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Fallout Wiki


How much karma do you lose, because you don't put the collar on her, like the other's?GodsHand 15:52, March 26, 2010 (UTC)

Have your hood and save Bumble, too.[]

Well, you can save Bumble from Paradise Falls and the tender mercies of Eulogy Jones & friends but not from having to wear the dreaded slave collar. I started the quest, lured Bumble outside to meet her fate. And then took matters into my own hands.

Being mischievous, I reverse pick pocketed some Raider armor onto her person and realized another opportunity: I pick pocketed the Child slaver's ammunition whilst she was in conversation with Bumble. I then followed the pair in stealth mode as they began their trek towards Paradise Falls. Once on the highway I scanned and then spied one of the horrors of the wastes (a Robobrain) which I kited towards them. The Child Slaver attemped to take out the robot with her fists but failed and paid with her life; Bumble fled off into the wastes. I made short work of the robot and then proceeded to Paradise Falls.

When queried, Eulogy Jones said the package was delivered and then gave my character the quest's reward, the Boogeyman's hood. I returned to the school room in Little Lamplight and waited for Bumble. After a time, she appeared wearing the Raider gear and the slave collar. Bumble was able to engage in conversation. When asked if she would like to go outside she declares, "No, I don't like the Outside!"

So this approach is pretty much like the bug reported on the main page where instead of neutralizing the Child Slaver, you allow her to make delivery and then ask Eulogy Jones about targeting the children at Little Lamplight (which causes Bumble to reappear). N.B., in this case I did not ask Eulogy again about procuring victims from Paradise Falls.

Here are some additional observations. I waited for the Child Slaver to perish before saving venturing to meet Eulogy Jones. I found that this exploit works so long as Bumble is still in the Wasteland. When I allowed Bumble to retreat back into the gentle confines of Little Lamplight the game became unstable. For one, Bumble stands like a statue just inside the entrance. For another, you could engage Bumble in conversation from the player's end (i.e., the standard conversation choices are available and selectable) but Bumble would not respond. She stands quite still... as I said before, like a statue. Whether you engage Bumble in conversation or not on the Little Lamplight side of the entrance, Eulogy will neither offer the quest prize nor offer the conversation choice to go slaving again at Paradise Falls.

Growl-tiger 23:35, May 5, 2010 (UTC)
