Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Anyone else thinks regular gatling laser is way better(when upgraded). Crit modifier is too low and GL(with focus optics) is already doing 13 damage per shot hence doing 390 dps. I would call it useful if only it had ammo capacity of 240. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

More damage and WAY more accurate. Try it. --Vladimir-Lem 13:22, September 29, 2011 (UTC)

Green beams... 'Nuff said --6 Xero 9 06:20, October 27, 2011 (UTC)

The Avenger problem...again?[]

I didn't tested the weapon, so maybe I could be wrong, but it seems to me this suffer the same problem of the CZ57 Avenger minigun: low ammo capacity. Avenger is way more powerfull and accurate than a normal minigun, but it suffers when comparing of how much ammo you can carry. When applying the mods in a regular minigun Avenger is still more powerfull, but the minigun will end performing better. Brfritos 03:43, September 30, 2011 (UTC)

We seem to know where the Sprtel and Wood come from, so do we have any idea where the 9700 comes from? It seems a bit odd to have half the name come from something and the other half completely random. Si vis pacem, para bellum. 16:09, October 27, 2011 (UTC)

Srtel vs other heave energy weaps[]

Well, I'm more of an energy weapon user. (mainly because I've always loved the gauss rifle and I think the YCS/186 is one of the best weapons in the game, if not the best). SO I'd really rather not use the avenger... I'm more between the Sprtel-wood (or modded gtl laser, seeing as it seems to be a better option), and the Smitty Special (again, or Plasma Caster). Which one would be a better choice? Acoording to my testing, the Sprtel/Gtl is better in V.A.T.S... but the Smitty's higher dmg/shot seems usefull against higher DT opponents... so... I'm not sure which one is better.

Personally it's more on personal choice;The Smitty has almost twice dmg/shot than Sprtel(1:0).Smitty has lower base DPS than Sprtel(1:1).Smitty fires almost half shots/second than Sprtel(1:2).Smitty has almost double/triple spread of Sprtel(this results in a general lower DPS on field on Smitty's part) (1:3).If you fire nonstop from full ammo and have no affecting perks,Smitty is emptied in about 2.8s while Sprtel is emptied in about 4.5s (this results in a general lower DPS on field on Smitty's part) (1:4).I'm not very familiar with calculating DPS from crits but Smitty would be able to hit at least double if not more crit chance than Sprtel(whose max crit chance is 19% with all perks that add flat crit chance)(2:4).On hardcore,each clip Smitty fires weighs 2 points while Sprtel's clips weigh 2.25(3:4).Theoretically,Smitty would outshine Sprtel in VATS because of related perks(plasma spaz,namely) and both guns having the same AP cost.I trust that your test is accurate(3:5).Finally,Smitty fires green balls of plasma while Sprtel fires green laser beams(4:5 or 3:6 depending on your personal liking;I prefer plasma beams).If you look at it from this angle,Sprtel would have better overall efficiency but definitely would have moments where it's weaker than Smitty. --Bob 12:15, April 7, 2012 (UTC)

Crash to Desktop[]

My Fallout New vegas always CTD everytime I fire ammunition using Sprtel-Wood 9700. 05:53, April 19, 2013 (UTC)Passing Lurker

Umm Can't Find it[]

I killed the Van Graffs in my playthrough but the Vendotron does not have it in stock. Is this a glitch?

It's randomized. ForGaroux Some Assembly Required! 01:15, September 8, 2013 (UTC)

That explains alot then the wiki said the gunrunners would have it if they died someone might want to edit that. Thanks I'll keep looking for it.--Friskytwinky11 (talk) 01:19, September 8, 2013 (UTC)

Sometimes it does take a while... You'd think it'd be there by the next stocking cycle. But for me, I know it took a few weeks (in-game) to finally buy it. ForGaroux Some Assembly Required! 01:22, September 8, 2013 (UTC)

Weird Pink Beam bug[]

Hi. I love this gun, but for some weird reason, for me it shoots a pink beam. Anyone have a solution to that? -- 17:43, October 9, 2014 (UTC)
