Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Why is this a quest?[]

This is more of a Random Encounter type thing because seriously, when you get irradiated you can go anywhere for healing, not just this particular doctor...

-1337 merc

Agreed. There is nothing about this that makes it a quest, marked or otherwise. Is this in the game guide, or is there some other reason for this being marked as a quest? I suggest page be deleted and there be a note on Ada Straus concerning her having the lowest prices of healing -- on that note, I would also ask for some verification on whether she is the cheapest as I have not noticed this in game before. Flagcaptured 16:43, May 5, 2011 (UTC)

I was just in novac, her service prices were not any different from other doctors. Perhaps someone confused the static price of medical treatment with merchant rates based on NPC barter skill. --Xclockwatcher 18:12, May 8, 2011 (UTC)
Obviously something is wrong with this unmarked quest. I tested this pretty thoroughly and her prices don't change. I got Dixon's Jet and Whiskey. Kept getting addicted, kept getting rid of my addictions using her services. Kept throwing a grenade down, kept using her to heal me up. Kept eating radiated food, used her services to get rid of my radiation. Also, you can't even get all 3 services in 1 conversation because after she heals you, the screen goes black and you go out of conversation. Anyway, after all that, her prices remain the same... 50 to heal addiction, 50 to restore health, 100 to remove radiation. Even if this is an official unmarked quest... it doesn't work and someone needs to look into the GECK to see why it's not working. Timzamp 04:05, October 1, 2011 (UTC)
There is no reason that this is a quest. However, officially, this is an unmarked quest. There are many hard to understand things in the Fallout games. This may be one of them. Love, ΣΔ 02:02, December 18, 2011 (UTC)

Nomination for deletion?[]

Should this page be removed? Like, going to a doctor isn't really a quest. Just because her prices are cheap doesn't mean she's any different. In my opinion, it should be removed. Yes-Man 10:04, June 25, 2011 (UTC)

Do not delete[]

If people have a problem with a quest fine, but that doesn't mean the page should be deleted because they don't like it.

First is an official unmarked quest. Second, she is the cheapest doctor in the game, every procedure is only 50 caps, no other doctor in the Wasteland charge this for curing radiation poison for example. And third, if you use her services three or four times in a row every procedure will cost only 40 caps, the price drop even more, making her THE doctor to be used. Also, she's the only doctor in the game that sells medical supplies AND addictive chems at the same time, like Psycho. Brfritos 12:03, June 30, 2011 (UTC)

For the above-stated reasons, this page will not be deleted. The first reason alone is sufficient - this is an official unmarked quest. --Kris User Hola 14:02, June 30, 2011 (UTC)
But I am not sure every procedure in face is 50 caps. Like the other player who commented on the prices being incorrect, I tested this when addicted, heavily injured, and/or heavily irradiated several times, and I don't get anything other than 100 caps for removing radiation. Also, I am idolized in Novac, but I seems to make no difference. Heck she doesn't even really seem to give me a discount. On my other play-through, I vaguely remembered her giving me one, but not on this go. I could be misremembering, but it could, like many other odd things recently, be from a patch. On a related note, I was also wondering, how does one know when something like this is an "official unmarked quest"? -- 01:48, December 18, 2011 (UTC)
Being listed in the Official Fallout New Vegas game guide makes it an official quest, that's how they get the names for all of the unmarked quests in the game. This quest may be broken, but its not like its the only thing the guide has gotten wrong. Holythirteen (talk) 05:59, November 13, 2013 (UTC)


Can anyone get a G.E.C.K. of what types of items she sells? I havent seen her carry the dirty water/pitchers recently, though she used to before some of the patches that is why I added it. I didn't realize she was unique in selling addictive chems and medical supplies. I will add that in to the article. Mictlantecuhtli 16:01, August 4, 2011 (UTC)

Quest is bugged and no longer functional, price may be incorrect.[]

I found this article describing the quest after looking up the character, since I figured she was too funny to not have some interesting cut content. I first purchased all of her services, which did not complete the quest. Healing my radiation cost 100, not 50 caps. After purchasing all of her services did not work, I completed the quest via a console command, which gave me 100 xp, counted as a challenge completed, and a quest for questing mark, but did not reduce her prices. In fact, she charged me 75 caps to heal, even after I left the area and came back. I assume the price reduction is a flag or something set during the conversation, which can no longer trigger as it is impossible to get more than one service from a doctor per conversation. Her odd prices and lack of change may be due to mods I have installed (Viva New Vegas), but I don't think this is likely since all other dialogue-based transactions don't have their prices changed. I would test all this myself on a minimally modded version of New Vegas, but writing this is all the time I'm going to spare for figuring this out. Best of luck to anyone who feels like figuring out this broken and unimportant quest. KirinKalypso (talk) 21:28, 21 July 2021 (UTC)
