Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Any reason to keep the "See Also" listings, especially Rivet City?

- Terminalmancer 00:38, 22 November 2008 (UTC)

The first three could be replaced with simply The Mall. The other two don't appear relevant in any way. Btw, I'm sure I found a second copy of Lying, aside from the one in the Conference Room, I just can't remember exactly where it is. -- 23:26, 28 November 2008 (UTC)

where is the nuka quantum, pics anyone?

Very Hard locked door[]

Has anyone noticed the unreachable very hard locked door in the Hall of Columns, near the talon sniper spot (where the medicine skill book is), the door requires 100 skill in lockpick to open, but when opened you can see trough the wall, its like you used the tcl command in the console. Does it have any purpose beside the XP points for open it?

It's probably just there for effect: I looked in GECK and there's nothing beyond it nor is it set to teleport anywhere. I guess it would've been safer to flag it as inaccessible, but since it isn't reachable without resorting to turning off clipping anyway...! Or to answer your first question, no, I hadn't noticed it before. :) --Vometia 19:34, September 28, 2009 (UTC)

No exp?[]

I don't get exp for kill the behemoth... or his fellow super mutants??--Cc123 02:17, 6 May 2009 (UTC)

Keys, Keys, Keys[]

Alright, in the Presidential Sub-Level of the fancy Metro of the same name in Broken Steel, there is a door that leads into the East Entrance of the Capitol. But, it's key-locked. Anyone know where the key is? Nitpicker of the Wastes 14:25, 8 May 2009 (UTC)

It gets unlocked after completing Who Dares Wins

Fat Man[]

After downloading Broken Steel, I decided to kill the Behemoth in here. To my surprise, a mini-nuke went off, stealing the kill. So I reloaded the autosave to have a look. Turns out on of the Talon Companie mercs had a Fat Man. On previous playthroughs, there was no Fat-Man Merc. Anybody else have this? Fat Man Spoon 18:44, 9 May 2009 (UTC)

Doesn't matter. Turns out There is a Fat-Man in the room which I missed other times. Fat Man Spoon 19:25, 9 May 2009 (UTC)

I've had a couple of times when the Merc simply didn't spawn. Other times he would spawn, but the Fat Man would disappear when he was killed. Out of seven times going through this sequence I have only been able to retrieve the Fat Man once. --ArmeniusLOD 17:54, September 28, 2009 (UTC)


What are they fighting over? --Doop. 04:07, 26 May 2009 (UTC)

talon company probably didnt like them, since people fear the super mutants more than the talon.. just a guess --KarmaDude 17:33, September 28, 2009 (UTC)
They're probably just fighting for control of the building since it's the largest and most secure structure left in the Wasteland (since BoS controls the Pentagon). --ArmeniusLOD 17:44, September 28, 2009 (UTC)
Being a mercenary company, they may have been contracted to clear the area: "the jobs other mercenaries won't take" may not just be the immoral ones but also the suicidal, if the money's good enough... just a thought, anyway. --Vometia 17:50, September 28, 2009 (UTC)
Edited to add: I see someone else came to the same conclusion just the other day. That'll teach me to actually read the page properly before commenting! --Vometia 07:04, September 29, 2009 (UTC)


Considering its massive size and the inability to go through the corridors, how the hell did the Behemoth even get into the dome?

Good question. The doors behind him aren't big enough for him to fit. I guess Bethesda just thought it would be cool to put a Behemoth in there regardless if he would actually fit through the doors to get into the place. --KnightNapier 01:47, October 1, 2009 (UTC)
Maybe they had some FEV gunk handy and grew it in there... and ended up with a situation a bit like the flat-pack wardrobe that you can't get out the front door when you move house. A flat-pack behemoth, I suppose. --Vometia 02:42, October 1, 2009 (UTC)

If you look above theres a huge hole in the ceiling.

Friendly Enclave[]

Anyone else have a friendly enclave soldier (with a missile launcher) on the steps from the Mall? After fighting through Talon Mercs, Mutants, AND a couple of robots all trying to kill me, it surprised me a bit. Game crashed soon after (sep. issue) so couldn't see if there were others.

-I also noticed a friendly Enclave soldier using a very bad condition missle launcher, Tesla armor/helmet, and a plasma rifle. I only found one. Soon after killing him, a vertibird touched down full of non-friendly enclave soldiers. I do not know why this is.

-I noticed the friendly Enclave soldier with Missile Launcher as well. I had taken a while to fight the super mutants on my way to the western stairs, when I got up there the Enclave deathclaw was almost dead, the Vertibird had already set down, with one dead soldier next to it, and a couple Mutie corpses lying around.

DLC Bug[]

[XBOX 360] I've downloaded all the DLCs to FO3 and I noticed that The Capital Building has bugged the texture; unsure which DLC it was (I've downloaded all the current 4 add-ons). Upon entering the Seward-side entrance {vice The Mall opposite}, turning right (instead of left—which leads you through the rest of the building [Talon Mercs are present here]). 17:19, 30 July 2009 (UTC)

Please More Details On Building Layout[]

If someone could please add more details on how all the sections of the building connect to each other and maps of each section, it would be much appreciated.

I'm currently trying to clear the building and this page in its current form is only of limited value -- particularly for planning the best routes to take in the Behemoth fight, since there are a lot of bad guys to kill and they're all running around fighting each other when you enter the map.

Beep... Beep...[]

Everytime I enter the capitol building area, or fast travel to it, I am noticing a beep, every three seconds. It is the same sound that is made when you move over a choice in your PipBoy-3000. Did anyone else have this problem? P.S. I have a Xbox 360.

Yes, i dont know what it is myself. ~ Bolter99

Greedy Children[]

Moved from article: "Under the lying congressional style book on the podium are a few caps and a toy car, which is a subtle joke towards most politicians being greedy children." This may be a joke on Bethesda's part,, but as of yet unsubstantiated, and is possibly vandalism. Please discuss before readding if you plan to readd the info. Hk37 01:29, September 15, 2009 (UTC)

Of course it's a joke, just like the Teddy Bears in the Sewer Waystation. I'm not sure how that could be vandalism. Nitty 01:32, September 15, 2009 (UTC)
I guess. It's just that it doesn't seem as clear-cut as the teddy bears to me, but I guess it could be a joke. I mean, Bottle caps and Toy Cars are fairly common loot items. I guess "vandalism" was too strong of a wording there, but the reference here seems kind of esoteric. I'll undo my edit if you really think it's a reference. Hk37 01:40, September 15, 2009 (UTC)
Well, you have to think about the setting for a tic. A toy car? In the US Capitol? I suppose it can stay off the page, though; we haven't gone out of our way to post every little joke yet. ... Yet. Nitty 01:48, September 15, 2009 (UTC)
I have to agree with Hk37. I don't see how it's much of a joke, let alone an obvious one. Teddy bears posed like theey're drinking hard liquor, yes. This one is more of a stretch. ~Iridia talk | contrib 22:28, February 1, 2010 (UTC)


Is there a place in the article for an explanation regarding the spelling? It's been a source of confusion for me but as I understand it, capitol refers to the (specific?) building and capital refers to the general area, hence Capitol Building and Capital Wasteland (though I've seen both spelt the other way). Would anybody who actually knows like to add something? --Vometia 14:48, September 28, 2009 (UTC)

Capitol is the building or structure where the governing body meets and capital is the city in which the capitol resides. --ArmeniusLOD 17:41, September 28, 2009 (UTC)
If I add a note to the main page myself, I think I might use your explanation: it's more concise than I'd manage! --Vometia 17:48, September 28, 2009 (UTC)
Right, I've lifted your explanation pretty much verbatim! As well as being of general interest, hopefully this may be of use to modders who are otherwise unfamiliar with the terminology. --Vometia 17:19, September 29, 2009 (UTC)

Strange Bugs During/After Visit to the CB[]

Hi. I made my way to the steps fighting all the Mercs, Super Mutants and Enclave Soldiers. I had Fawkes following me. I decided to change some equipments with him. After quitting the menu where you move items, the whole dialogue menu disappeared. I managed to get it back by pressing F5 (Quicksave button). I was able to reproduce this bug just by starting a conversation with Fawkes, and usually the "Let's go" option was not available at first, until appearing a little bit late. And what's even more strange, when I entered the Capitol Building, instead of the black screen I could see a screen full of icons that can be seen during the game (such as those seen in the upper left corner next to the notices; Fallout Wiki Boy's head, radio tower, padlock, map, etc.). The same bugs occurred even while entering my Megaton house and in there, and finally the game crashed. This happened on the PC version. Niloticus 21:45, November 28, 2009 (UTC)

concept art[]

I read this half-sentence about some terrorist-bs going on and had to dig a while in google to find something. I guess this part of the article needed a change to include a source link, and I also learned that the story was a bit different than just the Daily Mail being a bit too naiv. I'm trying to write up something better.-- 03:06, January 28, 2010 (UTC)

Super mutant behemoth[]

The bits about the super mutant behemoth is repetetive and useless... Can someone with more knowledge than me fix it up?Kampvarg 09:47, September 4, 2010 (UTC)

The reason for super mutant activity[]

obviously the super mutants are attracted to the capitol building for a reason. After setting up heavy defences and placing a behemoth inside the building there has to be a reason. Ive heard that they are looking for a FEV substance in the mall, but is there another reason?

Maybe it's because they knew the Capitol building was an important place in DC, for obvious reasons. It's possible they set up base there to lure Wastelanders in hopes of coming to see the Capitol building and then they could capture them. When the Talon Company found this out, they decided to kill the mutants there, or were payed to do so. Just speculation. It's most likely a gameplay thing. Yes Man default 06:22, July 12, 2011 (UTC)

Notes - Talon Merc[]

The notes section said that the Talon Merc carrying the Fat Man does not have the ammo on him for it. However, I noticed that a couple of people here have said they did find it on him. I too did (I killed him before he fired).

Also, he did fire at me. It was not getting caught in a blast. When I entered the room I targeted the first Merc that was closest to me. I had low AP so when I targeted him in VATS I only got one shot that did not kill him. He yelled out and the Merc with the Fat Man turned and fired directly at me. --Macaztec (talk) 22:31, December 6, 2014 (UTC)

Confused re: Seward Square entrance[]

I'm confused about the wording in the Layout section. What confuses me is: "The Seward Square entrance from the east is one of two doors into the Capitol Building west entrance." Is this correct? When I'm in Seward Square and put my crosshairs on the door into the Capitol Building, it's labeled as 'Door the Capitol Building East Entrance'. The area inside is an entryway with (in my case) 1 supermutant, followed by a long hallway with 4 supermutants, with a series of rooms to the left of the hallway connected by holes in their walls, and the area contains all of the loot listed as being in the East Entrance. At the end of the hallway and to the left is a door labeled as 'Door to Capitol Building West Entrance'. To me, this implies that the door in Seward Square does not lead to the West Entrance, as the article says, but actually to the East Entrance. Obax42 (talk) 01:55, April 13, 2016 (UTC)
