Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


While the article attempts to maintain a tone that is difficult to reconcile with a walkthrough type description of the location, I have added Loot sections to the various floors of the Glow. This is one of the most lucrative loot locations I have found in Fallout. V.A.T.S. addict 03:37, 28 June 2009 (UTC)


There is no mention of the corpses of various "vault dwellers" found on several of the levels. However, there is no explaination for them being there so I will omitt it, in the hope that someone knows why they were there.

What killed the BOS- members in The Glow? When the Vault Dweller arrived, there were only robobrains and such. They didn´t pose a serious threat to the VD, so how could they threaten a BOS- team? "We'd never seen weapons cut through power armor like that"

And the next question: If normal robot- weaponry was enought to defeat T-51B´s, then didn´t the Chinese have any advanced energy weaponry..?

I would just like to know how many rads per sec(or somthing similar) you get when there and not just the rad sickness messages. -- 03:31, September 11, 2011 (UTC)AtrociousAK47

I'm pretty sure the BoS members had gotten suprised by the robots that still functioned there. Those robots had combat shotguns and sniper rifles. And there was a minigun and p94 plasma rifle in the facility, they could have possibly used those. And tons of the doors were electrified, and there were explosives rigged somewhere(I don't know if the BoS members did this before they died). All of that aside, I still don't even know how they got defeated so easily, because during that time of the BoS, the main weapons they gave paladins were miniguns, sunbeam gatling lasers, those p94 and 2000 watts rifles, and so on. All of them vastly stronger than most of the weapons the robots had, even the "City Killer" combat shotguns. 13:35, April 7, 2014 (UTC)

Radiated FEV?[]

The article talks about radiated FEV released into air, but the conversation with the ZAX reveals that: 1) the FEV is not affected by radiation; 2) it is not air transmissible. —Slider2k (talk) 02:27, April 7, 2015 (UTC)

It means there's particle of dust with FEV on it floating in the air~ Although to be fair, the design of the areas around the glow is not that many of radiated or mutated species. So the implication is that there's plants and animals affected, but not too muchLaclongquan (talk) 09:18, February 17, 2020 (UTC)
