Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Removed text[]

Renoved a confusingly written bit of text from the background section. "The Pack is a faction solidly ruled by simples fundaments of a tribal society, with their leader being called by them as the Alpha acting as the tribal chief, is higly possible that the founders of the Pack originally lived at first on a place like a national park or a zoo, with the last one been the most frequently mentioned by their members, meaning been on a constant contact with the ways of nature." This will need a rewrite, but I also wonder how much this is canon and how much is speculation (concerning the bit where it says the founders may have lived in a national park or a zoo).--Litheen (talk) 01:53, November 23, 2016 (UTC)

The Pack and cannibalism?[]

I wonder where the information regarding cannibalism comes from? I don't recall cannibalism being mentioned anywhere. Seems like somebody is beefing up articles, although well intended, with information that is not so much based on canon but on their own interpretation and imagination. I'll leave it for now, but unless somebody can verify that information I'll be removing it. --Litheen (talk) 09:44, December 18, 2016 (UTC)

There's Mystery bacon and Mystery jerky scattered around the backstage area that have editor IDs that apparently identify them as human flesh. But I'm not sure as to whether or not the Pack members eat it themselves or feed it to animals. Haven't seen or heard anything along those lines while wandering around Pack territories. Great Mara (talk) 18:40, December 18, 2016 (UTC)

That's what I thought too. Even if those items were originally intended as human flesh, they're presented ingame as 'mystery' and not explicitly mentioned anywhere as human flesh for human consumption. It'd sooner be a behind the scenes trivia (which it already is, looking at the page) than an actual canon thing. I'm going to go ahead and remove the information about them being cannibalists.--Litheen (talk) 11:23, December 19, 2016 (UTC)

I'm wondering if it shouldn't be at least mentioned in some way though. Looking at the item pages, they do appear to be boosted by the Cannibal perk in game. Great Mara (talk) 19:41, December 19, 2016 (UTC)