Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Why isn't this page called "The Humble Cudgel", like it is ingame?The Yoshiman 97 22:29, November 10, 2010 (UTC)

Why not enter from camp Mcarren?

in the walkthrough on how to find it at one point it says to go past some NCR troopers, arn't they right near a ladder leading to a manhole in camp Mcarren, could just start the walkthrough from there and cut walkthroughs current length in half --Chiz 130 12:54, December 28, 2010 (UTC)

Do kills with this weapon count to the Man-Machine Interface quest? -- DAH BUY000R! (wall | crimes)

Yes, they do! --Skire (talk) 14:07, October 11, 2014 (UTC)