Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Im Guessing[]

That if you kill everyone in Paradise falls there is no way of getting the achievement? 12:23, 23 January 2009 (UTC)

Obviously, it even says so in the article. --Clean Up 18:33, 25 January 2009 (UTC)

Well actually it doesn't. It mentions that you can skip the quest by killing everyone. Please change it so the article does actually state that once everyone is dead the achievement can no longer be obtained. Thank you 21:56, 25 January 2009 (UTC)

The point is pretty obvious: if you can't do the quest, then you obviously can't the achievement. However I have edited it to make it more clear. --Clean Up 17:08, 27 January 2009 (UTC)

After killing everyone in Paradise Falls (resulting in quest failing) I completed Finding the Garden of Eden and The American Dream quest and had started the Take it Back quest. After i started it i went to the Wasteland to explore (as i didn't want the game to end). While walking past the Germantown Police HQ it said i got the acheivment. I don't know how it happened, possibely a bug? (xbox 360) User:AllanM 93 02 May 2009

No Freedom?[]

I don't know why, but every time I try to free a person I just enslaved with the collar, my game freezes. I try to disarm it, then the guy says "Hey, I think it worked!", then it just freezes. It may be because I've installed the game onto my Xbox, but I'm not sure. Anyone else have this issue? --Clean Up 00:32, 22 January 2009 (UTC)

Getting Rid of the collar[]

Is it possible to take the "Strictly Business" quest in order to get the Mesmetron, Kill Grouse, and then get rid of a slave collar by putting the collar on a random NPC, then disarming it? The idea is that I want to get the Mesmetron without a karma penalty. 10:14, 16 January 2009 (UTC)

I think you lose karma when you put the collar on anyone. Jdw 15:38, 16 January 2009 (UTC)
If you don't want to lose karma, but want the Mesmetron, just kill all the slavers in Paradise Falls. You actually gain karma doing this, and the Mesmetron is on Grouse's body when you kill him. QuakerTroy 16:51, 17 January 2009 (UTC)

Broken Sneak?[]

Post Patch: After collaring Susan Lancaster, (did not cause any Tenpenny Tower guards to go hostile), and fast travellng to Paradise falls, the sneak mode became broken; it always reads "caution" regardless of where the character is, even in own house. Not 100% sure when this error occured (sometime in between collaring her and attemptng to steal from the store in Paradise Falls, though as stated, fast travel was used, so it if someone fell of the map and is "following" the character, it is either a Tenpenny Tower resident or a PAradise Falls resident, though the "falling off the map theory" is only a theory, and not a great one at that). The author is uncertain as to the exact source of this glitch. Any feedback on this would be appreciated, there is no longer a way for me to save and reload (I'd lose 19 hours of play).

Try just saving and reloading, I've had the permanent Caution Symbol before, and I just restart or reload my game and it works. --Clean Up 00:26, 22 January 2009 (UTC)

Update: This did eventually fix itself, though not from saving and reloading. Reloading, even shutting off the console did nothing. Eventually I told my ally (Jericho) to wait, and went into minefield. While in the house with the radscorpions, it suddenly switched to "detected" instead of "caution" and fixed itself. I still think this worth posting, as the bug did occur after beginning enslaving her, and did not readily fix itself. It's still worth mentioning to people that this MIGHT occur, and to save before shipping her off to 'Paradise.'

Loss of Dialogue Options[]

Just to be clear, are they supposed to only say "You saved me from those bastards" after you've freed them? I kind of miss Red healing me for free, and Flak being the only competent merchant with any ammo in the wasteland, and I'm pretty sure Shrapnell is too stupid to make his way around Rivet because I never see him in the market. So is there any way to solve this, or did I just plain mess it up the moment I enslaved them? DavidDavidson 03:48, 22 January 2009 (UTC)

Sorry mister. You're stuck like that forever. There's nothing you can do.

Go to Canterbury commons and upgrade the weapons merchant, this should solve you ammo problems. --J.J.-Lopez 05:12, 21 March 2009 (UTC)

As stated on the Strictly Business page, Shrapnel and Flak are encoded to sleep near each other. So if you sent Flak to Paradise Falls then Shrapnel's gonna go looking for his buddy. You can actually get Shrapnel to return to Rivet City by "rescuing" Flak back from Paradise Falls after sending him there. You can do it 1 of 2 ways:
1) He and the others you enslaved should be in the building inside the slave pen. Take their collars off then exit the building. Do a wait for 1 hour then leave Paradise Falls. Wait 1 more hour then fast travel to Rivet City. Wait 24 hours and Flak should be back in the Marketplace. Wait about 10 more hours and Shrapnel appears. If this doesn't work do 2.
2) Just do the trick of pickpocketing all the slavers' ammo and reverse-pickpocketing (arming with weapons and stimpaks) Flak and Red. Next talk to them and remove their collars with Science. Flak will most likely exit first and start shooting the slavers who can now only fight back via melee. When he gets outside of Paradise falls wait 1 hour and then fast travel to Rivet City. Wait 24 hours then enter the marketplace. Flak should appear first. Waiting about 10 more hours brings Shrapnel back.
Note: Most likely you can't enter dialogue options with Flak but Shrapnel is back to meet your ammo needs. Red should be back at Big Town but with no dialogue options. Susan...who cares? Akira900gt 06:40, January 17, 2010 (UTC)

Mysterious Stranger Unlocks Achievement[]

I only had Susan Lancaster and Flak on my list. I slaved Susan Lancaster and then when I went to get Flak, I mezzed him via the VATS and the Mysterious Stranger came out and killed him. Right after I came out of the VATS, the achievement unlocked and my gamed froze. Thought it was worth nothing. --Maxoplata 01:59, 8 February 2009 (UTC)

Death before Captivity[]

I killed Arkansas before capturing anyone. Does this mean I can't complete the quest or achievement even if I do capture everyone else on the list? ( 17:05, 5 June 2009 (UTC))

Anyone who died before or during the Strictly Business quest you don't have to capture and you can still complete the quest. Akira900gt 06:48, January 17, 2010 (UTC)

A few things of note concerning enslaving Flak. (xbox 360)[]

I finally done the quest just by enslaving Flak in the bar and running hell for leather to the nearest exit of Rivet City and diving in to the water (this was a "dummy" progression file which allowed me to get the achievement without doing the quest in my "main" progression file) Though there was a few things I noticed. Firstly it is not Flak who likes to have a cig between 2 and 3 on the flight deck. It is Brock who likes a cigarette and can be found there most days, to confirm this I tried this out 7 times which means the game never in a "week" spawned Flak for a cig. Neither does Brock sit on the benches the only NPCs I've seen on the bench are the two kids from Rivet City and the escaped slave who needs your help, Brock tends to wander the other side of the "access" to the lower floor of the flight deck.

Also of note is that whilst Brock deals with the "trouble" in the muddy rudder bar, all the people of Rivet City will become hostile to you should you openly Mes and collar Flak in there. I suggest first pickpocketing Brock if you feel that this is your only chance to get Flak since he carries a sawn off shotgun which can be quite painful.

And finally the last comment is more about Flak and Shrapnel's behaviour if you pick the lock of their door when they're supposed to be sleeping. I done this at about 2/3am and Shrapnel was awake and Flak soon after woke up. They repeatedly open the door and refuse to go sleep if you do pick the lock. So that if a guard goes past whilst if he did not see you pick the lock he will see you Mes Flak if you do it here. Also Once the lock was picked and I left the door open to see if they would sleep they did not return for over 3 nights and C.J. Young started sleeping in their room. On a second attempt I picked the lock and then saw they were awake I walked out and Flak re-locked the door. Repicking the door was necessary to gain access which gave me on Normal difficulty another 44 exp or so.

Iceglow 22:34, 21 June 2009 (UTC)

Can capture Red and do Big Town[]

It says that you can't capture Red and complete Big Town, I just done it on the 360. I enslaved her, than went to the non-child box building, she was in there and I just took off the collar and the option to follow, equipt, or wait was in her dialogue. Followed back to Big Town and completed it. -ForsaknReject

I just got really lucky with slaving Red then running into the glitch where she wanders the wastes. I enslaved her then ran into the "paradise falls, wheres that" one. She never went there but I got credit for her going there and got the trophy for the quest. Well I wiped out paradise falls and she wasn't in the slave pen. Went back to Big Town and there she was in the clinic, about to run out the door. I caught her in time and disarmed the collar and she goes and takes a nap, lol. 07:36, November 20, 2009 (UTC)Snake2410

Flak and Shrapnel[]

I frequently use Flak to buy and sell. I was wondering that, becuase of the whole Shrapnel wondering thing, if I enslaved him, then later killed him in the slave pen (after pay) if Shrapnel would return to regular schedule?

I tried this out, and Shrapnel does indeed return to his regular schedule after Flak's unfortunate demise. Akira900gt 07:21, January 17, 2010 (UTC)

Edited Arkansas Entry[]

I edited the Arkansas entry, exchanging the word "aggro" for aggressive. That way old timers like me who are from America don't have to waste time searching for the word on Google to see what the actual meaning of it is.

Mezzed Shrapnel but somehow got Flak?![]

Okay, I was in Rivet City trying to sneak so I wouldn't get attacked by everyone, flak and shrapnel are walking in, out and around their room... As soon as I finally get hidden with a bead on flak I pull the trigger and shrapnel walks into the shot... Not realizing this I immediately ran up and talked to him, getting all his belongings and putting the slave collar on his head... then I exited the dialogue and flak began shooting at me while shrapnel ran off... I fast traveled back to Grouse so that I could try again and he said that I had captured Flak and a job well done for it...

Rescuing/Enslaving Red Bug? Shorty died.[]

I've enslaved all three and I'm only having Red left. I saved her from Germantown but decided to wait with the enslavement. Then I minded other stuff and all of a sudden a message popped up saying "Shorty has died". Shorty was also in Germantown right? Anyway after the message Red was removed from the list and I completet the mission without getting a trophy (PS3).

Odd Sentence[]

"If Red, Susan, or Arkansas are dead before the quest is given, they will not appear on your list, and Grouse will allow you to enter Paradise Falls. Flak can be killed before the quest."

When I started this quest, Susan and Arkansas were both dead, and I was still required to complete it by enslaving Red and/or Flak (I just fought my way in, though). So I can confirm that Grouse will not let you in just for some of them being missing. However, what is with the "Flak can be killed before the quest" at the end. Should this be can't? Or can Flak actually be killed (I've never tried), and if so, what does Grouse do if all four are dead? 05:04, December 10, 2009 (UTC)

No, it should be can. Flak can be killed at anytime. I have done it before and after the quest was takenGod damn ghouls 23:33, April 4, 2010 (UTC)


I've had happen, on more than one occasion, and why I save before I try to mez someone, had their head just explode clean off when I tried to mez them. Like Mei Wong took me 4 tries before her head stayed on so I could collar her, take her stuff, and shipped her back to Paradise Falls. Anyone can confirm this ? I am playing the PC Game of the Year version off of Steam. Thanks! Oh! Before I forget, not in VATS, just a straight shot while [Hidden] . 11:14, January 29, 2010 (UTC)

VIPs Dead?[]

I can't seem to find it in the article, but what happens if all four of the requested VIPs are dead before you start the quest? - 23:12, January 29, 2010 (UTC)

Then Grouse won't offer you the quest. Nitty Tok. 23:15, January 29, 2010 (UTC)
Makes sense. - 23:16, January 29, 2010 (UTC)
Does that mean you're unable to sell slaves to him at all? i.e. Is the "Strictly Profitable" quest also unavailable? - 00:00, January 30, 2010 (UTC)

unconfirmed bugs[]

Please review and verify these bugs. More than 2 editors need to verify these with each platform before they can be readded to the article.

  • Shrapnel has been spotted *inside* the slave pen with Flak. He seems oblivious, offering full inventory and the usual speech options. (Confirmed on Xbox360, PC)
  • If you choose to kill everyone in Tenpenny Tower and not destroy Megaton, there is a chance Susan Lancaster may go into the suite made for the player, with no way of the player getting in, making the quest impossible to complete.
  • If you mezz Flak and put the collar on him while in the Rivet City marketplace and run out before he does, he may become lost and you will not be able to finish the quest.
  • Be warned, there is a chance that you may encounter a glitch after placing the slave collar on Red. After doing so she will leave Big Town only to wander the Wasteland permanently, leaving you unable to complete the quest without killing her. (This may happen if you place the collar on her in Red's Clinic.) However, sometimes Grouse will give you the reward for Red even if she never made it to Paradise Falls. (FIX) if you quick travel to paradise falls imediatly after collering any of the VIP slaves they will be teleported into the slave pens automaticly and you'll always get the reward

--Kingclyde 08:26, February 13, 2010 (UTC)

Can't think of a subject...[]

is it possible to get this quest after buying/killing/eviling(?) your way in?

Yes. If you speech check (evil/very evil), I know he will say "No need to flex kid" and will allow you in. He will give you the option to do the quest if you are still interested. Killing your way in means you kill Grouse, who gives the quest. --Kingclyde 06:33, February 15, 2010 (UTC)

Red/Susan Lancaster[]

I killed everyone in Big Town except Bittercup, then I went to Germantown Police HQ, went through the rescuing Red dialogue, then enslaved her, and then I went back to Big Town, killed Bittercup, then went to Paradise Falls and Grouse had a go at me for one of my slaves dying, which seemed possible. Then I went and enslaved Susan Lancaster, and went back to Grouse and he said well done on getting Red. Now I've got everyone enslaved, but Susan Lancaster is in the Slave House, where I can't reach her, and the game thinks she hasn't been enslaved yet. Any ideas on how to finish it without killing the slavers or pickpocketing the slave pen key?

Oh, I just talked to Grouse again and he acknowledged her being there. But now I got two slave collars.

paradise hostile for no reason[]

I swear i didn't do anything to make paradise hostile. i can't get them to stand down. grouse attacks and nothing will stop him but killing him, which of course makes the quest fail. i had enslaved arkansas previously with no problem. susan was killed by the jealous wife in tenpenny. i enslaved red after paradise went hostile, hoping this would fix it. no dice. i can't try enslaving flak now because i no longer have a collar. am i farked or what? is there a solution? 03:49, July 8, 2010 (UTC)Pally

Skip the quest[]

Is it possible that after you have accepted the quest and not enslaved anyone could you just make your karma bad and grouse will let you in? I really dont need caps.... God damn ghouls 23:40, April 4, 2010 (UTC)

  • **UPDATE** I tried. No you can not. I just got the same dialogue and went in and got shot at. God damn slavers...... God damn ghouls 19:38, May 17, 2010 (UTC)

I'm Just A Good Person[]

are there any ways that you can use to not have to enslave anyone or mez anyone and still complete the quest? like kill grouse?

If you enslave bad people/ people who are trying to kill you, then it'scool.

There's a speech check (with a cost in caps), and there's always the option to enslave Arkansas, since he's hostile towards you - unless you killed him already. The next best option is to enslave Red, if you don't want to so Big Trouble in Big Town (at least, not until after you eventually slaughter the residents of Paradise Falls, or do the quest by killing Red in the slave pen).
On all my good person runs, I either leave Paradise Falls alone, or I slaughter everyone who's not a slave (and some slaves, such as Crimson and Clover). I usually leave the town alone, and don't interact with it all. I think there may have been a run or two where I played a good character who was also a slaver. Kris (talk) 20:18, August 3, 2010 (UTC)

Reward Glitch[]

I have already beat this mission completely, got all rewards and the slaves are in their pen. But ocassionally(twice it's happened) when I go to paradise falls Grouse will talk to me as if I were in the mission and just killed Arkansas. He'll give me the caps and another slave collar. If I talk to him again and again right after he'll do the same for the others.. I now have seven slave collars. Definately not complaining about the extra caps, it's just very odd and I didn't see it in the glitch section. Has this happened to anyone else?

Red is running away?[]

For some reason, after enslaving Red, she'll run south, away from Paradise falls. I've tried both responses after enslaving her, but she still does the same. Anyone know why she's going this way? Tgp1994 21:40, July 4, 2010 (UTC)

Susan Lancaster[]

Susan Lancaster still has to be enslaved after completing Tenpenny Tower, at least if you opt to kill Roy Phillips and crew instead of help them. is it safe to assume that as long as she's alive, she is a VIP in this quest?JLDub 10:48, July 13, 2010 (UTC)

Flak and Shrapnel[]

I like the fact they can't "live" without each other due to... a programming script.Wertoret 17:20, October 5, 2010 (UTC)

Kill 3 get the fourth?[]

Could I kill 3 of the four, then start the quest and only have to capture one of them? I'm achievement hunting for a second time and need to do this quickly. --Living Lifeless 9 21:59, August 16, 2011 (UTC)

From what I understand that should work perfectly. TheShotgunShogun 00:03, October 20, 2011 (UTC)

Skipping the quest[]

Alright so I skipped this quest on one person. I mezzed Sarah at tenpenny tower three times (charon killed her every time) and after the third it just said strictly business complete and I got the achievement. I hadn't killed any other of the targets but I did kill all the slavers. -Xbox 360- -Zalakai

VIP Slaves randomly dying within Paradise ...?[]

For someone with a really good RP in mind, I figured the best solution to the problem of gaining access to Paradise Falls would be to just enslave Arkansas, as the choice of a bribe was a close alternative, but it would force me to eventually kill poor Arkansas when scouting Minefield. So, I got him Mezzed, collared, and fast traveled to Paradise to make sure he got back safely before looting what I could from Paradise and going back to Minefield to clean up, trying hard to make sure I leave that whole story arch open for the time being ...but pointedly with the eventual intention to release Arkansas back to his hermit life in Minefield.

After 30+ more hours of gameplay while completely ignoring and avoiding Paradise Falls, I decide to swing back through to drop off the 20x Chinese assault rifles, when I get yelled at by Grouse for allowing a VIP to die, saying that I needed to pay for another collar (despite already having one for successfully bringing Arkansas back). The other 3 VIP's are alive and well (as I haven't even bothered with them concerning this quest), and Arkansas is nowhere to be found ...so I guess he got killed somehow within Paradise Falls.

Is this to be expected? If so, why isn't it mentioned in the article? ...if not, has anyone else experienced something similar? - Can I add it as a bug? Dsurian 07:47, January 16, 2016 (UTC)

It happened to me too. I enslaved all four VIPs and after about 20 hours of gameplay I fast travel to Paradise Falls to give some Chinese Assault Rifles to Pronto and Grouse scolds me for letting all four VIPs die. I was playing with the Updated Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch 2.1. Torgue (talk) 19:43, February 20, 2016 (UTC)