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Fallout Wiki

Supply line issues[]

There's a lot of conflicting information online about how Spectacle Island works with supply lines. The article here mentions provisioners dying "likely from radiation" (it was drowning before): this has never happened in my experience, and shouldn't as provisioners are marked protected, but I guess I can't completely rule out the possibility radiation (which lowers max HP instead of dealing conventional damage) could manage to bypass the protection mechanic.

I have, however, experienced frequent supply line breaking when around the area (never when away), both with normal human provisioners and ghoul ones, which seems to happen to some more people online from a quick google search. The supply line restores itself if I travel away and often even if I walk towards one side of the island: most likely because doing so you walk into other cells. I believe the "legend" about provisioners dying comes from this issue: people see the line disappearing and conclude the provisioner has died, when it isn't the case; the most likely cause is, instead, a pathing issue. When you are around - and as such the npc is loaded - having to find a path through water/rough coastal terrain can confuse the npc's pathing, at which point after a while the npc "gives up" and tries to idle away, which stops the provisioning routine. As soon as you go away (or apparently find the npc and interact with it, interrupting its idle and thus restarting its routine, as mentioned by a couple players on Reddit and Steam), changing cell and as such unloading the npc, pathing isn't relevant anymore and the supply line restores itself.

Can't 100% confirm it alone, so I hope more contributors can help troubleshoot the issue either confirming my suspects or proving me wrong, but I have however followed myself a ghoul provisioner in its Spectacle Island - Castle route, and can testify on the severely borked pathing when in the water: the provisioner tends to swim from a while, and then often stops in its track for a few seconds up to a minute or so, before swimming another short while and then stopping again. In the middle of the water these stops don't seem to break up the supply line, but it would make sense - taking at face value the aforementioned statements from Reddit and Steam - that when it happens near other things that could be interacted/idled with, these stops could lead to the mentioned "giving up" by the npc and subsequent break up of the supply line when the npc starts a different routine from the interrupted provisioning one.

  • That is exactly what is happening. Please go ahead and rewrite the article to reflect these facts. --BigMill (talk) 08:04, January 7, 2016 (UTC)

Originally I had a Mr. Handy from Graygarden running a supply line there. I had almost no problems setting up the entire island, with only a few times where I would somehow be out of supplies. This only lasted a few seconds, but then I actually saw the Mr. Handy come onto the shore when building and it turned back around and into the water. After that, I saved and resumed playing the next day, and there was no supply line. The Mr. Handy seems to be completely gone, so I sent a ghoul to Warwick Homestead and ran a supply line from there. I had a good 5 minutes from when I fast traveled back to the island before the line was cut, but it was reestablished when I went back to the homestead and saw the ghoul walk to the north end and get stuck in the water by the shore. Anyway, from that point, I get a few minutes from then to keep building before I have to go back and watch him get stuck again. What I'm wondering, though, is if anyone has tried using the vault-tec rep. I don't know if it's because of the distance, but I have him running a line from Sanctuary to Red Rocket. He never leaves Sanctuary, and just walks around the town with his Brahmin. I'm afraid to try it myself though, he's just so precious and I don't know what I would do if I lost him, other than continue playing and forget about it. 00:20, December 17, 2015 (UTC)

I had a human provisioner equipped with a hazmat suit running from Warwick Homestead to the Island and had no trouble whatsoever (there's less deep water so I figured it was better than from the Castle, as well as being marginally closer I think)... with the signal generator going there's no mirelurks but I have defences set up at the edge of each build zone on his route - just in case.DngnRdr (talk) 09:59, December 29, 2015 (UTC)

  • I just found this place now, set up a caravan and sent a provisioner from the castle and 2 settlers from sanctuary, fyi provisioners are protected, settlers normally are too, I have tested this before settlers dont die from radiation. The only settlers who can die normally are the tier 4 NPCs. ItsHectic (talk) 17:12, January 1, 2016 (UTC)

  • Caravans appear safe on PC at least: [1]

ItsHectic (talk) 17:20, January 1, 2016 (UTC)

  • I can confirm: For many game weeks (PC) I have had two provisioners (type: "settlers," non-ghoul) from Spectacle Island without any radiation protection nor masks, and none have died yet. Also, you shouldn't set the Vault-Tec Rep as a provisioner, as he is one of only a few that can make premium 4th-tier Merchants in a settlement 3rd tier general merchandise kiosk. HalloweenWeed (talk) 15:10, February 23, 2016 (UTC)

Buried Suitcase[]

It just contained leveled loot for me. Anyone confirm the lab coat?

Any reference to the pre-war millionaire owning the island and trying to make it into a paradise, or is it just speculation?

There was no lab coat for me. I got some .38 rounds, a few caps and a sweater vest.

Ship Generator[]

Made the mistake of disconnecting the wire to the generator as I was going to run power out the other side and put in a couple of purifiers by the boat (I had already added a medium generator on top of the hill to power the anti-mirelurk signal and removed the wire running all the way up the hill), but after that last segment of wire was gone, it wouldn't let me run another wire. So if you want to do something similar.... just move the last segment of wire around by the connector, don't disconnect it. DngnRdr (talk) 15:45, December 15, 2015 (UTC)

Finding Settlers[]

Having difficulty finding settlers to assign them - that's what the bell is for :p

  • A siren get their attention and gets them gathered faster. I also dress my settlers, traders, provisoners, guards, artillery and scavengers for their jobs so I can recognize them easily. The easiest trick is to remove the hats of any farmer so I recognize any newcomers.--BigMill (talk) 08:17, January 7, 2016 (UTC)

Mirelurk Attacks?[]

I never had any mirelurks respawn there - though I kept the signal generator operational - are you sure you didn't accidentally disconnect it (many of the connectors are attached to salvageable trees so you may have accidentally disconnected it). Though I did also have my assorted zones (farming, living, trading etc) each well defended by Settlers and turrets.

I just fast-traveled to the Island to find a Glowing Mirelurk attacking on the beach, despite an active repulsion signal. After I dispatched the Mirelurk, I confirmed that the wires were contiguous and the CB on. I turned the CB off, then back on again, and the audible signal sound played for the activation. So I am saying it is bugged, but not bugged badly, as its occurrence in rare. I play on the PC, but I suspect other platforms have the same bug. HalloweenWeed (talk) 19:59, February 27, 2016 (UTC)

Power supply issues[]

The power from the ship doesn't run when you're not on that side of the island. I set up a water pump next to the ship, connected the power to the ship's supply and I see 40 units of water but I leave and jump back later to the far side of the island, where my settlement and farm are located and I only have 3 water from the one well. If I walk back to the ship side I suddenly get the 40 water back. Then if I spend too much time on he ship side I'll lose my beds. It goes from 20 to 3 beds and turns red. A walk back to the far side fixes that.

Running a wire across the island doesn't work either. The 20 power from the ship will still disappear if you're away from the ship side of the island.--BigMill (talk) 08:17, January 7, 2016 (UTC)

  • I think the bed issue is a completely separate issue, the well known issue with beds in all settlements. It doesn't really matter unless it is screwing up your happiness score, preventing settler recruitment. Does it happen when you fast-travel away from the settlement? If so, this is for sure the settlement bed bug (no pun intended). It happens randomly with your settlements per game, and seems to be consistent throughout each full game playthrough, affecting only certain settlements per game playthrough. HalloweenWeed (talk) 15:20, February 23, 2016 (UTC)

After setting it, I have seen the electrical supply to the repulsion signal interrupted twice - both times discovered upon fast-travelling to the Island. The first time, the last large power pylon between the boat and the signal generator (the one on the hill) was missing, as was the wires to it of course. I had to replace the pylon and the wires, turn off the circuit breaker, and then turn it back on to restore the repulsion signal. A week or so later (game time) I found the link broken again, this time another 'power pylon' was missing, I think it was two more down the chain toward the boat (3rd from the mast over the shack), and I found an electrical insulator (called a "conduit" in the game) in the branches of the nearby tree, with a wire running from the last currently contiguous 'pylon' in the chain, you know, those ones that are like a pole with a conduit attached. It was as if the pole disappeared, and the conduit jumped to the nearby tree, but the distance was too long to the power pylon toward the signal generator (on the hill) so that wire was gone. I replaced the power pylon, strung the new wires, and haven't had it break again since.

When it broke, I had Mirelurks (1-2) attacking the settlers from the middle of the beach (actually the settlers may have been attacking the Mirelurks, I don't know, as I was not there when it started). I noticed before I turned on the signal, the behavior of the (regular) Mirelurks: they ran back and forth, north to south, in the middle of the beach; and that was the area that the settlers and Mirelurk(s) were fighting when the signal was broken. HalloweenWeed (talk) 17:19, February 23, 2016 (UTC)

I built my water purifiers on the north side of the island, and I haven't had any glitches with them yet. HalloweenWeed (talk) 17:54, February 23, 2016 (UTC)


I just want to say that some part of the information here is wrong. I`m 99% sure that provisioners can`t die from anything apart from friendly fire ( I don`t count failed "defending quests" though). I`v tested it different ways. If they take too much damage, they just sit on the ground untill their health is restored (same as companions do). But friendly fire can kill them very easy and it won`t be counted as a murder (if both of you were in a fight at the moment). So you will never be informed that you killed your provisioner in such case. Anyway about the Spectacle island and my testing. I sent a human from the Castle and from Warwick. I don`t recommend sending from Warwick because the path from Warwick to Spectacle island is really weird and extremelly long. I`v tried to follow my provisioner, but gave up after an hour of real time. It seems that this path goes through all the map. Though it still works. Sending from the Castle is the best option on my view. Though the supply line a little bit buggy..Sometimes (not often) it can dissapear for a time..Fastravelling to the Castle usually fixes it. If not - need to wait 5-10 mins and reapeat. I tested it for 2-3 in-game months and nothing ever happened with my provisiners. To be correct with any of my 25 provisioners. Sorry if my English is not perfect, i`m not native English speaker but I hope somebody else will read it and correct the page.

Different contributor here. I just tried making a Mr. Handy based bot and using it as the provisioner between The Castle and Spectacle Island. He does not fly, but instead swims his way there. The good news is that the flame thruster makes the bot pretty easy to spot underwater.

Automatron Bug[]

I sent two automatrons (one was Ada) to Spectacle Island (Equipped with sentry treads) when i went there I could not find them anywhere and I assumed they were gone for good. Now I have recntly been using Vault-Tec Work shop and discovered the population management thing and decided to track Ada to see if it could find her, it said it was in the water between spectacle island and the mainland, so I swam out there (With the Aquaboy perk) and found both Automatrons Spazing out at the sea floor. Now I don't know how to get them back any ideas?—Preceding unsigned comment added by Creepkiller37 (talkcontribs) 22:03, 13 March 2017‎. Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

It depends what platform you are playing on. For the PC version you could move to the centre of the island and use the console commands:
prid xx00fd5a then moveto player (or xx00fd5a.moveto player) to move them to your position. I have used Ada's base ID the example. The alternative is to set them as your current follower, fast travel to the island and dismiss them. This would mean they are already on the island and shouldn't get stuck in the sea again. Sakaratte (talk) 22:16, March 13, 2017 (UTC)
Thank you for replying so quickly, I am currently playing on the PS4 version, when I found her I could not interact with but the indicator did appear, I did manage to real them in however by using a robot work bench to Teleport them in, however it took a lot of waiting for them to get close enough to teleport them, also they appeared to only be moved by the current. Also I completely forgot to sign my name. Creepkiller37 (talk) 05:30, March 15, 2017 (UTC)Creepkiller37

Infobox heading[]

Spectacle Island is a settlement. The first note above the {{infobox location}} template reads, its a "Fallout 4 location". It should read: its a "Fallout 4 settlement". Qrsr (talk) 13:02, 23 June 2022 (UTC)
