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Fallout Wiki

Group Slaughtered @ Falls Church Metro (Bug)[]

In every game (only 2 so far) I have explored to Falls Church by trailing through Falls Church Metro and every time Hoss and the Paladin will die before I can kill off the Super Mutants. My first time through, I thought the Brotherhood occurrence was simply an unfortunate (on their part) random encounter and that there was nothing special to any of it (except some good loot). So far, I've only encountered this occurrence twice but thats still 2/2 games. Someone should confirm the slaughter and if true, add it as a warning to the page (perhaps Falls Church Metro too/instead).

Note: If Hoss dies, as in my case, console "resurrect 0015501" on the PC version to revive him and start the (non)mission.

Even stranger! Before figuring things out and resurrecting Hoss, I had cleared the area and the building (before the [non]quest) and had found the room holding Pek to be locked(very hard). After starting the (non)mission by resurrecting Hoss, the door is now unlocked and Pek is already dead (even though the enemies were already killed). Again, console to the rescue: "resurrect 0001993".

-- 19:22, 3 January 2009 (UTC) Takkun

This happened to me, as well. I stumbled upon the office and cleared it out, oblivious to any quest. There was a "very hard" locked room and inside was a stripped Pek (i.e. no armor, no weapons, no holotag). I had no clue who this was or where his stuff went. (PS3) Deboriole 20:45, February 11, 2010 (UTC)

I'm playing through for the second time on the 360, so no console command on the console, and both times this quest has been unavailable. I don't really care that much, because I'm at 20 already and they seem bugged otherwise, but thought I'd add to the reports. On the first one I emerged from Falls Church/Mason Dst Metro to see Hoss shooting, but after clearin the area there was no sign of him living or dead. The second time around no sign of him living or dead, and both times there was a naked Initiate Pek in the closet with combat armor unequipped. First time, when I briefly spotted Hoss was pre-patch, second after the patch, both were at level 20, so maybe it's more likely to flake out late in a game. --DoubleGrande 01:27, 27 January 2009 (UTC)

I can confirm that in my game as well, Paladin Hoss and the unnamed Paladin were dead almost immediately after I stepped into Falls Church. I have my Big Guns skill fairly high, and I'm only carrying 149 lbs (out of 290) so I was getting into the fight with my missile launcher quickly, and still it took me three reloads to kill the Super Mutants and keep Paladin Hoss and the unnamed Paladin alive afterwards (and they both had around 1/16 of their HP left). I wanted this quest, however, in order to see if they would actually follow me around afterward if I fast traveled back to Megaton (they didn't), and I somehow finally managed to succeed on my fourth try, and rescued Initiate Pek. I'm playing on the 360 (the only downside to using Linux is that many games are way too buggy using WINE, and Fallout 3 is one of those games, so I have to play it on the 360.. ::sigh::), therefore console commands are not an option for me. If there is anyone else who runs into this on the 360 who isn't OCD about completing quests (and would rather not give it 4 tries), then they should at least be aware going into it that this might happen. I agree that this ought to be added to the quest page.

Finally, two more odd occurrences within this quest:

After agreeing to rescue Initiate Pek, the unnamed Paladin disappeared. I'd saved prior to talking to Paladin Hoss, and tried reloading, but the unnamed Paladin was still gone after I spoke with Hoss, even though he'd been standing only a few feet away (we were all standing near the Nuka-Cola vending machine). I searched everywhere for him, but his body wasn't laying around anywhere and I never saw him again. Perhaps he fell through the map? I'm curious as to whether anyone else has had this happen, or if perhaps he's supposed to disappear..?

Also, when I traveled back to Falls Church (they never showed up anywhere else in my game, only in Falls Church), Paladin Hoss was killed by Super Mutants. When this happened, Initiate Pek ran to the bus stop in front of the office building where he had been hiding at the start of the quest, and he sat down. And he didn't move. He wouldn't speak to me or go anywhere, and he was still there when I traveled back into Falls Church about a week later in-game. I'm not sure if this is what he's supposed to do when Hoss dies, but he just sat there and didn't seem to notice when I was set upon by a Super Mutant Brute less than a car length away (and within his sight). He'd probably still be sitting there if the two stacked cars next to the bus stop hadn't blown up and killed him.

- Fembot G.g3 09:48, 5 February 2009 (UTC)

Loosing Pek[]

I'll also note that Pek didn't leave me alone after talking to Hoss (already documented). However, I reloaded my AUTO-SAVE, talked to Hoss again. Pek again started to follow me so I talked to Pek (for the first time after finding him, I think). He thanked me and walked away. I'm not sure what the trigger is here or if its just dumb luck; but the order in which you speak to Hoss and Pek might have something to do with it.

-- 19:45, 3 January 2009 (UTC) Takkun

Peck is dead, Hoss dissapeared.[]

This is my first game, I got to the Falls Church by going through the underground metro. When the trigger started Hoss was stuck betwean the wagons and he was fighting with the Super mutant. After conversation in which he told me to find Initiate Pek he dissapeared. I've cleared the area and went into the building and found him dead and stripped.

I've made a second attemp and runned into to the builiding using Stealth Boy. (It took me about 30 seconds to get there), but still Pek was dead. I've ressurected him but how to find Hoss ?

--DarkDefender 12:21, 11 January 2009 (UTC)

Experience gained is different.[]

I've managed to find Hoss, he was dead so I ressurected him. After talk I was awarded by 350 XP so I guess the reward is different each time and based on some conditions. For example time, mutants killed etc. I've updated the wiki article.

--DarkDefender 13:00, 11 January 2009 (UTC)


  • Infinite negative karma: If you tell Paladin Hoss to fuck off, you will gain negative karma immediately after you exit the conversation. This action can be repeated as many times as desired.

--Kingclyde 17:17, 9 June 2009 (UTC)

not taking the quest at all ?[]

If the quest is so bugged I have some questions. Is the quest only starting when talking to Hoss or when entering Falls Church for the first time? If I simply don't talk with Hoss, because I only want to collect the skill-books in the area, what happens then? Any negative influence? I don't care if those guys die, but Hoss and Pek are named NPC's?

Gun Nut[]

The Gun Nut perk also fixes the weapon of Pek, regardless of your skill. This should be added. JerichoRCDF 19:18, December 8, 2009 (UTC)

Not a bug?[]

Quoted from Bugs section: "If Paladin Hoss dies in combat while pushing through to the building, Pek might not be alive in the closet and is stripped of everything. He'll have a Combat armor in his inventory, though."

This is probably not a bug. This has happened to me and will likely happen to anyone should Paladin Hoss die. I request that this be placed in the Notes section.-- KarmaDog214 16:10, January 27, 2009 (EST) Oh, and this was on the Xbox 360 console.

Going shopping?[]

I finished the quest and returned with Pek successfully. Hoss offered to escort me around Falls Church. Instead I immediately fast-traveled to the Super Duper Mart, and they followed me. They are now stuck there and won't leave. If I talk to Hoss, he says something like "Stay on point, we will back you up", but he won't follow you and will never leave the area. Pek is stuck crawling around and squatting behind Hoss almost as if he is worshiping him. If you talk to Pek, he'll stand up and say something like "I am forever in your debt", then go back to squatting. They've been in front of the Super Duper Mart now for months of in-game time. (PC version) -- Captpackrat 06:24, February 12, 2010 (UTC)

Fire Ants[]

While working on the tail end of the Fire Ant quest (go to the Queen's lair and kill the guardians), I stumbled outside into the middle of the firefight that begins The Lost Initiate, so I went ahead and completed that. When the quest was done, I didn't think anyone was following me and I headed back inside to the Queen's lair.

Right after I finished killing the guardians, the unnamed Paladin ran in and attacked the Queen. She killed him almost immediately, I jacked all his loot, and now I'm hobbling out of the lair 35 pounds overweight, but I've got power armor for no effort at level 5 :D . 11:02, November 23, 2010 (UTC)

Is Hoss nearly always dead?[]

xbox 360.

  • 4 times out out 5 Hoss will be dead before you can reach him when exiting via the Marrigold station route and the Lost Initiate quest cannot be initiated.
  • If you revert to the auto exit save Hoss will always be dead.
  • The way round this is to save before exiting the metro door leading to Falls Church. Afer a number of reloads Hoss will just be alive.
  • Save before you speak to him as another Mutie may well emerge and kill the low health Hoss immediately before or immediately after the conversation to initiate the quest.
  • Since you cannot recover the Bos bonus without a live Hoss even if the rescue quest is initiated and completed you will have to make sure Hoss survives the bridge crossing before the building and reaches the defensive position mentioned. #
  • Dont try using Bos to escort you afterwards around the Fallschurch area. You will only get them all killed including the initiate. The Muties are better armed.

--1000HrsFallout3 (talk) 10:49, June 19, 2013 (UTC)

  • After completing the quest the Paladin who was with Hoss keeps turning up at random in the Wasteland. Inside my Megaton House. Health 4bar. On the Landing at Point Lookout Health 3bar. In the Engineering Core on the Alien Space Ship , Health 1bar.
  • Has anybody seen Hoss in the pit? --1000HrsFallout3 (talk) 17:18, June 21, 2013 (UTC)

Hoss and paladin disappeared[]

I entered Falls Church from Arlington, not Marigold. Hoss and the paladin were there and they helped me fight some mutants. Then I talked with Hoss and got the Initiate mission, but as we were running towards the building I stopped to kill a couple of muties that were flanking us and when I'm done, the two BoS are nowhere to be found. No battle could be heard. I fought the rest of the mutants all around Falls Church, they were in their start positions and calm, not as if they had battled the BoS. I also searched Falls Church extensively, they were not dead (or alive) anywhere. Pek, of course, was also dead when I found him. Pantaleon (talk) 00:41, October 30, 2015 (UTC)

Can't find Paladin Hoss / Can't start The Lost Initiate quest FIX[]

Paladin Hoss most likely died in an earlier fight with Super Mutants and his body has disappeared. To remedy this, enter the console and type player.placeleveledactoratme 00015502 - this will generate a new Paladin Hoss at your location so you can begin this quest.

When you enter the Office Building, the Initiate will be dead. Enter the console again and click on his body (try from different angles as this can be very finicky) and when "Initiate Pek" text is at the top of the screen, enter "resurrect" to bring him back to life. You can now complete the quest as normal. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs) 18:15, August 22, 2018 (UTC). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!
