Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki



Why is there a youtube video link on this page that isn't even part of the layout? Should it be deleted?

Mistake with "Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor" issue numbering[]

There is a mistake here somewhere. In the general Fallout 4 Magazines section ([1]) it says that "Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor" issue #8 is "Why I Sold My Mother", while on the "Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor" specific page ([2]) its says that it is issue #7. Definitely some kind of mistake.

Edit IDs[]

Edit id's are useful to anyone using popular sorting mods. Please don't remove this column. --Demonofsarila (talk) 19:34, March 29, 2018 (UTC)

Why has the Edit ID column been removed? --Demonofsarila (talk) 20:42, March 29, 2018 (UTC)

You even replied to the message about this[]

No, I replied to your message about a different page.

Though no one has replied to me asking the helpful edit IDs not be removed since they are correct while the change keeps getting reverted. --Demonofsarila (talk) 20:21, March 29, 2018 (UTC)
