Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Provisioners can die[]

One of the usage notes says that provisioners cannot die. But while I have seen provisioner go down in a way similar to companions, and getting back up later, I have also seen their supply line disappearing after dying to an exploding car, during an attack. This was on Survivor difficulty. RC-1290Dreadnought (talk)

Yeah. Pretty much nothing on this page is true. Only junk is shared between settlements, nothing else. And I see no evidence that surplus food and water is spread between settlements as well. -- 22:22, December 12, 2015 (UTC)

Food, water, caps, mods, and power armor pieces are shared between settlements. I don't know if any food or water stored in a work bench will count for a settlement that has no food or water, but it works for crafting. An example being that, I have over 300 mutfruits in my workbench at a few settlements. I can go to a settlement that is connected by a supply line without any mutfruit in my inventory, and build 300 mutfruit trees.

Supply lines absolutely can disappear and "go dark". I've had this happen several times. It occurs when the provisioner is downed in combat. Usually, this is brief and transparent to the player since the essential provisioner will stand back up and resume fighting and eventually defeat his or her attackers. However if this should occur in the middle of building things in a settlement relying on junk from elsewhere, build options will suddenly be grayed out as the supply line cuts off. This can be verified by switching to map view and checking the supply lines, the one in question will have vanished. Once the provisioner stands back up the supply line re-establishes itself. I verified this on one occasion by ringing the settlement bell at the origin of a provisioner and then waiting, he appeared in a downed state and eventually stood back up. I believe he encountered a sentry bot that had respawned on his route from Jamaica Plains to Murkwater Construction and been repeatedly knocked down. On another occasion my provisioner running from Tenpines Bluff to Sanctuary was downed by super mutants. I was cut off from building materials in the middle of a building spree (most build options suddenly grayed out). I exited the settlement area and sure enough, I found my provisioner downed under the bridge leading onto the bluff, being assisted by a different provisioner who ran from Taffington Boathouse to Tenpines Bluff. He defeated the super mutants, she stood back up, and the supply line re-appeared on my map. Consider this verified. --Tom Quantum (talk) 01:03, January 20, 2016 (UTC)

Maximum of supply lines to a particular settlement[]

I have 22 supply lines going to Sanctuary Hills (on a total of 24 unlocked settlements so far), and when I tried to affect someone from a new settlement to it, this choice was unavailable.

Is there a limit of some sort? --Mateos81 (talk) 13:00, January 1, 2016 (UTC)

Beta 1.3.45 changelog: "Fixed an issue that could prevent the player from setting up a supply line in settlements with a high population"; Probably this. --Mateos81 (talk) 17:41, January 15, 2016 (UTC)

Food/Water Sharing Explained...[]

There's confusion regarding how supply lines affect food/water sharing. This page needs clarification. Here is how I understand it works from my testing (on PC). Food and water is shared, but only if there is an excess in the workshop of the settlement producing the surplus (it is not enough for the settlement to be showing excess production; you must wait until the food/water is in the workshop). The page says food/water in workshops is shared, but maybe we can add more detail to explain this process. I don't know how much game time is required for the excess to be produced, but I think it is every 24 hours. This is one of the reasons people complain about food and water disappearing from workshops--it is being consumed as designed. Also, regarding the sentence about "green" shortages, it is fine if we aren't going to cover it here, but if it is covered elsewhere, we should provide a link (if not, this sentence seems pointless). -- DeJuanNOnley (talk) 10:22, January 15, 2016 (UTC)


Could we please define what "resources" mean exactly? I am seeing a lot of sources saying that only junk is shared between resources, while others say that everything is shared. My research has proven inconsistent at best, so I cannot rely on my own direct experience.

Resetting Supply Lines[]

I had some settlers disappear (I had Better Settlers and the latest update required a clean save, so all my named settlers vanished) but the supply lines are still showing on the map, I can't assign anyone new, but resources are not being shared (I had Sanctuary Hills as my hub, but nothing is being shared.) Is there a way to reset the supply lines and restart them? Or am I going to have to lug all 20 of my power suits around and leave them at different settlements now? CO 41st Corsairs RCT (The Black Hawks) (talk) 15:02, May 8, 2016 (UTC)

Seems to be handled by a function called UnassignActor in WorkshopParentScript.psc. I don't have the PC version, so I'm not sure if you can call arbitrary script functions in the console. It's called when...
  • the provisioner is killed
  • the provisioner is assigned another job
  • the provisioner is moved to another settlement
  • the player loses control of a settlement - for each provisioner whose supply line either starts or ends at that settlement
...and a few other special cases which don't apply here.
If all your supply lines include Sanctuary Hills, you might be able to clear the supply lines by losing control of that settlement, although it might be a special case. There may also be a mod which lets you fiddle with these sorts of things, but I'm not too familiar with all the mods at the moment. Aya42 (talk) 16:01, May 8, 2016 (UTC)