Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Ok, seriously![]

I think the Dutchess Gambit will appear right next to Rivet City or in Willehmn's Wharf

I think based on the name of the quest you will become infected with one of the factors thats mutating the hillfolk like you do in the sixth house base in morrowind and you are infected with the corpus disease, the icon for the walking with the spirits quest only furthers this67.186.39.155 22:58, 9 June 2009 (UTC)

Not likely, I highly doubt something is just going to infect you and here's an example of local flavor would be italian food in an Italian neighborhood so this might have something to do with food. Possibily Punga Fruit?

Maybe it has to do with cannibalism. Hillfolk seem like they might be cannibals. Butcher Pete 14:23, 12 June 2009 (UTC)

Soylent Green is PEOPLE! Wanderer Lao 00:26, 21 June 2009 (UTC)

You only think taht because you're Butcher Pete. Fat Man Spoon 14:45, 12 June 2009 (UTC)

Not activating?[]

It seems as if Point Lookout is not activating. Whilst the other add-ons only took a few minutes to show a note and start the main quests, Point Lookout finished downloading about 45 minutes ago, and I still have yet to get a notification. What gives? Is this a problem? Do I just need to be patient? (I'm playing on Xbox 360)-- 00:53, 25 June 2009 (UTC)Pyro Penguin

I know on PC you need to select data files on the main menu, then select Point Lookout. I'm not sure how it works on XBox 360 though.--Kingclyde 00:59, 25 June 2009 (UTC)

Watchout when making the final stand[]

When defending with Desmond, try not to put too many mines. Any unexploded mines after the final Tribal assault can be tripped by Desmond making him hostile to you.

Isn't Weird?[]

That you have to protect a zombie stuck in a mansion from invading humans?

Usually it's the other way around.

Thats really funny man.:) 19:02, April 11, 2010 (UTC)

The waves of tribals in the last part of the quest[]

I guess the player with waves coming from the upper right, upper left, lower left, and center doorways was on the hardest difficulty? Playing on normal, I had 4 waves, coming from upper right, lower right, center, and lower left in that order. Can anyone confirm if it's always a predetermined order ? I could be wrong.-- 05:02, 10 August 2009 (UTC)

Local flavor bugs[]

Noticed a bug when protecting Desmond from tribals:

When fighting off the first 3 tribals in the east wing with Desmond, the player may accidentally hit the marker that spawns a tribal that runs past the furniture barricade blocking a corridor. If the tribal is spawned, Desmond will sometimes start searching for him infinitely, instead of giving the player instructions to clear the east wing.

To fix this on the PC, open the GECK and create a new faction for the base object used by the DLC04LvlManTribalRunBy reference, RefID 0400b79e, call it DLC04LvlManTribalRunByFaction or something like that. Remove this tribal from the DLC04TribalHostileFaction and put him in the new faction that features the following faction interrelations:

DLC04DesmondFaction: Friend DLC04LvlManTribalRunByFaction:Ally DLC04TribalHostileFaction:Ally PlayerFaction:Enemy

This will prevent Desmond and the tribal from searching for each other, since they won't be hostile towards each other any longer. WRFan 15:09, December 10, 2009 (UTC)

The Shining reference?[]

In that part of the mission where you mis-step, and smash through 2 floors and end up in the basement, is the tribal trying to open the door with an axe a reference to the shining?

Incredible mission[]

This is just about the best mission I've found in Fallout 3. Makes me want to write Beth and tell them to add 'replay mission' functionality. Too bad the whole place gets blown to hell. 23:03, December 22, 2009 (UTC)JL

Possible Bug?[]

I went to start the DLC but discovered that if i bought more than one ticket at a time for the ferry and then tried to be transported my game would crash. It is possible that the game isn't able to deal with more than one ticket at a time.

I run the PC version with numerous mods so there may be some involvement with that, which is why i'm not reporting it on the page as a bug right now. Anyone else had this problem?

can someone tell me why the tribals are so powerful?[]

Anyone know why they hit so hard? Like an theory? I mean im level 29 and i was getting hit hard by those things. Theory or reasons anyone? 19:08, April 11, 2010 (UTC)

I don't remember the specifics, but the tribals get a bonus so they do like +40 damage that ignores DR or something ridiculous like that. Can make it quite frustrating and difficult to fight them without lots of stimpacks. 04:21, April 29, 2010 (UTC)

Hidden loot[]

"There is a mini-nuke under the buoy that is closest to the dock along with other goods." I have looked under all the buoys around the Duchess Gambit and I can't find anything. I don't suppose anyone has a better idea where this stuff is?

Sealing the breach no.2[]

The article says that both rooms with breaches have red pipes to shoot. In my case, however, first one had a red gas tank (misinterpretation?) and the second one had nothing but a gas leak, which, when ignited, sealed off the breach. Where's the truth?

Bug with the dogs[]

When I played this quest one of the dog's managed to glitch themselves behind the first door the Tribal's come out of during the final assualt, so when the first wave came the dog was instantly knocked unconcoius due to the amount of firepower directed at it Has anyone else had this happen? I think this should be on the main page under "Bugs" 21:07, August 31, 2010 (UTC)

possible quest stopping bug? (the local flavor)[]

After helping Desmond fend off the attackers from the bathroom , I went outside and fast traveled to the army recruiting station to drop off some gear. I fast traveled back to the mansion and went to the dining area, laid some mines and noticed the attackers didnt "spawn" or fall through, tried knocking desmond out, exiting and entering, reloading an autosave.

Need to reload a save before entering the mansion for the first time.

On xbox 360

West wing/East wing bugs.[]

Alright, I got a strange bug when trying to block off the holes in those areas. In the west wing, the tank you shoot to seal off the room has refused to spawn. In the east wing it DOES spawn, but when shot, it just bounces around, blows up, doesn't despawn, and still doesn't seal the room. Any way to fix this without stringing out the quest on the console? PC/GoTY edition. --Revolverman 22:12, July 22, 2011 (UTC)

Different Start Condition[]

I got a completely different start condition.

I was just cruising around in Rivet City marketplace when I ran into Catherine, and she laid on me this sob story about her daughter ran off to Point Lookout, and she gave me the riverboat ticket. I didn't even have to buy it.

I'm level 11 so I haven't headed that way yet. I think I want to get to at least 15 before I head over. Kschang (talk) 00:51, September 23, 2012 (UTC)

Ooops, turns out this is the way FOOK rewrote the script. Seem to make more sense. Kschang (talk) 09:36, October 10, 2012 (UTC)