Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Near the end of the article (before you have Sturges relay you to Mass Fusion) it says this is your last chance to pick up anything you've missed from around the Institute, but I can't find any way to regain access to the Institute proper. Am I missing something, or is the article incorrect?

Not exclusive[]

I sided with the Railroad when Desdemona came up with a 'but thou must' while I was shopping for where to build the teleporter. Elder Maxon wanted corroboration before the BoS would do it, and Des demanded that I choose the railroad right then. When I declined, it stopped, but I was given another chance to join, and did. Then took the Minutemen into the Institute. Now Maxon's all cranky, but Des is reasonably happy and is giving me the To the Mattresses quests, despite thinking that Glory is dead, with her standing right there.. --Azaram (talk) 07:34, February 20, 2016 (UTC)

verified bug[]

Platform: PC After destroying the institute without triggering the evacuation signal, I had that bug too where Preston repeats his dialogue if talked to. Fasttravel finished the quest. HomerDOHSimpson (talk) 17:56, March 15, 2016 (UTC)

Nuka World and Minute Men Ending[]

After over 1 year after NW's release, i still can't find reliable information about becoming a Raider affects the progression of the Minutemen near it's end - destroying the institute. HomerDOHSimpson (talk) 15:46, October 31, 2017 (UTC)

Okay, i ultimately progressed far enough in the story to test it. It IS possible as all necessary dialogue options with Preston are available. HomerDOHSimpson (talk) 21:07, April 17, 2018 (UTC)
Preston Garvey - Effects of player's actions Roger555 (talk) 21:24, April 17, 2018 (UTC)

Bug Verification[]

Upon using the central elevator after Sturges directs the Sole Survivor to open advanced systems, the elevator may descend and then re-ascend to the top floor. From this point, when the player tries to access the elevator, a notification will pop up saying "Elevator access denied". The elevator will be inaccessible.

Verified. Happened to me today. Platform: PC.
