55, Sept 1 2009 (CST)

Perpetually stuck GNR news report[]

A note in the main article states: "If you complete this quest (destroy the ants and find Bryan Wilks a new home) you will be mentioned positively by Three Dog on Galaxy News Radio." I have done both of these tasks and yet Three Dog keeps reporting otherwise, that "the settlement of Grayditch has gone quiet. Residents haven't come out to trade with the caravaners, and attempts to make contact have been met with... silence. So if you're out by Grayditch, you may want to pop in and see what's what."

What's that supposed to mean, that he's stuck thinking I haven't completed the quest? I know that ol' Tree Dawg can say different things based on your LEVEL and your ALIGNMENT, and on how you completed a quest, but I had finished Those! before Level 9 while having middling Good Karma. I'm now Level 20 and Very Good and he's still yapping mostly about Silent Grayditch. It's kinda annoying.

Could there be something I missed during my playthrough of Those! which triggered this particular version of Three Dog's news report? Maybe I can go back to Grayditch and fix it? --Theicla 07:42, 31 May 2009 (UTC)

If you did the quest and found Bryan a home, Three Dog says both things. It's like he heard about Bryan but no one ever bothered to tell him you destroyed the fire ants. Duncanxxxx 17:13, 22 July 2009 (UTC)

Cannot walk through east door in Dr. Lesko's lab[]

I've been following this quest, normally as far as I can tell. After finishing the conversation with Dr. Lesko, I go to the door on the east side of his lab, which seems to lead to the Queen Ant's Hatchery. I can open the door, and see through it, but I cannot walk through it. Is this an outright glitch, or is there some hidden prerequisite before I can walk through that door? Is there some workaround? I'm playing on the Xbox 360, so I assume there's no console code I can use. FoolishOwl 01:10, March 12, 2010 (UTC)

When I posted that, I had tried reloading, but not completely exiting the game. When I started up the game today and loaded up the last save point, I could walk through the doorway. Perhaps this is understood as a basic way to overcome a glitch, but I'll leave my comment here in case it's news to someone. FoolishOwl 20:09, March 12, 2010 (UTC)

Queen tunnels through wall[]

Note that this is a bug (no pun intended), not that it is actually tunneling a hole in the wall. I had run past the opening to the hatchery chamber and was hiding back there to recover AP when the giant head of the queen came through the wall right into my face and blasted me point-blank. Anyone know how to get stains out of the seat of an Armored Vault Suit? ;-) --Faran Brygo 02:14, March 31, 2010 (UTC)

Also where it could be based on[]

Well there is also a scrapped Invader Zim episode called Those! wich had 2 do with Giant ants.

Which is certainly 'also' inspired by 'Them!' Duncanxxxx 21:50, 27 February 2009 (UTC)

Undo ZIM[]

Come on, people. If we were to list every single thing that paid homage to Them! this page would be a million lines long. It's a reference to Them! not to things that are also references to Them! Duncanxxxx 18:28, 28 February 2009 (UTC)

I cant believe this[]

"In several instances Bryan Wilks has appeared at the bridge to the Anchorage Memorial which has a long chain of mines on it, when he finally does track you down he will be missing an arm and will also have no dialogue whatsoever, all he does is follow you." I really doubt this glitch... has any one got any proof of it?--OfficerBlue 08:47, 27 April 2009 (UTC)

I agree, it sounds like it might be trolling or something, especially the "missing an arm" bit, since children cannot take damage in fallout 3, I am also un aware o any "bridge" that goes directly to the memorial, nor am I aware of any mine feilds in the area of the memorial, sounds like bad info to me.Katikar 18:48, August 24, 2010 (UTC)

Actually, there is a bridge leading straight to Anchorage Memorial and it is full of mines. The missing arm thing is the only thing that is false.

Impossible to find[]

I have done every part of the quest and now I must find Bryan and when I go to preservation pod, he is not in there. When I check my PipBoy, it show that he is near the Flooded Metro, but when I check, apparently, he is in the rubble near between the buildings. It is impossible to talk to him because you can't just walk over the rubble. So I can't complete the quest and it is there mocking me, unfinished. Can someone please help me out, I really want to complete the quest. I have it for the XBOX 360. --Gespenst 16:19, 9 July 2009 (UTC)Gespenst

I know this was a decade ago, but may still be relevant to someone who happens to read this now. For those that run into this bug, get as close to him as you can and go into third-person view. Hold the button to get as close as you can to your character, then spin. You should see through the wall. You might be able to get a camera angle that gives you the Talk option. If not, skip an hour in-game and he will move around a bit to a spot where you can (hopefully) talk to him this time. --{{SUBST:Nosubst|Signatures/Dark Behemoth}} 04:48, September 8, 2018 (UTC)

Missing Karma[]

Usually when I kill the ant queen, I get good karma, like you're supposed to. But for some reason I didn't get good karma when I killed her this time. I reloaded from a previous save and killed her again, and still didn't get any good karma. I thought it might be because I was frenzying the protectron into helping me kill her, but I still didn't get the karma when I killed her again entirely on my own. The article says you only get karma for killing the queen if you haven't already gotten karma for destroying the FEV virus, but I haven't even done that, because I don't have the skill to hack the terminal, so it doesn't make sense that I'm not getting the karma I deserve. I decided to screw it and leave her be (she's not worth the effort of killing if I can't get the karma for it, and there's the chance of not getting the rewards from Lesko if I do), but I'd really like to know what might have caused this error.

Home factoring into your GNR broadcast?[]

I'm curious as to whether or not I'm missing a particular requirement to getting Three Dog to comment on Bryan Wilks and Grayditch in general. I've played several times on multiple playthroughs, on numerous alignments, and never once has Three Dog ever said anything other than "Grayditch has gone quiet..." etc. Even after completing the quest in its entirety, via setting him up to live with Vera, the Little Lamplighters, or even going so far as to selling him for a hundred bucks to Eulogy Jones. I've even tried telling Bryan Wilks that he's better off staying at home in his little ghost town.

Three Dog will never say anything other than his usual "The settlement of Grayditch has gone quiet..." speech. Pretty annoying.

Has anybody else had this (somewhat irritating) bug?

New content?[]

I've found a man right across the river from where you normally find Bryan Wilks. He says something like "they burned everything!" I don't remember exactly what he says, but it was definitely about Grayditch. It didn't start the quest, however.

I don't recall ever seeing him before installing Broken Steel. Duncanxxxx 17:11, 22 July 2009 (UTC)

I believe this is a special encounter, so it is random. That is why you have never seen it before. -- 02:49, 9 August 2009 (UTC)

I wanted to see if anyone else had encountered this before I put it up, but I ONCE encountered some random guy yelling about the town being over run, just some wastelander I talked to after we killed radscorpions outside the Super-Duper Mart together. Anyone else have this happen (the wastelander, not the radscorpions)--Kre 'Nunumee 07:12, December 31, 2009 (UTC)

Confirmed. This happened to me as well, while I was accompanying Dad to Rivet City. Some crazy wastelander ran up to us and triggered the quest with that dialogue. I'm pretty sure this was added by one of the DLC because I've only ever been approached by Bryan Wilkes before installing them. CyberRaptor 10:38, May 10, 2010 (UTC)
Yeah I can also confirm it. The man approached me out near the yao gui tunnels. addamthecomic 10:39 August 5, 2010 (UTC)
It's listed on the Fallout 3 random encounters page as Escape from Grayditch, and has been for some time now. Kris (talk) 02:47, August 6, 2010 (UTC)

Ant queen vs Protectron[]

During my last playthrough, I accidentally lied to Lesko and he got killed. I decided to neutralize the queen via high explosive therapy administered via a Missile Launcher. Once I hit it first, the Protectron and the queen started fighting; I hung back to watch the fray. The bot was winning until it stopped shooting for some reason. To make the battle even, I followed up my previous missile with a Fat Man which took her out instantly (meanwhile the last protector was hot from anger if you catch my drift). Does the queen entering combat turns the bot hostile towards her or maybe I frenzied her but didn't notice?Amitakartok 23:09, January 18, 2010 (UTC)


You say you'll get 300 xp whenn you don't sell Bryan to the slavers on the PC. but how much do you get when you do sell him?

Run away![]

After nearly forty-four hours of gameplay I had yet to run into Bryan Wilks outside of Grayditch. I soon found out why. He had been running from an albino radscorpion. When he did come to talk to me (while being chased) the message "Bryan Wilks is fleeing." kept appearing until I killed the albino radscorpion (I was crouched with the Chinese Stealth Armour equipped). It was one of the funniest moments of this game for me. BrenMan 94 21:03, April 5, 2010 (UTC)

We're 100% sure Ant Queen Pheromones do nothing in this quest?[]

The AQP have no effect in 'Those!', right? Either way I think it should be mentioned as one of the bullet points.

Finding Bryan Wilks[]

this is like my eigth playthrough of the game, i cant find him. I have never had trouble finding him before, anybody got any hints for finding the kid? ralok 19:09, August 8, 2010 (UTC)

Graditch has gone quiet...[]

I was just wondering, does Three Dog say this before or after the quest?

Help with the fire ants[]

I just came out of the vault and talked to the lady named silver, I was wondering around the town and I got lost and ended up finding bryan. I searched the house and told him that his dad was dead. The first encounter with the fire ants didn't go so well and now he wants me to get rid of the rest of the fire ants. I have no ammo for my weapon and little health because of the fire ants. Am i trying to do this task to early in the game and should wait a little longer, Can I just leave the town without finishing the task. Sorry this is the first time I have played this game. Thanks for the help. --Hawk1230 16:43, March 6, 2011 (UTC)

Leave Bryan with Dr Lesko?[]

I very distinctly remember this being an option when I played the xbox360 version. I've also found the line "Convince Doctor Lesko to take care of Bryan Wilks." as an option on the Fallout Neo wiki article on this quest. But I can't find any evidence of this option anywhere else, nor apparently are there any speech options to instigate this with either of them. Did I hallucinate this option or is there a step missing or an opportunity I missed at some point? AndarielHalo (talk) 00:04, December 31, 2013 (UTC)
